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DAQ Systems and Instruments for Hx Performance Testing and Periodic Monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "DAQ Systems and Instruments for Hx Performance Testing and Periodic Monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAQ Systems and Instruments for Hx Performance Testing and Periodic Monitoring

2 Hx Performance Testing Graftel has an experienced staff of field technicians who have been conducting ILRTs and SITs at nuclear plants world wide since 1998. Those tests are all performed using instrumentation and software designed and manufactured by Graftel for those specific applications Graftel has been conducting Hx performance testing since 2006 Graftel has developed, manufactured and used new instrumentation systems and technology for heat exchanger testing and monitoring This presentation discusses these new systems and technology

3 QUALITY ASSURANCE Graftel’s QA program meets the requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix B, 10 CFR 50. Part 21 may be invoked. All calibrations are performed in compliance with both ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 and ISO 17025-2005. Graftel is in the NUPIC database as supplier of Appendix B calibration services, safety related software and heat exchanger performance testing services

4 Graftel is Certified by L.A.B. as an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Compliant Calibration Laboratory Graftel is Certified by L.A.B. as an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Compliant Calibration Laboratory

5 Typical Shell and Tube Hx Measurement System

6 Graftel Data Acquisition System

7 System Advantages Greatly reduced install & tear-down time Full end to end sensor calibration in lab, all sensors have digital outputs No loop checks required in field Improved accuracy and immunity to ambient signal noise No cable length effects upon accuracy Full sensor and probe interchangeability

8 Traditional Data Acquisition System In a traditional system, one cable connects each sensor to the DAS Our typical system would required 36 sensors, to be cabled to the DAS This includes two ambient temperature sensors, two current outputs from the flow meters and 32 temperature sensors on the pipes Set-up and field calibration check time is extensive

9 Sensor Types 12 Channel Temperature 4 Channel Temperature Current Sensor Single Channel Temperature

10 Example Placement of Temperature Sensors On Pipe -

11 Rubber Boots for Temperature Probe Mounting Graftel’s partner company dynamic rubber, custom molds rubber boots Boots securely hold temperature probes against the pipe wall, in the specified positions They allow for quick installations ensuring perfect contact with pipe wall

12 Water Flow Measurement Common Instrument Used Are Ultra Sonic Flow Meters

13 Ultra Sonic Flow Meters These require proper entrance and exit lengths For accuracy, pipe must be round with known diameter and wall thickness Accuracy affected by pipe scaling and corrosion Actual measurement uncertainties often exceed 5%

14 Orifice Plates Also Used to Measure Water Flow Orifices require the measurement of DP across the plate Subject to scaling & erosion, resulting in loss of accuracy Often not removable for periodic calibration Proper entrance and exit lengths required for accuracy Actual measurement uncertainty may approach 5%

15 BALANCED FLOW METERS Balanced flow meter technology conceived, created and tested through the Marshall Center’s Technology Investment Program Licensed in August 2003, the technology was developed by NASA Originally designed for potential use in space shuttle main engines Further development made this invention suitable for commercial applications Awarded 2007 NASA/MSFC invention of the year Graftel, Inc. has exclusive rights to distribute BFMs to the nuclear power industry

16 Balanced Flow Meters Accuracies of 0.25% of reading Accuracy unaffected by entrance and exit lengths Reduced system pressure drop and vibration Acts as both flow meter and flow conditioner Direct drop-in replacement to an orifice plate

17 BFM Advantages Over Orifice Plates Ten times improvement in accuracy 100% increase in pressure recovery No need for strait pipe runs before of after the plate Extreme resistance to Scaling 15 times reduction in noise energy/vibration Permanent pressure loss, accuracy and discharge coefficient comparable with a venturi meter

18 Orifice Plate and BFM Flow Patterns Single Hole OrificeMulti Hole BFM

19 BFM and Orifice Plate Pressure Drops

20 Orifice Plate and BFM Scaling Orifice plates have dead flow zones before and after the plate These zones allow scale to form on the plate, effecting accuracy BFMs minimizes eddy current formations Both sides of the plate are washed with flowing liquid This does not allow the formation of scale

21 Balanced Flow Meter Designs

22 Examples of Balanced Flow Meter Applications

23 Data Collection Software Graftel collects data from the sensor system using a laptop running a software application that saves data in excel format The software validates raw data Checks individual data for stability Graphically shows measured temperature variations around a pipe’s perimeter Performs real time heat balances to validate test data while it is being collected

24 Typical Sensor Inventory

25 Data Collection and Validation

26 Temperature Variation Around Pipe


28 Real Time Heat Balance

29 Instrumented Balanced Flow Meters Balanced flow meters may be supplied with temperature probes inserted into holes cross-drilled into them from the edges This allows for the most accurate measurement of bulk average water temperature flowing though the pipe. Bulk temperature and flow rate may be measured simultaneously at the same point and time with great accuracy. This allows for extremely accurate measurement of heat flux past that point

30 Periodic Monitoring Graftel uses a special glass encapsulated thermistor for temperature measurement We use a process to burn-in sensors under heated conditions to minimize long term drift We have collected pre and post calibration on hundreds of these sensor for over 15 years This data may be used to justify 5 to 10 year recalibration intervals on sensors

31 Periodic Monitoring This long recalibration interval allows temperature sensors to be permanently mounted on the pipe parameter or inside the BFM Periodic monitoring may be performed by easily attaching a USB equipped data collect box to each pipe location Collected data is later downloaded and synchronized in the analysis software

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