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International Atomic Energy Agency Internal Dosimetry Software ASSESSMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE DUE TO INTAKE OF RADIONUCLIDES.

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Presentation on theme: "International Atomic Energy Agency Internal Dosimetry Software ASSESSMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE DUE TO INTAKE OF RADIONUCLIDES."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Atomic Energy Agency Internal Dosimetry Software ASSESSMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE DUE TO INTAKE OF RADIONUCLIDES

2 International Atomic Energy Agency Internal Dosimetry Software – Unit Objectives This unit provides an overview of software that has been developed for internal dosimetry applications. The unit addresses various kinds of software for internal dosimetry applications, and cites examples that illustrate the capabilities and limitations of different software types. At the completion of the unit, the student will understand the types of software available, and will be provided with a copy of an EXCEL based programme that can be used to determine intake and effective dose for selected radionuclides.

3 International Atomic Energy Agency Internal Dosimetry Software – Unit Outline Introduction Dose Calculation Software Intake Fractions and Dose Coefficients Computational Calibration Software

4 International Atomic Energy Agency Introduction

5 International Atomic Energy Agency Internal dosimetry software Internal dosimetry related calculations are complicated  Biokinetic models  Dosimetric models  Direct measurement system calibrations Several software packages have been developed to assist the dosimetrist

6 International Atomic Energy Agency Software is available for various tasks Lookup tables  Dose coefficients  Retention fractions, etc. Dosimetry calculations  Intake  Committed equivalent dose  Committed effective dose Calibration of direct measurement systems

7 International Atomic Energy Agency Intake Fractions and Dose Coefficients

8 International Atomic Energy Agency ICRP Database of Dose Coefficients

9 International Atomic Energy Agency Health Physics retention fraction CD

10 International Atomic Energy Agency ICRP Database of Dose Coefficients Contains dose coefficients from ICRP Publications 68 (Workers) and 72 (public), including organ doses Inhalation of 10 different AMADs 10 different integration periods Text of ICRP 68 and 72 with search function Biokinetic models for all elements Results can be saved as ASCII files and printed

11 International Atomic Energy Agency Dose Calculation Software

12 International Atomic Energy Agency Dose calculation software Software that can be used to estimate intake and internal doses has been developed using various techniques for different applications Table look-up Biokinetic and dosimetric modeling  Inhalation  Inhalation or ingestion  Single intake  Multiple intake

13 International Atomic Energy Agency MIRDOSE3 Used to calculate doses in nuclear medicine Calculates residence times in bladder and the GI tract due to the dynamic bladder model and GI tract model of ICRP 30 Calculates doses for many radionuclides for 6 age groups and pregnant females No longer available because of concerns about potential U.S. Food & Drug Administration interpretation of it as a treatment planning device

14 International Atomic Energy Agency MIRDOSE3 Input Form

15 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP DOS-based program developed in parallel with ICRP 66 Very flexible with user friendly interface Calculates deposition in the respiratory tract, doses per unit intake, or intake and doses from measurement values Efficient tool calculate respiratory tract deposition for all possible parameter selections Selection of any mechanical transport and absorption parameters for the respiratory tract

16 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP Selection of several systemic biokinetic parameters Calculation of SEE values, numbers of transformations, organ and effective doses Various possibilities to calculate intake and doses from measurement data by fitting measurement values by bioassay functions Indication of the quality of fit

17 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

18 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP – Developed by the NRPB

19 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

20 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

21 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

22 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

23 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

24 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

25 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

26 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

27 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

28 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

29 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

30 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

31 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

32 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

33 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

34 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

35 International Atomic Energy Agency LUDEP

36 International Atomic Energy Agency MONDAL/MONDES Electronic look-up table, written in EXCEL Whole-body or a specific organ content Daily urinary and faecal excretion rate of selected radionuclides Single intake by ingestion. Radionuclides from ICRP Publications 54 & 78

37 International Atomic Energy Agency MONDAL/MONDES Additional radionuclides important for occupational protection Data tables: Daily up to 1000 days Every 10 days up to 10000 days Every 0.1 day up to 1 day for whole body or a specific organ content Output: Estimation of intake and effective dose Graphical presentation of intake fraction

38 International Atomic Energy Agency MONDAL/MONDES

39 International Atomic Energy Agency MONDAL/MONDES

40 International Atomic Energy Agency MONDAL/MONDES

41 International Atomic Energy Agency MONDAL/MONDES

42 International Atomic Energy Agency MONDAL/MONDES

43 International Atomic Energy Agency Integrated Modules for Bioassay Analysis IMBA Development began in 1997 Features modular structure, interacting via ASCII data sets Implements latest ICRP biokinetic models Fitting uses maximum likelihood method  Use data recorded a being less than some minimum detection level  Specify multiple intake regimes

44 International Atomic Energy Agency IMBA Uses previously quality assured code, eg LUDEP Each module developed independently by two separate organizations Available in four different editions depending on included additional functions  Multiple intake regimes  Up to 30 associated nuclides  Simultaneous bioassay types

45 International Atomic Energy Agency IMBA consists of six modules

46 International Atomic Energy Agency Main screen from IMBA CALC

47 International Atomic Energy Agency Main screen from IMBA Expert DOE-Edition Phase I

48 International Atomic Energy Agency Computational Calibration Software

49 International Atomic Energy Agency Point source calculation & measurement for normalization Calculated efficiency using Voxel phantoms Source Computational calibrations

50 International Atomic Energy Agency Magnetic Resonance Image Photon Phantom - MRIPP

51 International Atomic Energy Agency MRIPP – Steps in the process 1.Describe the individual detector configuration 2.Add detector shielding, if any 3.Create an assembly of multiple detectors, if necessary 4.Add assembly shielding, if any 5.Run an MCNP calculation using a simple point source

52 International Atomic Energy Agency MRIPP organs and tissues GI Skeleton Muscle Liver Lungs Kidneys Thyroid Spleen

53 International Atomic Energy Agency MRIPP – Steps in the process 6.Select a phantom and phantom orientation (standing/lying down or sitting) 7.Describe the detector (assembly) orientation relative to the phantom 8.Run an MCNP calculation with radioactive material in the phantom. Calculation is normalized to the point source result

54 International Atomic Energy Agency Visual Monte Carlo - VMC Simulates whole body counter systems Uses a voxel phantom produced at Yale University and the Monte Carlo technique Simulates the presence of a radionuclide in a tissue Transports the photons through the phantom and simulates their detection Yale voxel phantom was modified at to only use tissues relevant for whole body counting

55 International Atomic Energy Agency Visual Monte Carlo - VMC Phantom is divided into the following tissue types:  adipose tissue  hard bone  bone marrow  Lungs  Thyroid  Liver  Kidneys  Other tissues grouped together

56 International Atomic Energy Agency



59 Software Information Contacts LUDEP National Radiological Protection Board, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0RQ, UK. Fax: +44 (0)1235 833891. Tel: +44 (0)1235 831600. Email: Web Site: For enquiries and sales in North America, and Pacific Rim countries, please contact: Dr A C (Tony) James, ACJ & Associates, Inc, P O Box 3090, Richland, WA 99352-1500 USA Fax: +1 509 375 5190. Tel: +1 509 375 7718. Email: Web Site: MIRDOSE3 Richard Toohey, ORAU, PO Box 117 MS23, OAK RIDGE, TN 37831-0117, USA. Fax:865-241- 9769. Tel: (865) 576-9561. Email: MONDAL/MONDES Dr. Nobuhito Ishigure, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, 4-9-1, Anagawa, Inage, Chiba, Japan. Email:

60 International Atomic Energy Agency Software Information Contacts IMBA Alan Birschall or James Marsh, National Radiological Protection Board, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0RQ, UK. Fax: +44 (0)1235 833891. Tel: +44 (0)1235 831600. Email: Web Site: Dr A C (Tony) James, ACJ & Associates, Inc, P O Box 3090, Richland, WA 99352-1500 USA Fax: +1 509 375 5190. Tel: +1 509 375 7718. Email: Web Site: MRIPP Radiation Safety Information Computational Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Web Site: VMC Dr. J.G. Hunt, CNEN, Institute of Radiation Protection & Dosimetry (IRD), Av. Salvador Allende s/n, Recreio, Rio de Janeiro, CEP 22780-160, Brazil.

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