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Copyright © Siemens AG 2012. All rights reserved. Essential Criteria on MBT to Ensure Quality of Software in Industry PVR Murthy Andreas Ulrich Siemens.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © Siemens AG 2012. All rights reserved. Essential Criteria on MBT to Ensure Quality of Software in Industry PVR Murthy Andreas Ulrich Siemens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © Siemens AG 2012. All rights reserved. Essential Criteria on MBT to Ensure Quality of Software in Industry PVR Murthy Andreas Ulrich Siemens AG, Corporate Technology PVR Murthy Andreas Ulrich Siemens

2 Page 2 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Agenda  Model-based testing (MBT)  Case study  Effective criteria for evaluation of MBT tools  Analysis and discussions  Summary

3 Page 3 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Modeling Generating Executing Analyzing Results Coverage Algorithm Generate Test Cases Generate Test Cases Generate Executable Generate Executable and/or Create Executable Application Under Testing Run Scripts Run Scripts Execute Manually Execute Manually Oracles Verify Results Test pass or Fail Test pass or Fail Decide whether to o Generate more tests o Modify the model o Stop testing Estimate o Reliability & other quality measures Decide whether to o Generate more tests o Modify the model o Stop testing Estimate o Reliability & other quality measures Introduction to Model Based Testing

4 Page 4 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Model-Based Testing  Model-based testing (MBT) is an evolving test generation technique.  Uses design artifacts (models) of a system under test.  Generate test cases automatically.  Suitable for adequate and thorough testing of critical and complex software.

5 Page 5 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India MBT tools under study  A number of MBT tools are available  Commercial tools, e.g. T-VEC, Qtronic, Spec Explorer etc.  Academic tools, e.g. NModel, TGV/CADP etc.  We selected two tools for our study  Conformiq’s Qtronic V2.0  Microsoft’s Spec Explorer2010 V3.0  They represent two different modeling paradigms  Qtronic uses both textual and graphical notations while describing the system model (based on hierarchical state charts).  Spec Explorer uses guarded state update rules in C# (based on abstract state machines, called model programs) and a coordination specification.

6 Page 6 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Conformiq’s Qtronic  Models are expressed as a collection of textual files and/or graphical models.  The textual notation is defined using QML  Graphical models are created using either Conformiq Modeler or a third party UML editor.  Generation of test cases based on state space analysis  Can translate test cases into executable test scripts

7 Page 7 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Microsoft’s Spec Explorer  Uses Visual Studio programming environment to model system behavior.  Input is a set of.NET model assemblies and a coordination script.  Generates test cases based on exploration of the model.  Exploration systematically discovers all possible states and transitions.  Exploration can be visualized through a state space graph.  Test cases are a collection of C# files executable in MSTest

8 Page 8 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Case Study  We have considered an application from Siemens medical domain.  Considered SUT: An automated exposure control software.  Make large images with an automatic sequence of many small images  Modeled as a UML state chart with 11 system states, 24 transitions and 72 transition paths. Digital radiographic system

9 Page 9 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Evaluation Criteria  For a Siemens industrial project in the healthcare domain  High quality, reliable and robust software is indispensable  It therefore requires rigorous and effective testing  Effective and rigorous testing of critical and highly reliable software requires a good MBT tool / methodology.  We have identified eight important parameters for evaluating the considered MBT tools.  Based on the Siemens requirement in the domain of highly critical and reliable software.  Identified parameters are subjective.

10 Page 10 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Criterion 1: Model Representation  Aspects considered  Type of model (tester or design model).  Kind of notation (standard or proprietary).  Ease of creation and editing (expressiveness, reusability, etc)  Modeling advanced features (hierarchy, concurrency).  Findings CriteriaConformiq’s QtronicMicrosoft’s Spec Explorer 2010 Model representation  Design model  Models are expressed as a collection of textual files and graphical models  Models hierarchical UML state charts with unambiguous semantics.  Nondeterministic transitions cannot be handled  Testers model, model behavior can be viewed as an exploration graph.  Models are expressed by using.NET language and Cord scripts for configuration control.  No hierarchical modeling similar to UML state charts is supported.  Nondeterministic transitions can be handled.

11 Page 11 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Criterion 2: Model Validation  Aspects Considered  Detecting requirement defects.  Consistency checking.  Checking design errors in the models.  Findings CriteriaConformiq’s QtronicMicrosoft’s Spec Explorer 2010 Model validation  Supports model validation by consistency checks.  Tool checks configuration scripts and model code for consistency.

12 Page 12 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Criterion 3: Test Generation Strategy  Aspects considered  Tool support for choosing test coverage criteria.  Efficiency of test case generation algorithm.  Test generation control to avoid test case explosion  Findings Criteria Conformiq’s QtronicMicrosoft’s Spec Explorer 2010 Test generation Strategy  Test generation is coverage driven.  Facility to maintain different test suites,  Supports generation of negative tests.  Provides a clear visual overview of the link between generated test cases and covered requirements.  No direct support to control test case explosion.  No control for specifying coverage criteria.  Supports requirements coverage, but does not give a very clear visual overview.  Test generation is also supported for non- deterministic models, but restricted to the generation of non-exhaustive test suites.  Handles infinite state spaces by user scenarios and slices.

13 Page 13 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Criterion 4: Test Data Generation  Aspects Considered  Automation in test data generation.  Accuracy, thoroughness, cost of testing.  Findings Criteria Conformiq’s QtronicMicrosoft’s Spec Explorer 2010 Test data generation  Based on the values of input variables and constants specified in the model.  Does not have an option of specifying a domain of alternative data values for model parameters.  Supports a good domain control method for generating test data.  Provides an extensive mechanism for input parameter generation

14 Page 14 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Criterion 5: Concurrency support  Aspects Considered  Ability to test concurrent system behavior.  Findings Criteria Conformiq’s QtronicMicrosoft’s Spec Explorer 2010 Concurrency support  Concurrent state charts can be modeled only using the QML textual notation.  Generated tests are strictly sequential regardless of the concurrency that might exist in the model.  Supports modeling of concurrency, but the generated test cases are strictly sequential.

15 Page 15 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Criterion 6: Testing Levels  Aspects Considered  Unit, integration, or system testing.  Findings Criteria Conformiq’s QtronicMicrosoft’s Spec Explorer 2010 Testing level  Suitable for component, sub-system and system level testing.  Limited support for integration testing.  At a high level of abstraction as user interactions (system testing).  At a lower level of abstraction, wherein the methods calls are interactions between different components (integration testing).

16 Page 16 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Criterion 7: Regression testing  Aspects Considered  Capability to generate test cases for regression testing.  Test case prioritization, Test case optimization  Findings Criteria Conformiq’s QtronicMicrosoft’s Spec Explorer 2010 Regression testing  Does not support test case optimization or test case prioritization.  Test cases can be manually selected from the set of generated tests upon model modification.  Does not support test case optimization or test case prioritization.

17 Page 17 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Criterion 8: Usability  Aspects Considered  Initial learning curve,  Availability of documentation and on-line help.  User friendliness.  Findings Criteria Conformiq’s QtronicMicrosoft’s Spec Explorer 2010 Usability  Modeling advanced features requires additional training.  Tool support is good.  User manual is very informative.  Support from Conformiq has been very good  Not very intuitive for the tester, requires deep knowledge on modeling.  Tool support is good.  Documentation is currently not adequate.

18 Page 18 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Relevance of criteria for considered case study highly relevant not relevant Relevance / Criterion 1 model repr. 2 model val. 3 test gen. 4 test data 5 concur. 6 test levels 7 regr. test 8 usability  Selection of relevant criteria for applying MBT in large industrial projects  Leads to an informed selection of the right MBT approach and tool  Highlights weak points of the selected tooling

19 Page 19 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Outlook – Suggested improvements for future generation tools  Integration of different testing levels in a single framework. -- Unit, Integration testing and System testing  Need more rigorous automatic test case selection techniques. -- Sophisticated constraint specification over models  More sophisticated automatic test data generation. -- Applying right combination of standard techniques for effective fault revealing data -- Handling primitive as well as structured data types.  Improved tool interoperability for different test artifacts. -- Migration from one environment to another

20 Page 20 June - 2012 © Siemens AG 2012 ST /CT-India Summary  In addition to the criteria mentioned already as a basis for understanding MBT approaches for application in industry, criteria for effective MBT may also include  fault modeling support for applications in different domains  model debugging support  guiding modelers towards incorporating safety and liveness properties of applications in models  facilitating expression of test design, test verdict and data concepts from UML Testing profile.  support for modeling non-functional requirements

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