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Parent Assessment Manual Software

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1 Parent Assessment Manual Software

2 Aberlour Family Service- Aberdeen
Options Dundee Aberlour Family Service – South Ayrshire

3 Aberlour Family Service
Criteria Family Living in South Ayrshire Children in the family under 12 years. Parents are affected by a learning disability “a significant lifelong condition that started before adulthood, that affects development and means someone may need support to understand information, learn new skills and cope independently”

An assessment carried out containing 31 domains to highlight parenting capacity Divided into Knowledge, Skill and Observation

Knowledge Cartoons Assesses parents knowledge of real life situations – including skills, dangers and challenges. Scored either Good, Adequate or Poor against criteria provided in the instruction booklet.

6 What is PAMS? Parenting Assessment Manual Software
Initial Screening Tool Assessment of parental capacity completed by the referrer Includes basic background information about the entire family unit

7 What is PAMS? Parenting Assessment Manual Software
I Need Help Form Completed by the parent to assess their own parental ability Parents must score their abilities in a range of areas

8 What is PAMS? Parenting Assessment Manual Software
Parent Booklet Assess knowledge that is difficult to observe during assessment Can highlight areas where support may be needed

9 What is PAMS? Parenting Assessment Manual Software
Observations at- Home visits During contacts Out in the community Observing Daily chores Parent and child interaction Routines

10 What is PAMS? Parenting Assessment Manual Software
PAMS Report

11 Teaching Programme Tailored to individuals needs – Cooking Budgeting
Play development Household routines Caring for a new baby

12 Aberlour Options Dundee
We work with parents who have a learning disability or autism At least one of their children has a disability or autism too The Social Work Department refer families to us and pay for the service

13 Meet Mum…

14 What was happening I was trying very hard to be a good mum. My girls were on the child protection register and supervision orders. They were going to take them into care

15 Aberlour and the family
…we spent time getting to know each other. …we used PAMs assessment to think about all the jobs a mum does …we did drawings of our house and the things we wanted to happen. …we did drawings of me and my jobs as a mum.

16 What happened next …we did lots of role play to practice new skills and safety phrases. …I learned how to budget my money so I am never skint any more. …my wee girl goes to school every day now

17 My family now

18 Using PAMs… …helped Mum know what social work were worried about …meant that workers were able to show Mum and social work all the good things that were already happening …gave Mum and workers a way to know what to work on first

19 Evaluation of Family Service in South Ayrshire
Ailsa Stewart

20 PAMS – What do people think?
Helps to create a clear picture of the parents experience Parents happier to work with Aberlour than social work Good to work together over time Information has been used by social work

21 PAMS – What do people think?
Can be difficult for parents Takes a long time Not always clear what it is asking for Working with people in their own home – best option for parents Flexible approach required

22 PAMS – What do people think?
“They taught me everything including how to change a nappy…I have no idea where I would be without them, but my daughter would not be with me” “When they tell you, you’ve got it right and that you know what you’re doing its brilliant because I know how to look after ma wean”

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