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The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc.

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The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc.

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1 The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc.

2 Find out more at The Institute for Professional and Executive Development, Inc. is a leader in on-site, instruction-based educational conferences that deliver the most current industry-based information available. Conference Topics Include: Affordable Housing Low Income Housing Tax Credits Multifamily Housing Historic Tax Credits Renewable Tax Credits for Wind & Solar Power Community Development Commercial Real Estate Labor & Employment New Markets Tax Credits Intellectual Property

3 Some of IPEDs Best Green Practices No paper cups, plates or other products (except, when necessary, napkins) at food service locations Recycle bins provided at food service locations Handouts printed on 100% recycled, recyclable paper, post-consumer paper Conference brochures printed on FSC certified 50% recycled content paper (25% post- consumer, 25% pre-consumer) Conference resource books replaced by CDs Attendees asked to recycle name tags and name tag holders

4 2008 Conference Calendar presents the National Historic tax Credit Conference 2008 September 24-26 Chicago, IL Learn the Basics: Housing Tax Credits 101 October 16-17 Boston, MA Tax Credit Property Disposition at Year 15 November 20-21 Boston, MA

5 Registration Available Soon Learn the Basics: Housing Tax Credits 101 October 16 & 17 Boston, MA Need a basic understanding of how the low-income housing tax credit works? Looking for straightforward and practical analysis of the business as well as the technical issues surrounding today's use of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit? Want step-by-step information on the use of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and how it fits into the overall development process? Need an overview or update of the fundamental rules, techniques, and practices applicable to today's transactions?

6 Registration Available Soon Tax Credit Property Disposition at Year 15 November 20 & 21 Boston, MA Scheduled Topics include: Review of Recent Housing & Economic Recovery Act Assess Your Rights and Duties at Year 15 Options and Rights of First Refusal Portfolio Assessment and Strategies GP Ownership Changes during the Compliance Period Sophisticated Legal, Tax and Accounting Issues Condo Conversions Under Recent Private Letter Ruling HUD and Fair Housing Issues Compliance and Tenant Records upon Transfer Litigation, General Partner Removals, Workouts

7 Resource Center Missed a conference? Want to learn more? IPED offers resource materials on a variety of topics and issues. See Registration Table for Order Forms.

8 Missing a Presentation? Download all available PPT presentations & conference handouts from IPEDs website

9 Continuing Legal Education (CLE) IPED seeks approval for continuing legal education credits on an as-needed basis. State bar associations have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses, but IPED will do everything to ensure these requirements are met when seeking approval. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) IPED is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Please speak with an IPED representative if you would like to receive credit for attending this conference. Accreditation

10 Return your Plastic Name Tag Holder to the Registration Table. Help us reduce waste, cut down on costs and conserve natural resources! Reuse. Recycle. Return!

11 Conference Evaluation What Do You Think? IPED wants to know. On the Monday after this conference, you will receive a conference survey via e-mail. Please take the time to fill it out! Your feedback is essential. Thank you!

12 Unused Hotel Toiletry Items DONATE shampoo, conditioner, soaps, mouthwash, hand cream IPED donates them to homeless shelters throughout the year. Thanks for your support!

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