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KU 121 Seminar 5 Scott Brown, M.S. If you have technical issues during seminar, please call tech support. An archive of this seminar will be available.

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Presentation on theme: "KU 121 Seminar 5 Scott Brown, M.S. If you have technical issues during seminar, please call tech support. An archive of this seminar will be available."— Presentation transcript:

1 KU 121 Seminar 5 Scott Brown, M.S. If you have technical issues during seminar, please call tech support. An archive of this seminar will be available within four hours via the link you used to get here.

2 Seminar Agenda 1.Writing Process Review 2.Biography Review 3.Why draft? 4.What is an introduction? 5.Making Writing Juicy 6.Unit 5 Discussion 7.Overcoming Writer’s Block 8.Body Paragraphs 9.Body Samples 10.Review and Questions

3 The Writing Process Pre-write/Brainstorm/Planning (Units 3 and 4) First Draft (Units 5, 6, and 7) Revise/Edit (Unit 8) Final Draft (Unit 9) Publish (Unit 9)

4 Biography Review Writing process contains  Introduction/thesis  Paragraph 1 st point (Background)  Paragraph 2 nd point (Education)  Paragraph 3 rd point (experience)  Conclusion  Make your writing juicy with tasty details!!

5 Where is my thesaurus? Nouns Adjectives Nouns describe a person place of thing. So for your paper I would like you to use $ 50.00 words. HUH? Instead of saying Good use fabulous Hard=difficult, challenging, arduous Aggressive, passive, courage, curious Adjective- describe the noun. Ex. Juicy, wicked, scorching, extraordinary, spontaneous, emotionally, bothersome, exhausting, gigantic

6 Writing Center Practice Verbs are Action words Moving, jumping, squatting, compressing, dying, learning, evolving, creating, demonstrating Transition words move from one idea to another Next, Then, Moreover, Therefore, In addition to, Additionally, In conclusion, Finally, And, Besides this, However Use transition words when you begin a new paragraph

7 Remember the goal of the final project Imagine that you have completed your program at Kaplan University and have been offered your dream job! The company or organization you will be working for wants to issue a press release announcing that you are joining them and in what capacity. In order to do so, they need a minimum 500 Word biographical essay from you. Your biography should include an introduction that identifies who you are, where you live, the company or organization that has hired you, and your new job title. It will end with the thesis statement and follow the outline that you submitted in Unit 4.

8 Remember to use third person Because your biography will appear in the company newsletter and in local newspapers, it should be written in third person (no I, me, my, you, your, we or us), include concrete nouns, descriptive adjectives, active verbs, effective transitions between paragraphs, and should be relatively error free.  Correct example: Nicole grew up in New York City where she pursed her Bachelor of Arts Degree at Queens College.  Incorrect Example: I grew up in New York City. I went to school……………..

9 Why Draft? Give yourself the opportunity to make mistakes Give yourself the chance to perfect your ideas Get the opportunity to have others critique your work

10 Unit 5 Discussion Introduction This week, you will post a draft of the introduction paragraph for your biography so your instructor can offer suggestions, tips and comments. Only post the introduction. Do not post the rest of the essay at this time. It will not be reviewed. You will build on the brainstorming from Unit 3 and the thesis and outline from Unit 4. You will make the writing you use more formal than the informal approach you used in pre- writing.

11 The Introductory Paragraph The Paragraph that Hooks Your Reader Introduction ---------------- --------------

12 Purpose of the introduction Get the reader’s attention Encourage them to keep reading Signal what the essay will be about Provide a plan for development (the thesis)

13 Introduction Format One paragraph – 5-7 sentences (about 100 words) Start with a lead/attention getter (like a quote, anecdote, teaser) Have 3-5 transition sentences that build to the thesis Your thesis from Unit 4 is the last sentence of your introduction.

14 Various Ways to Start Introductions Use a direct quotation from an expert (or maybe from the person who hired you?) Ask and answer a question. Avoid rhetorical questions Use an anecdote – short, simple story Use statistics

15 Sample Introduction - Quote According to veteran medical ethicist and author Jean Watson, "Caring is the essence of nursing." (Lead/attention getter) Richmond Hill Medical Center believes that a caring nursing staff is vital. RHMC strives to hire and train dedicated professionals with proven records of patient care. The Medical Center prides itself on its award winning staff. (transition sentences) RHMC proudly announces that Martha Cooper, a 2010 graduate of Kaplan University, will bring her exemplary background, education, and personal experience to her new position as Director of Nursing. (Thesis)

16 Sample Introduction - Question What makes a good nurse? Answers to the questions vary but the ideas of caring and dedication are always at the forefront. (Lead/attention getter) Richmond Hill Medical Center believes that a caring nursing staff is vital. RHMC strives to hire and train dedicated professionals with proven records of patient care. The Medical Center prides itself on its award winning staff. (transition sentences) RHMC proudly announces that Martha Cooper, a 2010 graduate of Kaplan University, will bring her exemplary background, education, and personal experience to her new position as Director of Nursing. (Thesis)

17 Sample Introduction - Anecdote When Martha Cooper was fifteen, she was injured in a serious automobile accident. A passing nurse helped save her life and inspired Martha’s lifelong desire to be a caring healthcare profession. (Lead/attention getter) Richmond Hill Medical Center believes that a caring nursing staff is vital. RHMC strives to hire and train dedicated professionals with proven records of patient care. The Medical Center prides itself on its award winning staff. (transition sentences) RHMC proudly announces that Martha Cooper, a 2010 graduate of Kaplan University, will bring her exemplary background, education, and personal experience to her new position as Director of Nursing. (Thesis)

18 Sample Introduction - Statistics One of the growth industries of the 21st Century is health care. Increased patient needs will drive a growth in the number of positions for caring nurses like Martha Cooper. (Lead/attention getter) Richmond Hill Medical Center believes that a caring nursing staff is vital. RHMC strives to hire and train dedicated professionals with proven records of patient care. The Medical Center prides itself on its award winning staff. (transition sentences) RHMC proudly announces that Martha Cooper, a 2010 graduate of Kaplan University, will bring her exemplary background, education, and personal experience to her new position as Director of Nursing. (Thesis)

19 Recap - Opening and Closing Teaser - Opening Begins the introductory paragraph Grabs the readers attention immediately Interesting and unusual, but professional Thesis Statement - Closing Closes the introductory paragraph Makes the reader want to continue The thesis sentence functions as a "signpost" to signal to the reader the main ideas to come later in the essay.

20 Dream Job – 5 th Grade Teacher Typical Opening Sheron Brown will be our new 5 th grade teacher. Attention Grabbing Opening Every now and then a star is born in the teaching profession and today we want to introduce that star in Sheron Brown.

21 Dream Job – 5 th Grade Teacher Typical Opening We have a new 5 th grade teacher on our team. Attention Grabbing Opening With education growing as the nation’s priority, it is so important that great teachers fill our classrooms and we’ve just added a dynamic teacher to our team.

22 Dream Job – 5 th Grade Teacher Typical Opening Sheron Brown is a great new teacher with strong beliefs that will join us this year. Attention Grabbing Opening President Obama said, “I believe it’s time to lead a new era of mutual responsibility in education—one where we all come together for the sake of our children’s success.” Sheron Brown, our new 5 th grade teacher shares this belief.

23 This Week’s Project Directions for Introduction Your autobiography should include and introduction that identifies who you are, where you live, the company or organization that has hired you, and your new job title. It will end with the thesis statement and follow the outline that you submitted in Unit 4. Sample Paragraph Every now and then a star is born in the teaching profession and today we want to introduce that star in Sheron Brown. Sheron is originally from Brooklyn, NY—home of stars like Barbara Streisand and Spike Lee. As the 5 th grade teacher here at NorthStar Academy, she is sure to help our students soar. No star comes without experience, and Sheron comes to us with many exciting experiences.

24 Let’s Break it Down-1 Your autobiography should include and introduction that identifies who you are –Every now and then a star is born in the teaching profession and today we want to introduce that star in Sheron Brown.

25 Let’s Break it Down-2 Where you live –Sheron is originally from Brooklyn, NY— home of stars like Barbra Streisand and Spike Lee.

26 Let’s Break it Down-3 The company or organization that has hired you, and your new job title –As the 5 th grade teacher here at NorthStar Academy, she is sure to help our students soar.

27 Let’s Break it Down-4 It will end with the thesis statement –No star comes without experience, and Sheron comes to us with many exciting experiences.

28 Write in 3 rd Person Every now and then a star is born in the teaching profession and today we want to introduce that star in Sheron Brown. Sheron is originally from Brooklyn, NY—home of stars like Barbara Streisand and Spike Lee. As the 5 th grade teacher here at North Star Academy, she is sure to help our students soar. No star comes without experience, and Sheron comes to us with many exciting experiences.

29 Practice With Your Partner Open MS Word and begin typing your introductory paragraph (do this for 2 minutes) Return to Seminar and take turns with your partner to.. –Cut and paste what you’ve typed –Give and receive feedback to one another Do this for 8 minutes

30 Share Out How has this experience helped you? Are there any questions?

31 Writer’s Block What do I do?I can do this  Writer’s Block –mental block caused when students try to create/shape ideas and write the paper at the same time which leads them to too much criticism of their own writing Strategies - ways to overcome writer’s block including returning to the previous stage in the writing process.

32 Strategies Take a walk Deep breathing Dance Walk away from your writing Free write about something else and them come back to your topic Remove distractions Review your notes Use your imagination CONCENTRATE

33 A look ahead to next week – Unit 6 The Body Paragraph

34 What is a body paragraph? Body paragraphs—The paragraphs in between the introductory and concluding paragraphs within an essay. Each of these paragraphs discusses a single main idea (background, education, experience) presented by the thesis sentence; this becomes the paragraph topic.

35 Opening and Closing Paragraph Topic A single main idea from the thesis that becomes the topic sentence of a body paragraph In other words, the overall theme of the paragraph Continues the ideas from the introduction (thesis statement) Supporting Examples Ideas that provide additional information about the main ideas or key points of each body paragraph Examples of personal experiences …and elaboration of those examples

36 Rough Draft of the Body In Unit 6 you will complete the rough draft of the body of your biography and submit it to your instructor for feedback. The body draft will build on the ideas you presented in your Unit 5 Introduction assignment and make use of the Unit 3 Brainstorming and Unit 4 Thesis and Outline. You will continue to take the informal information you generated and make it a more formal, finished form of writing.

37 Format: 3 clearly separate paragraphs In order Personal background /education/ professional experience (see outline/next slides) Each paragraph should have a transition sentence, main idea, supporting details, and a concluding sentence. Compose in MS Word Upload to Unit 6 Project Drop box

38 Body Paragraph 1 – Personal Background One paragraph that gives professional details about you and your life – your age, family, hobbies, etc. (NOTE: this is a professional biography so you should limit personal details to what is appropriate).

39 Body Paragraph 2 - education One paragraph that talks about your education. You should include high school or your GED, any previous college experience, and your Kaplan program.

40 Body Paragraph 3 professional experience One paragraph that details professional experiences, honors and awards, or other related details.

41 Example of Paragraph 1- One paragraph that gives professional details about you and your life Martha Cooper’s personal background makes her a fine addition to the staff of RHMC. A native of Virginia, Martha has been married for fifteen years to her husband, Tom. They have three children, Gwen, Tasha, and Jack. Gwen and Tasha attend Middlebrooke Elementary School while Jack is a Junior at Eastland High School. In their spare time, the Cooper family enjoys hiking and rafting. They are active in their church. Martha and Tom have also volunteered for many years with Habitat for Humanity. Once her children were in school, Martha’s interests lead her to pursue a degree in nursing. Transition Main idea Supporting details Conclusion

42 Example of Paragraph 2- One paragraph that talks about your education. In addition to her personal background, Martha possesses a solid education that will make her an asset to RHMC. She attended Plymouth High School in Portsmouth, Virginia earned an Associate’s Degree in Health Sciences from a community college near her home. She later became a registered nurse after earning her RN credentials at the University of the South. After working for several years, she returned to school and earned her BSN at Kaplan University. While serving as an Emergency Room Nurse at RHMC, Martha again returned to school at Kaplan and earned her MSN. She continues to pursue continuing education while she fulfills her professional goals. Transition Main idea Supporting details Conclusion

43 Example of Paragraph 3- Professional Experiences, Honors, Awards and Other Related Details While Martha’s personal background and education make her a wonderful addition to the RHMC family, it is her professional experience that truly sets her apart. Martha began her nursing career almost twenty years ago when she served as a CAN in Virginia. After earning her nursing degree in 1990, she joined the staff of Plymouth Medical Services as a home health care nurse. When the family relocated to Georgia twelve years ago, Martha joined RHMC in its Emergency Services Department. She has been a shift supervisor and charge nurse for over seven years and has served on a variety of department and hospital committees. All of her experience will serve her well in her new role as Director of Nursing. Transition Main idea Supporting details Conclusion

44 Write in 3 rd Person While Martha’s personal background and education make her a wonderful addition to the RHMC family, it is her professional experience that truly sets her apart. Martha began her nursing career almost twenty years ago when she served as a CNA in Virginia. After earning her nursing degree in 1990, she joined the staff of Plymouth Medical Services as a home health care nurse. When the family relocated to Georgia twelve years ago, Martha joined RHMC in its Emergency Services Department. She has been a shift supervisor and charge nurse for over seven years and has served on a variety of department and hospital committees. All of her experience will serve her well in her new role as Director of Nursing.

45 Recap 1.Writing Process Review 2.Biography Review 3.Why draft? 4.What is an introduction? 5.Making Writing Juicy 6.Unit 5 Discussion 7.Overcoming Writer’s Block 8.Body Paragraphs 9.Body Samples 10.Review and Questions

46 Questions? Remember, you can also: Email me at Post a question to Course Questions Visit Office Hours (See the syllabus ) I’ll see you in Discussion and in Seminar.Have a great week!!!!!

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