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Quality Maintenance Pillar Awareness Training Programme.

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1 Quality Maintenance Pillar Awareness Training Programme

2 Quality Maintenance (Hinshitsu Hozen)

3 Background Defects were high No structured approach to analyze defects No sustained efforts For defect prevention Process condition are not standardized High process variation No customer satisfaction for survival Background – QM Pillar

4 Survival Zero Defect Competition Quality Customer Demand Globalization Customer Satisfaction Why Quality

5 Aim – QM Pillar To establish defect free manufacturing process where Quality is built into the process leading to consistent product And Quality into the hands of Customer

6 CategoryParametersUOM BM (May'08) BAL Award Criteria Target (Mar'10) Current Status (Aug'09) Remarks P Production loss due to Defective Input Material Hrs.-- 00 Sustaine d Q Customer complaints (PPM)PPM19--002 Not Achieved In-house Rejection (PPM) - Plant Level PPM4119 80% Down 8240532Achieved In-house Rejection Phenomena - Plant Level Nos.60-- 016Achieved Early Failure (PPM)PPM00000 Sustaine d Warranty (PPM)PPM1574--<100 2779 Not Achieved Supplier parts (PPM)PPM23114-- 02819 Not Achieved C Scrap Cost (Rs/Comp)Rs.1.20 80% Down 0.2400.21Achieved M QM Kaizens/employee/month Nos.0.2-- 11.2Achieved Target – QM Pillar

7 7 Identify defective component Defect phenomena identification Review Insp. Std. for adequacy of Prepare QA matrix gauges, checking method, frequency Stratify defect phenomena A,B,C wise Prepare revised std. PFMEA,Process flow Control Plan Analyze by why-why Plan & implement counter measure Trend graph 1.Make kaizen / countermeasure Prepare QM Matrix 2. Simplification of Inspection Method Check conditions as per QM matrix and take actions before defect occurs identify Q component which have already caused defect and monitor it to sustain zero defect Review results for effectiveness Achieving – “Zero Defect” Sustaining – “Zero Defect” Approach

8 QM Master Plan Master plan for Quality Maintenance is planning of various activities in this pillar with respect to the time frame in months and years. According to the stage of TPM implementation it can start at various levels. In the beginning it will start with data collection on defects to improving conditions to sustaining zero defect conditions.

9 QM Master Plan

10 10 QM Pillar – Master Plan

11 11 Defect Prevention 1.Customer complaint 2.EFR /Warranty defects 3.Inhouse defects (In process + Vendor parts)

12 12 Customer Complaint: Why do you have customer complaint? Because, you do not inspect the defect of your product. So, your customer inspects your product instead of you. On the other hand, even if you dispatch good quality, during transportation time, product gets damaged either due to poor packaging or products hitting each other. When I ask, why customer complaint happens, usually your answer is “due to product defect”. The answer is correct. But I say this is not correct. May be you have big doubt. So I ask next question, why do you have in process and final inspection? You say, because if we do not do inspection, customer complaint will happen. So finally customer complaint links to inspection.

13 13 Customer Complaint: Many companies have sampling inspection. Sampling means inspect some products, not all products. So, customer complaint comes from sampling inspection (not inspecting all). Even if 100% inspection, visual inspection is dangerous. Because Poka (Missing, mistake by human being) problem. Poka is very natural. If you say, I never mistake, it is already a mistake. When I ask the company, why you do not do 100% inspection perfect final inspection? They say, we need a lot of time, manpower, some investment money. I ask the next question, which is important between customer complaint zero and additional money? They have some excuse. This answer depends on top management, not operator. I ask operator, how many defects did you observe today? Operator replies “Zero”. I say, you did not inspect all products. So, of course, defect is zero, but at next process customer complaint is not zero. Defect and customer complaint is like a balance. (A) (B) 0-----------------------------0 (A) – Defect (B) – Customer complaint

14 14 Customer Complaint: Next case: if in process is zero, do we need final inspection? I say, you do not need. But I ask, is it possible that in process defect is zero? If you say “Yes”. Please explain “ how to do”. If you can not explain, I say inspection is necessary. Conclusion: To challenge “Zero” Customer Complaint, you must change inspection method. * Sampling inspection to 100% inspection * 100% visual inspection to 100% gauge inspection * 100% gauge inspection to 100% Instrument / machine inspection with Poka Yoke. * How to prevent Poka is very important.

15 15 Warranty: Warranty happens due to weak strength, forced deterioration, especially Poka, wrong parts and slight defect, which is very dangerous. TOYOTA says, Quality is the guarantee for product life (part’s life). That is, you can confidently say, after market, up to 40,000 KM no problem. Quality means exactly “No problem” In-process defect: When I ask why do you need in process inspection? What is your answer? If you say, prevent customer complaint, this is not correct. The correct answer is, we have to know whether all 4MT conditions are OK or not. 4MT conditions; machine, material, process method, man (Poka yoke),tool and then especially Deterioration is within limit or not. Processed product is the result after processing. We need to ensure the cause side of condition before processing. Generally your in process inspection is against processed product. That is after defect, you need some adjustment. In this case maintaining in process defect “Zero” is very difficult. Hence inspection is necessary during in process.

16 16 How to achieve / prevent Zero customer complaint?

17 Customer Complaint Prevention Customer Complaints (BAL) Suppliers (Varroc) Understanding the complaints Stratifying the complaint AcceptedNot AcceptedCustomerArriving at Consensus Cause sideDefect Matrix Technical Analysis Finding Root cause/s Kaizen/ Poka Yoke / Action Non-Technical Revisit Facilities Strengthen/Input Facilities Education to operators OJT Audit by supervisors Course Correction/Demonstration Sustenance Inspection side Strengthening Inspection method Implement Analysis Sustenance Action See Result OK Not OK Sustenance Action See Result OK Not OK

18 18 How to sustain Zero customer complaint?

19 Sustenance Action Zero Customer Complaint Zero CC How ? Ensure Improvement of working PM of inspection equipment. Poka Yoke to prevent failures Prevent Skip case Prevent mix up of not ok with ok Sustain Zero CC Inspection Improvement Customer Complaint (CC) Interlock Kaizen, Poka yoke, Design Improvements etc JH check sheet for checking whether working or not. PM check sheet for repair if not working

20 1) Verify present status 2) Survey of process which generated defect 3) Survey and analysis of 4M conditions 4) Study of malfunction countermeasures 5) Analysis of conditions for non-defective units that are not confirmed 6) Improve 4M condition defects 7) Setting 4M conditions 8) Intensification and improvement of check methods 9) Deciding check reference value 10) Standard revision and trend control 10 Steps of Quality Maintenance

21 Data Collection on defects Identify total no. of defect phenomena Shop /Cell wise stratification Preparation of Defect matrix Selecting component for further study based on priority Study the component drawing for inspection & inspection standard availability Step-1 – Verify present status

22 Defect Classification

23 OK NOT-OK ‘A’ TYPE DEFECT Action taken by Operator Limit of output specification The output is (OK ) initially Becomes Not ok Corrective action action by operator Becomes OK Root causes analysis Tool Why Why Analysis Defect Classification LSLUSL

24 A type Defect - Examples

25 NOT-OK ‘B’ TYPE DEFECT No Action by operator Limit of output specification The output is (OK ) initially Becomes Not ok NO action taken by operator Becomes OK Root causes analysis Tool PM Analysis or C & E Diagram OK Defect Classification LSLUSL

26 DivisionProduct CategoryB Type Defect Polymer PU FoamFoam uneven feel ExtrusionBlack spot Electrical Flywheel MagnetoRotor case damage Flywheel MagnetoDent mark on taper Metallic GearBore ovality Crank pinPitting mark B type Defect - Examples

27 OK ‘C’ TYPE DEFECT Action by taken operator Limit of output specification The output is (Not OK ) initially Action taken by operator Becomes OK (Setting scrap) Root causes analysis Tool Why,Why Analysis or C & E Diagram Not OK OK LSLUSL Defect Classification

28 C type Defect - Examples


30 Study of possible and happened defect phenomena in past for similar component. QA Matrix for quality characteristics based on process survey (Possibility) QA Matrix updation based on defects occurred Step-2 – Survey of process which generated defect

31 Prepare Quality Assurance matrix & reflection in standards QA Matrix – QA (Quality Assurance) Matrix is used to find out sources of defects in product. QA matrix shows the relation ship between defect/defect mode & the process which causes it. It requires data collection for defects at various process stages to prepare a QA Matrix. Hence QA matrix is to be made quality defect wise, process wise and machine wise.

32 QA Matrix

33 Step-3 – Survey and analysis of 4M conditions This analysis is a set of conditions with respect to Man, machine, material and method for obtaining a good products. It helps in identifying 4M standards and checking is possible against these standards. Removing this variability can some times eliminate Quality defects in the product.

34 Caused by Raw Material conditions Caused by Equipment precision Caused by Method Conditions Caused by Condition of people involved Producing materials not generate defect Search for materials not generate defects Fostering vendors not cause defects Set condition of material not to generate defect Manufacturing equipment not generate defects PM Analysis Improvements to Equipment not generate defects Set Conditions of equipment not generate defects Devising methods not generate defects Search for Methods not generate defects Improvements to Methods not generate defects Set Condition of method not generate defects Fostering operators strong in equipment and job Autonomous maintenance & skill Education training Management of conditions not generate defects Zero Quality Defect Trouble finding Process and recovery Maintenance & mgt Quality Defect factors -4MT Pursue relationship Between Quality Char & Material / Equipment Method conditions Manufacturing Equipment not generate defects

35 4MT Condition to decide Quality




39 4M Condition to decide Quality

40 Corrective action (Kaizen / Pokayoke) for the defect phenomena. Refer QA Matrix prepared earlier. Consider all 4M conditions for the defect. Analyze the defect & implement countermeasures for the root cause and possible causes. Step-4 – Study of malfunction countermeasures & restore malfunctions.

41 41 The word “KAIZEN” is basically Japanese word. “KAI” means Continuous & “ZEN” means Improvement. So Kaizen is nothing but Continuous improvement. The starting point of any improvement is to recognize the need of change. It comes from recognizing a problem which comes from individual eye-capability to see what is not right. What is MUDA (Waste), MURI ( Inconsistency) & MURA (Strain) loss. Kaizen topic includes : 1) Rejection (defect) 2) Manpower 3) Technique 4) Method 5) Time 6) Facilities 7) Jigs / Tools 8) Materials 9) Production volume 10) Inventory 11) Place (space) 12) Safety etc. Kaizen for eliminating defects There are mainly 3 types of Kaizen. 1. 2 Quadrant Kaizen 2. 4 Quadrant Kaizen 3. Concentrated Kaizen

42 42

43 Pokayoke for eliminating defects Poka yoke is a technique for avoiding simple human errors at work. Poka is a Japanese word meaning “Inadvertent error” and Yoke comes from Japanese word Yokerie meaning “to avoid”. This has been termed as “Mistake / Fool Proofing”.

44 ERROR ARE INEVITABLE BUT CAN BE ELIMINATED People always make mistakes. These can be reduced or even eliminated. Some of the Poka-Yoke devices, which can help to avoid defects are: Guide Pins / Locators of different sizes Error Detection Buzzers & Alarms Limit Switches, Proximity & Photo sensors Counters Checklists Pokayoke for eliminating defects


46 Example : Prediction or Prevention : Pins Figure A shows that holes are wrongly drilled due to incorrect positioning of plate. Figure B shows that incorrect positioning of plate is prevented by locating 4 reference pins. A B Pokayoke

47 Example : Detection Figure A shows that plate with 4 holes drilled is to be dispatched to the customer. Customer complaints show many plates with 3 holes drilled. Figure B shows that mistake of less drilled holes is detected through a check by using 4 locator pins on a gauge. AB Pins Pokayoke

48 Type of sensing Devices : 1.Limit switches, Micro switches 2.Proximity switches 3.Photoelectric switches 4.Beam sensors 5.Sensor to detect changes in physical condition like temperature, pressure etc. (Pressure switches, thermostats etc.) Pokayoke for eliminating defects

49 POKA-YOKE SHEET Varroc Engineering Pvt Ltd. Problem : Key Improvement : Solution : AFTERBEFORE Prevent Error Alarm Control Prevent Error Detect Error Sustenance Plan :

50 6W2H Format

51 Study of other possible reasons for a defect, PM Analysis in some cases. Find out conditions / control items from actual defects & possibility study for contributing non defective units. Step-5 – Analyze conditions for non defective units that are not confirmed.

52 Execution of PM Analysis for exposure and handling of malfunctions What is PM Analysis Deviation from Normal to abnormal Physical principles behind an abnormal event. Understand the mechanics of abnormal event and understand the mechanism of equipment. Understand the relations between the abnormal event and 4M. Phenomena Physical P Mechanism Machine M Man Material Method

53 PM Analysis is one of the most effective techniques to handle B types of defects. PM denotes (P) Physical phenomena (M) Mechanism. In this analysis we try to establish the relationship between phenomena and the physical mechanism behind it which explain the contributing conditions to cause such physical mechanisms. These contributing conditions are then elaborated in terms of relationship with primary (man, material, machine, method) conditions. Usually these primary conditions are not measurable so they are once again converted into secondary conditions that can usually be physically inspected against a standard. Execution of PM Analysis for exposure and handling of malfunctions

54 Survey, analysis & implementation of 4M conditions for possible and happened defects. Carry out possibility study, identify all 4M conditions to ensure that defect does not occur. Step-6 – Improve 4M Condition defect Step-7 – Setting 4M conditions

55 4 M & T Condition

56 4M1T Condition Study For Magnet Bonding Process


58 Review 4M conditions set before and after actions implementation. Step-8 – Intensification & improvement of checking method

59 Review QM (Quality Maintenance )Matrix for control items identified to produce non defective items Prepare inspection manual for control items, to simplify inspection activity Introduce control items as check points in JH, PM check sheets for effective monitoring. Step-9 – Deciding check standard value Step-10 – Revise standards

60 Feedback * DAILY INSPECTION MP DESIGN KK JH PM DM E & T PM ANALYSIS KAIZENS 7 STEPS OF JH Application of Equipment diagnosis Technology Fostering proficiency of Employee in Equipment operation & maintenance Quality Maintenance EQUIPMENT: NOT PRODUCING QUALITYDEFECT SETTING OF CONDITIONS (Decide Rightly) CONDITION MANAGEMENT (Follow Strictly) ACCOMPLISH ZERO DEFECTS Relationship between the pillars of TPM activities and Quality maintenance


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