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ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS.

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Presentation on theme: "ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS."— Presentation transcript:

1 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

2 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Presented by The Arkansas Coalition for Obesity Prevention (ArCOP) is focusing on making the healthy choice the easy choice. Growing Healthy Communities (GHC), the Coalition’s primary project, brings together individuals, companies and organizations across sector lines to recognize that a healthy community is a better community on virtually every measure of success.

3 Amanda M. Potter Cole ArCOP’s 2014 Project Director Webinar Presenter Amanda is an independent contractor thrilled to work with ArCOP for a second year. She studied at Hendrix College, served in the founding corps of City Year Little Rock, and helped the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas ring in a new decade. Amanda is passionate about food, running, and helping others empower themselves.

4 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS Agenda 1.Overview 2.Application in Detail 3.Timeline 4.Application Tips 5.Frequently Asked Questions 6.Q&A

5 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS Get grant funding to implement the training you received at the regional summit!

6 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Purpose…  Making Arkansas communities healthier.  Inspire Arkansas communities.  Implement the training you received.  Bite-sized projects. –Think “seed money” or “next step” funding. 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

7 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Getting Started…  Get with your people.  Refresh yourself: what did you learn? –Review the program, presentations & additional resources (here!)here!  Brainstorm up to 3 projects. 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

8 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities And by 3 projects we mean…  3 phases of the same project.  3 completely different projects.  Some combination thereof. 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

9 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 2013 Project Grants2013 Project Grants Overview:  37 Communities.  46 Projects.  Completed in 3-6 months. 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

10 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 2013 Project Grants Overview: Money  Total funded$84,577.91  Average grant size$1,838.65  Largest grant $7,000  Smallest grant $300 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

11 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 2013 Project Grants Overview: Projects  Cooking Matters10 Communities  Farmers’ Markets8 Communities  Community & School Gardens13 Communities  Early Childhood & Schools5 Communities  Walkability3 Communities  Worksite Wellness4 Communities 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

12 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities When reviewing…  Open up your program or check out the electronic version.  Read ArCOP’s website: ects/ ects/  Preview the grant application. 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

13 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS jects/

14 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS Application PREVIEWLIVE Application ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities PDF DocumentSurvey Monkey Webpage

15 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS Let’s go over the application. In detail.

16 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Community Name  Allows ArCOP to identify your “people”  If you’re listed here, use it.listed here  Otherwise, tell us who you are! 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

17 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Fiscal Agent  Nonprofit Org - 501(c)3  School  Government Agency  Hospital  Religious Organization  Acting as a Fiscal Agent: –What organization/group are you hosting funds for? 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

18 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Partners List  We can all get more done, leverage more dollars, and see a bigger collective impact if we measure our efforts together!  Do you want your organization included in this list? 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

19 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Primary Contact  If awarded grant funds, this is the person who will be writing/submitting reports and communicating directly with ArCOP.  This should also be the person submitting the grant application.  Option to be added to the Coalition membership if you’re not already a member. 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

20 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Prior Involvement  If your community is listed here, give us a *brief* summary of what you’ve done through Growing Healthy Communities and/or through ArCOP grant fundinglisted here 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

21 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Elected Officials  These decision makers are the key to long-term & big impact change in your community. If they’re not currently involved, we’re happy to help! 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

22 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Project Submissions  Up to 3 projects.  Option to submit another project after Project 1 and Project 2.  Each of the 3 pages have the exact same questions on them. 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

23 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Project Submissions  Project Name – What are you calling it?  Summary – Short & Succinct.  Key Objectives – Specifically (but also succinctly) how will you apply the training you received to benefit your community? 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

24 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Project Submissions  Community Need –# to be served. –Population description: Who? Demographics. –WHY do you want to do this? –HOW will you measure success? –Long term sustainability, meeting goals, replication… 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

25 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Project Submissions  Budget –Dollar amount: Make sure this is a realistic amount. Double check suggested budgets.suggested budgets –Outline of Items: Make a clear & concise list. # item(s) @ $amount each = $line total Example: 3 shovels @ $10 each = $30 15 pairs of gloves @ $2.50 each = $37.50 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

26 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Project Submissions  Community Member Involvement –Check ALL of the boxes for the training sessions that will be implemented through this specific project. –List your community members’ names who attended those sessions. –Tell us which summit(s) these folks attended for this training. YES. This information will be double-checked. 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

27 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Project Ranking  Only if you submit more than 1 project.  This is your chance to say “ok, if you can’t fund everything, this is the order we’re most interested in.” 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

28 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Proposal Verification  Follow the instructions.  Type your name.  Put the date.  Click “Yes! Submit my proposal for consideration.” 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

29 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Components: Proposal Verification “No. I’m ‘testing’ this application. The information I enter at this time is not to be considered for review. 1.You should not have tested out the live application. 2.But, if you have, you MUST click this option so that your “test run” gets thrown out. You really don’t want us to consider that instead of your actual application, right? 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

30 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS Pay attention to the timeline.

31 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities PROJECT GRANT TIMELINE  March to May: Regional Summits  Thursday, May 22 @ 10:00 AM: Grant Project Application Review Webinar  Thursday, June 5 @ 11:59 PM: Grant application deadline.  Tuesday, July 1: Grant announcements. First half of funds awarded.  Wednesday, October 1: Midpoint reports due. Final funds released after receipt of midpoint report.  Monday, December 1: Final reports due.  Friday, December 5: Statewide celebration event.

32 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities PROJECT GRANT TIMELINE  March to May: Regional Summits  Thursday, May 22 @ 10:00 AM: Grant Project Application Review Webinar  Thursday, June 5 @ 11:59 PM: Grant application deadline.  Tuesday, July 1: Grant announcements. First half of funds awarded.  Wednesday, October 1: Midpoint reports due. Final funds released after receipt of midpoint report.  Monday, December 1: Final reports due.  Friday, December 5: Statewide celebration event.

33 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities PROJECT GRANT TIMELINE  March to May: Regional Summits  Thursday, May 22 @ 10:00 AM: Grant Project Application Review Webinar  Thursday, June 5 @ 11:59 PM: Grant application deadline.  Tuesday, July 1: Grant announcements. First half of funds awarded.  Wednesday, October 1: Midpoint reports due. Final funds released after receipt of midpoint report.  Monday, December 1: Final reports due.  Friday, December 5: Statewide celebration event. *Make sure to budget for your core team to attend the celebration event!

34 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS Apply!

35 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities Application Tips:  Save the Application PREVIEW to your computer.  Create a Word document.  Put your responses to the application questions in the Word doc.  Spell & grammar check.  Have someone else read your application.  Make sure you don’t list folks who registered, but didn’t attend on your “community involvement” section.  Save your Word doc for your reference.  Copy/paste your responses into the SurveyMonkey form. 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

36 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS Let’s go over some Frequently Asked Questions.

37 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities  Yes, projects really can be done in 5 months & make a BIG impact!  We’re here to help every step of the way: –Ask the speakers/ArCOP’s Workgroup Teams for implementation/budget questions. –Want to replicate a project another community has already done? Let us put you in touch! 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

38 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities  Funds are not intended for salaries. –They could potentially cover staffing during the grant period (July 1 – December 1) if the staff position is designed to create a way to make the project sustainable after the grant period has ended. 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

39 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities  Sometimes ArCOP will fund projects for less than the requested amount. a)We will never fund a project for an amount that is not possible – you might just need to scale back. b)If this is the case, you will need to submit an updated budget prior to receiving your first grant check. 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

40 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities  Yes, you are encouraged to get as much as possible donated. –You are not “locked in” to your budget if you get items donated or for a lower cost. –But please call or email me to let me know so I can approve any changes to your budgeted expenses. –Also please record your donations. If the donor doesn’t give you a cash amount, please estimate based on your budget. –The reports will ask for a list & value of donated items – think about it like you application budget: # item(s) @ $amount each = $line total – donated by name/org/business 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

41 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities  Yes, there will be a webinar once grantees are selected. We will cover: –Expectations –Reporting –Site Visits –Celebrating & Outreach 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS

42 ArCOP is Growing Healthy Communities 5 MONTH PROJECT GRANTS Now it’s your turn… Questions?

43 PRESENTATION BY Amanda Potter Cole, ArCOP’s 2014 Project Director Email: Cell: (479)

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