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Group 7 Cultural Progress 組長:洪行易 組員:王俊翔 鄭緒辰 林遠哲 李冀 邵長恩.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 7 Cultural Progress 組長:洪行易 組員:王俊翔 鄭緒辰 林遠哲 李冀 邵長恩."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 7 Cultural Progress 組長:洪行易 組員:王俊翔 鄭緒辰 林遠哲 李冀 邵長恩

2 Western Classical Civilization

3 Ancient Greece The Ancient Greece is well known as a facinating culture, and is usually believed being the basis of western civilization. Located at the east side of Mediterranean, the city states could be found all around the Aegan Sea. Had great achievements on most fields, especially arts and philosophy.

4 Literature Could find most information of Greek society, living style and other cultural details by taking a view on their literature. The head of western literature, also being regard as the first peak of literature development.

5 Philosophy It is said that philosophy in Greece open the gate of western philosophy. Three epic philosopher that still affect modern society. Socrates Plato Aristotle

6 Arts - Architecture The Parthenon

7 Arts - Sculpture Discobolos (The Discus Thrower)

8 Hellenistic Civilization Start from the time when Alexander the Great conquered the whole Greece. The most important contribution of this period is that the Greek culture had a extensive spread to the world as the empire expand. Though experiencing a prosperity and progress in culture, their achievements usually been considered worse than greek civilization.

9 The Romans Obvious difference from the Greek culture. Huge development in politic, religion and economic, arts wasn't on the place when talking about Roman Empire. Great architecture and engineering technique.

10 Religion

11 Architecture

12 The Renaissance

13 Definition It was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. Although its changes of the Renaissance were uniformly experienced across Europe, it was a big event and the turning point in the history.

14 Videos Let’s watch the introduction of Renaissance AiBjU AiBjU It affects in many aspects like sculptures, architectures, arts, and science It affects in many aspects like sculptures, architectures, arts, and science

15 Art

16 The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

17 Art


19 Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci a masterpiece of Renaissance and world art

20 Sculptures


22 The state of David was carved by Michelangelo

23 Art



26 The Birth of Venus

27 Art




31 The Last Supper

32 Architectures

33 Summary

34 Modern Arts

35 Introduction 1860s to the 1970s Experiment with a new way of seeing Abstraction, not narrative Romantics, Realists and Impressionists Modernism is a philosophical movement A socially progressive trend of the thought

36 Roots in the 19th century Painting -> sculpture and architecture Self-consciousness painted by Édouard Manet Individual freedom An affront to the propriety of the time

37 Early 20th century Fauvism, Cubism, Expressionism, and Futurism World War 1 happened Colored Landscape with Aquatic Birds By Jean Metzinger Interrelation of the arts, architecture, design, and art education

38 After World War 2 Architectural Modernism was popular after the Second World War A dominant architectural style An overarching movement Modern Architecture : PCU

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