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Ross Santy, U.S. Department of Education Beth Young, Quality Information Partners.

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Presentation on theme: "Ross Santy, U.S. Department of Education Beth Young, Quality Information Partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ross Santy, U.S. Department of Education Beth Young, Quality Information Partners

2 Washington, DC - February 2013 2  EDFacts Updates ◦ OMB Clearance Status ◦ ESEA Flex data ◦ Publicly Available Assessment Data  CEDS Updates ◦ V 3.0 ◦ Online usage stats ◦ Align and Connect tools – New Features  Next steps and consolidated efforts ◦ State Outreach and TA ◦ EDFacts Data Groups as CEDS Connections  Focus data groups  Work with pilot SEAs

3 Washington, DC - February 2013 3  Currently seeking 3-year clearance from Office of Management and Budget for collection covering school years 2013-14 through 2015-16 ◦ Awaiting final word ◦ Areas of discussion with OMB  Additional data on charter schools  SIG elements for all schools (not being pursued)  Military-connected students (not being pursued)  IDEA Annual Performance Report  Governance and review of EDFacts data use

4 Washington, DC - February 2013 4  Key principle for EDFacts reporting ◦ Where ESEA Flex has affected a particular data item, ED has made changes, and where it has not, ED has kept the data ask the same (from 1/31 webinar) ◦ SEAs should continue to report all data unless specifically instructed otherwise  Reporting elements that have not changed ◦ Requirement to report components of AYP ◦ Assessment performance by subgroups defined in ESEA statute ◦ School status determinations (permitted values within the data group HAVE changed) ◦ HQT and Title III AMAO data  Timeline for new elements required from Flex states ◦ 3/31/2013: SY 11-12 data on ‘combined subgroups’ ◦ 3/31/2013: SY 11-12 data on Title I allocations to priority and focus schools ◦ 9/30/2013: SY 12-13 data on interventions used in priority and focus schools

5 Washington, DC - February 2013 5  January 31, 2013: School-level data files published on ◦ Mathematics proficiency (Data Group 583 ◦ Reading/Language Arts proficiency (Data Group 584) ◦ Files for 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11  ESS will soon close collection of 2008-09 data  Files are ‘blurred and suppressed’ to protect the privacy of individuals within the data  Planned upcoming data file publications ◦ LEA-levels for same years ◦ 2010-11 Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rates (School and LEA levels) ◦ 2011-12 R/LA and Math Assessment Results


7 Winter Forum Meeting 7 Common Education Data Standards Unduplicated elements = 1,122 – New = 504 – Updated = 103 – Removed = 20 Domain Entity Schema = 2,414 element references Domains = 9 – Early Learning – Elementary and Secondary Education – Postsecondary Education – Adult Education – Career and Technical Education – Workforce – Assessments – Learning Standards – Learning Resources V3 Release - Numbers

8 Winter Forum Meeting 8 Common Education Data Standards Expansions – Early Learning – K12 – Postsecondary Additional Areas – Workforce – Adult Education – Career and Technical Education – RTT Assessment Support – Formative Assessment & Learning Process – Learning Resources Metadata – Identity Management and Student Record Exchange V3 Release - Content

9 Winter Forum Meeting 9 Common Education Data Standards Total Users (those with log-in accounts) = 806 – K12 = 254 – Postsecondary = 177 – Vendors = 162 Align Maps Being Worked On = 233 Public Align Maps = 37 Public Connections = 31 CEDS Users

10 Winter Forum Meeting 10 Common Education Data Standards CEDS Align

11 Winter Forum Meeting 11 Common Education Data Standards Aligning to CEDS

12 Winter Forum Meeting 12 Common Education Data Standards Aligning to Others

13 Winter Forum Meeting 13 Common Education Data Standards CEDS Connect

14 Winter Forum Meeting 14 Common Education Data Standards Available Connections

15 Winter Forum Meeting 15 Common Education Data Standards myConnect

16 Washington, DC - February 2013 16  Conference Consolidation ◦ No separate EDFacts Coordinators meeting in 2013 ◦ SLDS Best Practice Conference within MIS Conference  Technical Assistance Coordination ◦ EDTAP (SLDS) and SEISS (EDFacts) resources both providing assistance with CEDS ◦ Regular conversations among ED program staff  Tool Consolidation ◦ How can ED programs use CEDS online tools? ◦ What’s the best use of CEDS online tools to help SEAs and LEAs?

17 Washington, DC - February 2013 17  Goal: Use the online CEDS tools to clarify: ◦ ED’s expectations for what would be used in reporting specific data groups ◦ The process individual SEAs are using to create data groups from student-level systems ◦ The data groups for which SEAs are predominantly using aggregate collections from LEAs (rather than aggregating student level data)  Strategy: Use CEDS Align to map source systems to CEDS, and use CEDS Connect to publish program office expectations currently expressed in guidance

18 Washington, DC - February 2013 18 CCD Data Groups Membership (C052) Staff FTE (C059) Free and Reduced Price Lunch (C033) CCD School (C129) ESEA Assessment Data Groups Academic Performance (C175 & C178) Participation (C185 & C188) Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Data Groups 4-year cohorts (C150 & C151) NOTE: Parenthetical references are to File Spec numbers

19 Washington, DC - February 2013 19  Work with pilot SEAs ◦ Source system/source table Alignments with 7 states  One-day site visit to gather information  Assistance in finalizing mappings within Align  Plans for SEAs to publish Align maps when finished ◦ Metric Connections with 2 states  Additional information gathering to understand how systems are used to create target data groups  Assistance in creating use cases within Connect  Plans for SEAs to publish Connections when finished ◦ Highlighting of ‘myConnect’ functionality

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