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Marinetti, Words- in- Freedom, 1917. Balla, A Worker’s Day, 1904.

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Presentation on theme: "Marinetti, Words- in- Freedom, 1917. Balla, A Worker’s Day, 1904."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marinetti, Words- in- Freedom, 1917

2 Balla, A Worker’s Day, 1904

3 Balla, The Street Light, 1909 Luigi Russolo "Dinamismo di un'automobile"(1912-1913) Marinetti: “A roaring motor car, hurtling like a machine gun, is more beautiful than the Winged Victory of Samothrace.”

4 Balla, Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash, 1912

5 Muybridge, Cronophotographic study

6 Carra, The Funeral of the Anarchist Galli, 1911

7 Carra, Patriotic Festival, 1914

8 Severini, Dynamism of a Dancer, 1912Severini, Self Portrait, 1912

9 Severini, Hospital Train, 1915Severini, Armored Train, 1915

10 Severini, Maternity, 1916

11 Speeding Car, 1904 Umberto Boccioni

12 Turner, Rain, Steam, Speed, o/c, 1844 Umberto Boccioni, States of Mind: The Farewells, 1911, o/c 70.5 x 96.2 cm Umberto Boccioni

13 Umberto Boccioni, States of Mind: The Farewells, 1911, o/c, 70.5 x 96.2 cm

14 Boccioni, States of Mind, 1911

15 Boccioni, Those Who Go, 1911

16 Boccioni, Those Who Stay, 1911

17 Boccioni, The Modern Idol, 1911

18 Boccioni, The Laugh, 1911

19 Boccioni, The Street Enters the House, 1911

20 Boccioni, The City Rises, 1911

21 Boccioni, Reggio Calabria, 1912

22 Boccioni, Charge of the Lancers, 1915

23 Umberto Boccioni. Antigraceful, 1913

24 Umberto Boccioni Development of a Bottle in Space. 1912 (cast 1931). Silvered bronze

25 Umberto Boccione, Unique Form of Continuity in Space, 1913 (cast 1931) bronze, 126.4 x 89 x 40.6 cm

26 Umberto Boccione, Unique Form of Continuity in Space, 1913 (cast 1931) bronze, 126.4 x 89 x 40.6 cm

27 Balla, Dynamism of Dog on Leash Umberto Boccione, Unique Form of Continuity in Space, 1913 (cast 1931) bronze, 126.4 x 89 x 40.6 cm

28 Dynamism of a Speeding Horse + Houses, 1914-1915. Gouache, oil, paper collage, wood, cardboard, copper, and coated iron, 44 1/2 x 45 1/4 inches.

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