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1 DC eTranscripts software overview and intended use.

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1 1 DC eTranscripts software overview and intended use

2 Initiative Overview Parchment Overview Parchment Send Benefits Student Request Process Parchment Send Process Steps to Getting Your School Live Contact information

3 Initiative Overview 3 year software and service agreement with Parchment Easy to implement service, all school costs subsidized by OSSE Student-initiated transcript request portal avail 24x7 at All request fees are subsidized for the duration of the software and service agreement Requests to paper destinations (student choice) are $2.00 and international/overnight avail. Dedicated Parchment resource for training and student outreach Administrator support line staffed Eastern Hours

4 Software Solution  All colleges nationwide now receive transcripts from Parchment, including all Common Application Members  Over 10,000 schools use one of Parchment’s services  Parchment has delivered millions of secure documents to tens of thousands of destinations globally  In use across 90+ unique student information systems  Provides the largest network of senders and receivers in the world!

5 State Initiatives  Indiana Awarded 10/2005  Minnesota Awarded 06/2007  South CarolinaAwarded 06/2008  Wisconsin Awarded 06/2009  Michigan Awarded 07/2009  KansasAwarded 09/2009  IllinoisAwarded 12/2010  OhioAwarded 05/2011  PennsylvaniaAwarded 02/2012  KentuckyAwarded 01/2013 Key Relationships  Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC)  Association of Private Sector Colleges  NCAA  Common Application  Naviance  Infinite Campus Parchment Experience

6 Parchment Send Send Online tracking Preferred delivery format (PDF, Data, Paper) Handle Bulk Requests Automate Paper Processes eCommerce Options Eliminate Postage Save on labor PCI Certified Network Automated delivery with exception processing Reporting and Tracking Dashboards Features Support Green Initiatives

7 User Benefits Customer Service Fast, friendly, knowledgeable, efficient Efficiencies Streamline processes, Automate administrative items Save Money Paper, postage, staff resources Sustainability Support green initiatives “ Parchment is saving us thousands each year and countless clerical hours while creating a quality, time effective transcript transmission process for both student and schools. I am a long-term (2002), very satisfied customer! ” Dr. Randall Peterson, Principal, Eastview High School, MN Data Management Stewards of Student information Benefitting:  Students & Parents  High School Staff  Receiving Institutions  Other Receivers (Employers, NCAA, etc)

8 Cost Benefits  According to the U.S. Department of Education, it costs $6.30 to print and mail a transcript for the average high school  How many transcripts do you process annually?  Now, Let’s do the math! Send

9 Case Study: Verona High School Verona High School, Verona WI 300 Seniors 1000 transcripts annually Student completed a transcript request form and turned into Student Services Office along with “Counselor’s Report” form from completed application Student Services secretaries printed a transcript and senior schedule and forwarded documents to counselor Counselor signed “Counselor’s Report” and mailed documents to college Counselors tagged information on Power School, including the date & receiving post-secondary institution Transcript Request Process 10-15 minutes per transcript 1-5 days from request to mailbox * Does not include time spent on phone calls checking to see if transcripts had been sent by school and received college/university. 1000 transcripts per year x 10 minutes 10,000 minutes 166 hours Time Saved with Parchment 10,000 minutes 166 hours 4 weeks


11 Student Request Process

12 Student Registration Process

13 Transcript Authorization Form Michael Miller Student Signature Student Name

14 Search For Colleges

15 Delivery Method Electronic US Mail Current Transcript Next Grading Period Hold for Degree Review Destinations

16 Student Communication 16 Order Confirmation Order Approval Transcript Received


18 Transcript Processing

19 Print Driver Technology

20 Upload Additional Documents

21 Tracking and Reporting

22 Receiver Services


24 Registration! Go to: Find your school. Follow the step by step instructions to confirm that the school information is correct and provide primary contacts for each school. Select your phase. OSSE recommends that High Schools start immediately and PK-8 in early 2014 but Parchment will accommodate whatever phase each school selects. Parchment steps in. Your registration will be reviewed and validated by a parchment staff member and the contacts you identified will be contacted to do final set up and turn the software to live.

25 Typical Implementation Complete Registration & Launch Call Install Print Driver & Upload Student Roster Verify Data & Upload Transcript Files Configure Administrator Preferences Set up complete!

26 For Additional Information Case Fritz, Parchment Project Manager 480-719-1646 x1035 Emily Persons, OSSE Project Manager REGISTRATION LINK Questions?

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