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Introduction to Rubberized Asphalt
Paul W. Wilke, P.E., Principal Engineer Pavement Preservation and Maintenance
Presentation Outline What is Rubberized Asphalt?
Advantages & Limitations/Challenges Design & Construction Considerations Experience from Other States PennDOT Initiatives
What is Rubberized Asphalt?
Asphalt cement modified with crumb rubber, used in asphaltic concrete Common source of crumb rubber modifier (CRM)- ground scrap tires CRM used in lieu of polymers to increase PG grade of asphalt binder
How Asphalt Rubber Works
22,937,600 rubber particles per ton of mix help fight cracking
History of Rubberized Asphalt Use & Performance
Use dates to 1960’s 1991 FHWA mandate led to widespread use Many early failures- mandate dropped 1995 Most failures associated with “dry process” Dry process- CRM added to aggregate before mixing with asphalt binder (serves as partial aggregate replacement) Wet process- finely ground rubber blended with hot asphalt binder
Next Era of Rubberized Asphalt
Many states continued research on AR usage Arizona, California, Florida continued to use extensively (mostly wet process) Recently many cold climate states, Canadian provinces & European countries reporting increased usage & good performance PA neighbors using- NJ, Mass, Md,OH, Va
(DOT Spec or Special Provision)
States Where RTR Can Be Used in Performance Graded Asphalt and Superpave Mixes (DOT Spec or Special Provision) New Hampshire Washington Vermont Maine Montana North Dakota Minnesota Oregon Massachusetts New York Idaho Wisconsin South Dakota Wyoming Michigan Rhode Island Connecticut Iowa Pennsylvania New Jersey Nevada Nebraska Ohio Delaware Indiana Utah Illinois Colorado West Virginia Washington, D.C. Kansas Maryland Virginia California Missouri Kentucky Tennessee North Carolina Oklahoma Arizona Arkansas New Mexico South Carolina Mississippi Georgia Alabama DOT with Permissible PG Spec or Special Provision for RTR Texas Alaska Louisiana Not using rubber or unknown Florida DOT has indicated they would use PG Rubber if it were supplied Hawaii Doug Carlson, Liberty Tire
Benefits of Rubberized Asphalt vs Conventional Asphalt
Improved “visco-elastic” behavior provides many benefits Increased elastic range (ductility at low temperature, stiffness at high temperature) Typically “bumps” PG grade at least one PA commonly used PG bumped to PG Performance Benefits Increased resistance to cracking (reflective, fatigue, low-temperature) & rutting Better noise attenuation
Environmental Benefits
Reduces waste tire stockpiles 1,000 tires per lane-mile per 1inch asphalt layer (Caltrans 2006 Asphalt Rubber Usage Guide)
Limitations & Challenges with Rubberized Asphalt
Mix sticks to roller during compaction (can be mitigated with use of detergents on roller) Mix adheres to rubber tired rollers (use vibratory steel wheel rollers) Higher placement & compaction temperature required due to stiffness of mix Temperature management critical to success
Limitations & Challenges (cont’d)
Lower workability makes handwork difficult Limited contractor experience (would be overcome with more PA projects)
Limitations & Challenges (cont’d)
Tendency for rubber & asphalt to separate during storage & hauling Maintain heat & agitation or add chemical modifiers (enhance bond between asphalt & rubber)
Limitations & Challenges (cont’d)
Superpave spec requires Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) for high temperature PG grade verification Rubber particles can influence test (mitigated by use of 2 mm gap between plates) AASHTO working on alternative testing DSR testing
Wet Process- 2 Types “High” & “Low” Viscosity Binders
High Viscosity (“Asphalt Rubber”) Meets requirement of ASTM D 6114 Rotational viscosity > ºF Typically 15-22% CRM (#10 to #8 sieve size) Requires agitation to keep CRM evenly distributed Sometimes called “field blend”, but can be made in terminal or mobile field blender
Wet Process- 2 Types “High” & “Low” Viscosity Binders
Low Viscosity (Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Binder) Finer CRM (< #50 sieve) Typically CRM-10% of binder Normal circulation in storage tank keeps dispersed Does not require subsequent agitation Sometimes called “No Agitation Binder” or “Terminal Blend” but can be made in terminal or mobile field blender
Rubberized Asphalt Manufacturing
Rubber Modified Asphalt Technical Manual Ontario Tire Stewardship October 2012
Rubber Is Loaded into Weigh Hopper
Size of CRM particles
Suppliers Near Pennsylvania
Terminal Blends Seneca Petroleum (Toledo, OH) Blacklidge Emulsions (Tampa, FL) Mobile Blenders All States Materials Ecopath, NJ Blacklidge Emulsions,Tampa, FL Bitumar, Baltimore, Md (?)
Asphalt Rubber Mix Types
Gap Graded Missing some fine size fractions- stone on stone contact High viscosity AR feasible due to high void content Good elastic recovery (resists cracking & rutting) Most widely used AR mix
Asphalt Rubber Mix Types
Open Graded Predominately 2-3 aggregate sizes; few fines Rapid drainage of surface water (good friction) Can use high viscosity AR but no agitation AR needed to preserve drainage properties Less commonly used (recent MassDOT experience)
Asphalt Rubber Mix Types
Dense Graded Aggregate continuously graded (dense matrix) Most widely used non- rubberized mix type Need CRMAB, low % rubber (8-12%) & #30 mesh max to incorporate binder into dense matrix Less widely used AR mix
Binder Design Binder design to use same materials as those in production Material interactions = f(source & type of materials) For high viscosity binder, “blend profile” required in addition to conventional design to meet PG grade Binder tests at 45, 90,240,360,1440 minutes from start of reaction to develop “profile” Verify viscosity & other properties Purpose- verify stability over time
Mix Design Conventional mix design procedure used with slight modifications Increased mix & compaction temperatures
Structural Design (Pavement Thickness)
Structural layer coefficients same as PennDOT Pub 242 for conventional Superpave layers Range= 1.5” to 2.5” thick Minimum governed by aggregate size If traffic warrants > 2.5” layer, use conventional HMA below 2.5” max rubberized layer Surface Base / Subbase Subgrade A1 = 0.44 A2,3 = 0.40, 0.11 Non-Destructive Data Collection
Warm Mix Asphalt Works Well with Rubberized Asphalt
WMA decreases temperature required for compaction Alleviates concerns for rubberized asphalt compaction temperature
Construction Considerations
No special placement equipment Use steel drum roller; avoid rubber tire roller Temperature control during transport & placement important (AR mixes stiffer) Laydown Temperature °F (air & AC surface 55-64°F) °F (air & AC surface > 64°F)
Other States Experience
Arizona, California, Texas, Florida extensive experience Gap graded most extensively used mix MassDOT gap graded spec used as basis for PennDOT recent pilot projects Dense graded used by 6+ states MoDOT substantial dense graded projects (840 tons/8yrs) Good performance reported
Comparative Cost SBS polymer modified binder $75-150/ton more than conventional unmodified asphalt PG rubber modified similar cost to polymer modified (anticipate decrease in rubber modified over time) Green benefits to use of rubber
PennDOT Initiatives Gap graded pilot projects constructed in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 1st GG project- I-78 Berks County 1.5” wearing on 10” concrete after HMA milled Excellent performance thru 2014 Dense graded pilot projects planned 2015 & 2016 Special Provision specs developed Asphalt Rubber Usage Guide developed Ultimate goal- allow polymer or rubber modification to achieve PG premium mix for high traffic applications
Summary Rubberized asphalt provides superior mix to reduce rutting & cracking Similar to polymer modified PG (used in severe traffic situations) Usage across US growing Cost in PA should decrease as more PennDOT projects done (expect $ similar to polymer modified) Green benefits
Questions? Contact Info: Paul W. Wilke, P.E. Principal Engineer Applied Research Associates, Inc. Phone: The feature of the road surface that ultimately determines most of the tire/road interactions including wet friction, noise, splash and spray, rolling resistance, and tire wear is pavement texture. Pavement texture is typically divided into categories of microtexture, macrotexture, and megatexture based on wavelength and vertical amplitude characteristics. Microtexture is the surface “roughness” of the individual coarse aggregate particles and of the binder, and contributes to friction through adhesion with vehicle tires. Macrotexture refers to the overall texture of the pavement (controlled by coarse aggregate type and size in flexible pavements and by surface finish in rigid pavements), which is intended to serve as escape channels for the surface water at the pavement-tire interface. The Committee on Surface Characteristics of the World Road Association (PIARC) proposed the following more detailed definitions of the texture categories: Microtexture—wavelengths of 1 mm to 0.5 mm ( to 0.02 in) with a vertical amplitude ranging between 1 and 0.2 mm ( to in). Microtexture is the surface “roughness” of the individual coarse aggregate particles and of the binder, and contributes to friction through adhesion with vehicle tires (wavelengths of 1 to 0.5 mm [ to 0.02 in]). This level of texture makes it possible to characterize a surface which is more or less rough, but is generally too small to be observed with the naked eye. Macrotexture—wavelengths of 0.5 mm to 50 mm (0.02 to 2 in) with a vertical amplitude ranging between 0.1 and 20 mm (0.004 to 0.8 in). Macrotexture refers to the overall texture of the pavement (controlled by coarse aggregate type and size in HMA pavements), which is intended to serve as escape channels for the surface water at the pavement-tire interface (wavelengths of 0.5 mm to 50 mm [0.02 to 2 in]). This level of texture gives wavelengths of the same order of magnitude as those of the rubber strips of the tread of the tires which intervene in the tire-pavement contact. Mention that there is also something called Megatexure—wavelengths of 50 mm to 500 mm (2 to 20 in), with a vertical amplitude ranging between 0.1 mm and 50 mm (0.004 to 2 in). This level of texture is generally a characteristic or consequence of deterioration of the surface. Wavelengths longer than the upper limit (> 500 mm [20 in]) of megatexture are defined as “roughness.”
CRM Sizes Rubber is delivered in different systems with supper sacks very prevalent. CRM comes in different sizes.
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