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Daniel and Revelation Past Truth or Present Truth?

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Presentation on theme: "Daniel and Revelation Past Truth or Present Truth?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniel and Revelation Past Truth or Present Truth?

2 A divided landscape: Daniel In the Christian world:  Majority view re origin of Daniel: Written in second century BC Written by unkown author – pseudonym of Daniel Focuses on crisis during reign of Antioch IV Epiphanes (175-163 BC)‏  Desecrated Jerusalem temple ( ca.170 BC)‏  ‘the abomination of desolation’ (Matt. 24:15)‏

3 A divided landscape: Daniel In Adventism  Traditional /majority(?) view re origin of Daniel: 6th century BC Written by prophet Daniel Covers 25 centuries of history Basis for sanctuary doctrine Great end-time significance  Minority view (many scholars)‏ 2nd cent. BC origin

4 A divided landscape: Revelation Schools of interpretation outside Adventism in Adventist Church:  Preterism  Futurism  Historicism  Idealism

5 A divided landscape - Revelation 1. Preterism  Luis de Alcazar (d.1613)‏  Fullfilment in first century  Link with 7 churches  Emphasizes texts: ‘shortly’ – ‘soon’ Mat 16:28: I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom. Mat 10:23; Mat 23:35-36; Mat 24:34; Mat 26:63- 64

6 A divided landscape: Revelation 2. Futurism –  Orginated with RC authors (Lacunza; Ribera)‏  Fullfilments in period just before the end  Popular with evangelicals Antichrist – world domination Tribulation; persecution Rapture

7 A divided landscape: Revelation 3. Continuous historical view: covers span of history (historicism)‏  Used by early Church Fathers  View prevailed during Middle Ages, up to time of Reformation  Since Reformation in many forms  Seems to ‘work’

8 A divided landscape: Revelation 4. Other approaches:  Multiple applications  Spiritual approach (idealism)‏

9 Adventist view - Revelation Traditional view: Continuous historical Uriah Smith SDA Bible Commentary Popular writers Evangelisation Confusion:  Scholars are divided Liberals feel embarassed Conservatives frustrated  Desmond Ford: apotelesmatic principle  Topic is hijacked by right-wing

10 Historicism Plus  Has had support through the ages  Supported by Adventist tradition / EGW Minus  Symbols seem multi-interpretable  Predictions do not always come true  Has led to repeated date setting  Focuses almost exclusively on Western Christianity

11 Our goal in this seminar No detailed analysis of various views Shift of focus Reading apocalyptic prophecy as a particular literary form Relevancy for today not primarily dependent on detailed explanation of every symbol Relevancy: present truth in a postmodern world

12 Present Truth Daniel was present truth for early church  Important role of Apocalypticism  Jesus referred to Daniel  Revelation builds on Daniel Revelation  Was present truth for first generations of Christians Seven letters Role of Rome

13 Present Truth For Church Fathers For medieval church  E.g. Joachim of Fiore (1260 days)‏ For Reformers:  Luther  Anabaptists During great Awakenings For William Miller and Millerites

14 Present Truth for Adventists For early Adventists (1)‏  Second coming 1844 Soon coming  Fall of Babylon  Three angels’ messages  Role of Roman Catholicism Deadly wound Recovery

15 Present Truth for Early Adventists For early Adventists (2)‏  Signs Earthquake: Lisbon (1755)‏ Failing of stars (1780)‏ Darkening of sun/moon (1833)‏  Saracenes and Turks  Sunday Laws (ca. 1890)‏  Role of the United States

16 Present Truth in 21st Century?? Need for Present Truth: Quest for relevancy Postmodern sentiment:  No need for grand scheme in which all symbols have their meaning  Allows for multiplicity of viewpoints  What’s in it for me?

17 Present Truth Present Truth of Daniel and Revelation for today's postmodern generation:  They tell us about God – how He operates  They tell us about Christ  They tell about sin and victory  They tell us about radical living  They tell us about choice / commitment  They tell us about belonging to God’s people  They tell us about worship

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