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Chapter 2 Theories of Human Development

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1 Chapter 2 Theories of Human Development


3 The Psychoanalytic Perspective
Freud ( ) Sex and aggression influence personality

4 The Psychoanalytic Perspective
Psychoanalysis unconscious motives and conflicts Techniques to expose and interpret unconscious tensions

5 Superego provides standards for judgment (the conscience)
Id, Ego and Superego Id - Instinctual nature of humans (anger and sex). - the pleasure principle Superego provides standards for judgment (the conscience) Largely conscious, ego - mediates the demands of id and superego (reality principle).

6 Chapter 3 – Personality Which horse is the Id? Superego?

7 Personality Structure

8 Freudian slip – a slip of the tongue that reveals an unconscious motive or thought
“Freud gave 5 pubic lectures here.”

9 Exploring the Unconscious
Feud asked patients to say whatever came to their mind (free association). OBJECTIVE 44-3| Discuss Freud’s view of the mind as an iceberg, and explain how he used this image to represent conscious and unconscious regions of the mind. Psychology 7e in Modules

10 interpreting the manifest and latent contents of dreams.
Dream Analysis interpreting the manifest and latent contents of dreams. The Nightmare, Henry Fuseli (1791)

11 Rorschach Inkblot Test
10 inkblots - designed by Hermann Rorschach.

12 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Developed by Henry Murray,

13 Freud’s Psychosexual Development
Child moves through 5 stages Stages result from conflict between Id & Superego Conflict creates anxiety Ego defends against anxiety with defense mechanisms Early experiences have long-term effects on personality

14 Oral stage - first year of life in which the mouth is the erogenous zone and weaning is the primary conflict. Id dominated. Menu

15 Anal stage - second stage - about 2 years of age, the anus is the erogenous zone and toilet training is the source of conflict. Ego develops. Anal expulsive personality messy, destructive, and hostile. Anal retentive personality - neat, fussy, stingy, and stubborn.

16 Phallic stage - 3 - 6 years of age, in which the child discovers sexual feelings. Superego develops.

17 Electra complex for the girl’s desire for the father.
Oedipus Complex A boy’s sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father. Electra complex for the girl’s desire for the father.

18 Identification Through identification their superego gains strength incorporating parents’ values. From the K. Vandervelde private collection

19 Genital – sexual feelings reawaken with appropriate targets.
Latency - fourth stage occurring during the school years, in which the sexual feelings of the child are repressed while the child develops in other ways. Genital – sexual feelings reawaken with appropriate targets. Menu




23 Exploring the Unconscious
Freud asked patients to say whatever came to their mind (free association) to tap the unconscious. OBJECTIVE 44-3| Discuss Freud’s view of the mind as an iceberg, and explain how he used this image to represent conscious and unconscious regions of the mind. Psychology 7e in Modules

24 Dream Analysis Another method to analyze the unconscious mind is through interpreting the manifest and latent contents of dreams. The Nightmare, Henry Fuseli (1791)

25 Rorschach Inkblot Test
10 inkblots - designed by Hermann Rorschach.

26 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Developed by Henry Murray,

27 Strengths and Weaknesses of Freud’s Theory
Awareness of unconscious motivation Emphasized important early experience Neo-Freudians have been influential Weaknesses Ambiguous, inconsistent, not testable Not supported by research

28 When a student asked him what was the significance of his cigar, Freud replied “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”

29 Erik Erikson (psycho-social theory)
Most influential neo-Freudian Some differences with Freud Less emphasis on sexual urges More emphasis on rational ego More positive and adaptive view of human nature Believed development continues through adulthood


31 Favorable outcomes at each stage - "virtues
Favorable outcomes at each stage - "virtues.“ Or, maladaptations (too much positive) or malignancies (too much negative) The virtues are: 1. hope 2. will 3. purpose 4. confidence 5. fidelity 6. love 7. care 8. wisdom

32 Strengths and Weaknesses of Erikson
Emphasis on rational and adaptive nature Interaction of biological & social influences Focus on identity crisis of adolescence still most relevant Weaknesses Sometimes vague and difficult to test Does not explain how development comes about

33 Classical Conditioning
Ivan Pavlov Russian physician/ neurophysiologist studied digestive secretions

34 Behavioral Approaches
Classical Conditioning - a type of learning in which an organism learns to connect or associate stimuli. 34

35 Classical Conditioning
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) stimulus that unconditionally--automatically and naturally--triggers a response Unconditioned Response (UCR) unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus salivation when food is in the mouth

36 Classical Conditioning
Conditioned Stimulus (CS) originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response Conditioned Response (CR) learned response to a previously neutral conditioned stimulus

37 The CS needs to come half a second before the US to cause acquisition.

38 Classical Conditioning: An Example
Flash of camera (UCS) Blinking (UCR) causes Camera (NS) Flash of camera (UCS) + = Camera (CS) Camera (CS) Blinking (CR) causes Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2006

39 Nausea Conditioning in Cancer Patients
UCS (drug) UCR (nausea) CS (waiting room) CR

40 Nancy is a cancer patient who chose radiation to treat her breast cancer. The radiation treatments, which she gets at the local hospital always leave her feeling nauseous, weak and tired. After three months of treatment, she finds that the mere sight of the hospital causes her to feel nauseous. What is the unconditioned stimulus (US)? _________________________________ What is the unconditioned response (UR)? _________________________________ What is the conditioned stimulus (CS)? ___________________________________ What is the conditioned response (CR)? ___________________________________

41 Bill always has a cigarette when he gets home from work to help him relax. This has been his routine for years. Now, as soon as he enters his house, he experiences a strong craving for a cigarette. What is the unconditioned stimulus (US)? _________________________________ What is the unconditioned response (UR)? _________________________________ What is the conditioned stimulus (CS)? ___________________________________ What is the conditioned response (CR)? ___________________________________

42 Behavioral Approaches
Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Operant Behavior - operates (acts) on environment produces consequences Consequences (rewards and punishments) Reinforcement (reward) increases the probability that a behavior will occur. Punishment decreases the probability that a behavior will occur. 42

43 Types of Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement – giving something that the person wants that increases the behavior Examples: Praise Teacher attention Rewards Negative reinforcement – taking away something that the person does not want that increases the behavior Taking away chores Taking away time-out

44 Loss of playing video games
Types of Punishment Presentation Punishment (type I or positive punishment) – giving something that the person does not want that decreases the behavior Detention Extra work Removal Punishment (type II or negative punishment) – taking away something that the person wants that decreases the behavior Loss of recess Loss of playing video games

45 Social Cognitive Approaches to Learning
Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory Social, Cognitive, and Behavioral factors play important roles in learning. Self-efficacy: The belief that one can master a situation and produce positive outcomes. Observational Learning occurs when a person observes and imitates someone else’s behavior. 45

46 Social Cognitive Approaches to Learning Bandura’s Contemporary Model
Retention Student retention will be improved when teachers give logical and clear demonstrations. Attention Students are more likely to be attentive to high status models (teachers). Production Poor motor ability inhibits reproduction of the model’s behavior. Help improve skills. Motivation When given a reinforcement, modeling increases. 46

47 Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory
Formerly called social learning theory Humans think, anticipate, believe, etc. Cognitive emphasis: observational learning BoBo doll studies Model praised or punished Child learned to imitate rewarded model Vicarious reinforcement

48 LO 5.21 Bandura’s classic Bobo doll study

49 Children modeling after pro wrestlers
Modeling Violence Children modeling after pro wrestlers

50 Learning Theory: Strengths & Weaknesses
Precise and testable theory Carefully controlled experiments Practical applications across lifespan Weaknesses Inadequate account of lifespan changes Ignored genetic and maturational processes

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