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DLI Contacts and Designates Survey 2012 Analysis and original presentation by Sylvie Lafortune, DLI/EAC Education Committee November 5, 2012 (revised)

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Presentation on theme: "DLI Contacts and Designates Survey 2012 Analysis and original presentation by Sylvie Lafortune, DLI/EAC Education Committee November 5, 2012 (revised)"— Presentation transcript:

1 DLI Contacts and Designates Survey 2012 Analysis and original presentation by Sylvie Lafortune, DLI/EAC Education Committee November 5, 2012 (revised) Revision adapted for ACCOLEDS Training, Nov 27-29, 2012 by Gail Curry, Western Region Training Coordinator

2 Focus of this presentation Focus on responses from DLI contacts. Focus on two of the five sections in the questionnaire: Section I – DLI contacts work environment; Section V – DLI training. Results by Canada and the Western Region. Show changes between 2008 and 2012. Provide framework for future focus group sessions.

3 Why second cycle? Report from 2008 survey: conduct regular surveys every 4-5 years. Changing research data landscape.  Growth of data portals.  Open data.  Emphasis on statistical and spatial literacies.  Increase in work with undergraduate students. Changes at StatCan/DLI, and evolution in DLI program. Opportunity for participating institutions to provide anonymous feedback on the DLI program and on the training needs of member institutions. Opportunity for DLI Contacts to reflect on their own local services.

4 Process 2008 questionnaire edited by Education Committee to create 2012 questionnaire. May 29, 2012: invitation to participate with instructions and link to online survey sent to all DLI Contacts. Contacts were encouraged to have their designates participate. Survey open May 29 - June 19, 2012 Data collection managed by University of Northern British Columbia’s Survey Research Centre (SRC).

5 Changes to 2012 questionnaire Section I: work environment ← Section II: support from local institution Section III: satisfaction with DLI products, services and DLI section Section IV: improvements to products, services and DLI section Section V: satisfaction with DLI training ←

6 Participation: Quick Recap 2008 Final sample contained 97 completed online surveys Response rate: – Contacts: 92% (66/72) – Designates: 67% (31/46) Survey language used: – EN: 78.4% – FR: 21.6% 2012 Final sample contained 93 completed online surveys Response rate: – Contacts: 96% (72/75) – Designates: (21) Survey language used: – EN: 85% – FR: 15%

7 Section I - DLI contact work environment

8 Changes for this section More details on DLI-related responsibilities and data services provided. New question on quantitative analysis software. Expanded questions on instructional activities and promotional materials/tools. Dropped question DLI metrics.

9 The DLI region in which your institution is located, 2012 (n=68 contacts) RegionNumberPercent Atlantic1115.3 Quebec1318.1 Ontario2230.6 West2230.6

10 Contact’s work environment: Distribution by size of institution Size20082012 Very small < 5,000 24.2% (16)26.4% (19) Small 5,000-9,999 25.8% (17)16.7% (12) Medium 10,000-19,999 25.8% (17)25.0% (18) Large 20,000 + 24.2% (16)26.4% (19)

11 “This is a “learn by doing” experience. That experience will one day become expertise, but it’s a long road. The more advice and help given, the better.”

12 How long IN TOTAL have you served as DLI contact … at your institution? (number of years)

13 And, by region (number of years)

14 DLI-related responsibilities by regions (new) 1/2

15 DLI-related responsibilities by regions (new) 2/2

16 (new question in 2012) Time spent on data services (new question in 2012)

17 Data services at your institution (Canada) 20082012 Offer a dedicated data service? 47.4%n/a Data services offered through contact office or separate service point n/a56.9% Statistics questions are referred to contact or data service point n/a81.9% Statistics questions handled by any librarian at service desk n/a50%

18 Data services at your institution by region, 2012 (%) Canada N=72 Atlantic n=11 Quebec n=13 Ontario n=22 West n=22 Data services offered through contact office or separate service point 56.963.661.572.740.9 Statistics questions are referred to contact or data service point 81.972.784.695.572.7 Statistics questions handled by any librarian at service desk 50.072.723.045.559.0

19 Data services at your institution by size of institution, 2012 (%) Very small < 5,000 n=19 Small 5,000- 9,999 n=12 Medium 10,000- 19,999 n=18 Large 20,000 + n=19 Data services offered through contact office or separate service point 47.441.755.684.2 Statistics questions are referred to contact or data service point 78.983.372.294.7 Statistics questions handled by any librarian at service desk

20 In your wider work responsibilities, do you consider yourself … (Canada) Responsibility20082012 Data person53.0 % (35)63.9 % (46) GIS person1.5 % (1)16.7 % (12) Gov. Documents person15.2% (10)33.3 % (24) Mapsn/a13.9 % (10) Reference person22.7 % (15)n/a Bibliographer/Cataloguern/a2.8 % (2) Subject Specialist/Liaisonn/a51.4 % (37) Other51.5 % (34)57.0 % (41)

21 Data and GIS responsibilities explicitly specified in workload … (Canada) Seems to show an increasing commitment from local institutions in support of data and GIS services. yes20082012 Data63.6% (42)81.9% (59) GIS24.2% (16)29.2% (21)

22 Data and GIS responsibilities explicitly specified in workload … by region (2012)

23 Data ex- tractors (%) DLI REGIONS CanadaAtlanticQuebecOntarioWest 2008 n=66 2012 n=72 2008 n=12 2012 n=11 2008 n=12 2012 n=13 2008 n=20 2012 n=22 2008 n=22 2012 n=22 CHASS56.176.458.763.633.384.655.077.368.190.9 EQUINOX/ IDLS 53.056.983.391.166.793.355.045.527.340.9 NESSTAR15.2N/A0 0 35.0N/A13.6N/A NESSTAR (STC) N/A36.1N/A36.4N/A38.5N/A31.8N/A45.5 ODESIN/A30.6N/A9.0N/A0 86.4N/A9.1 SDA13.625.08.336.40010.013.627.350.0

24 Statistical analysis software used at your institution (2012) (%) Canada n=72 Atlantic n=11 Quebec n=13 Ontario n=22 West n=22 SPSS79.281.872.790.9 SAS54.254.546.272.750.0 STATA44.427.346.268.236.4 R37.527.37.763.640.9

25 Types of instruction activities undertaken to inform users about what DLI has to offer by region


27 Types of promotional materials used to inform users about what DLI has to offer by region Canada N=68 Atlantic N=11 Quebec N=13 Ontario N=22 West N=22 DLI/RDC brochure 41.718.230.868.240.9 Self-auth Print27.818.215.445.527.3 Self-auth. Web54.236.446.263.768.2 Email lists25.027.37.736.427.3 Blog8.39.104.518.2 Twitter4.2004.59.1 RSS2.8004.5 Rarely or never use promo 23.645.538.513.618.2

28 Q30 What types of information, online tools, promotional materials or marketing support would be most helpful … « Une version du "guide de survie" en fonction des besoins des usagers, selon les sites Web existants (site de l'IDD, de CANSIM et des recensements) » “Examples/guides for students of how to use key DLI sources, e.g., CANSIM, to answer real research questions... - I would be happy to contribute to a working group on this...”

29 “An overview/promotion of StatCan's top 10 surveys/collections in DLI. And the same for the RDC program. An overview/promotion of the benefits/services of DLI, the RDC's and the Regional centres” « Guide de base sur la collection que l'on puisse présenter aux étudiants. (…) Une capsule vidéo sur l'IDD et ses ressources serait appréciée »

30 Section II - Support from your local institution

31 Membership to professional data groups or associations by region, 2012 (%) AssociationAtlantic N=11 Quebec N=13 Ontario N=22 West N=22 ACMLA18.17.759.127.3 CAPDU18.17.763.645.5 IASSIST18.130.863.659.1 ICPSR36.423.159.150.0

32 Summary: Section I and II Most DLI Contacts in Canada are still wearing many hats, with many variations (84%) In 2012, data librarianship is more formalized in post-secondary institutions across Canada In 2012, increased recognition of “maps/GIS, data, government information services” in post secondary institutions across Canada

33 Summary: Section I and II Level of satisfaction with support from institution has increased from 3.32 on a scale of 5 in 2008 to 3.81 in 2012.

34 Sections III and IV – Satisfaction with DLI products

35 Use of DLI List (Canada) USEHow often20082012 READDaily81.1%66.7% Weekly6.1%15.3% Never1.5%0% WRITEMonthly19.7%26.4% Quarterly31.8%25% Never13.6%9.7% SEARCHMonthly30.3%29.2% Quarterly30.3%19.4% Never9.1%8.3%

36 Use of DLI list by region (%), 2012 USEHOW OFTEN AtlanticQuebecOntarioWest READDaily 54.561.577.3 Weekly 27.323.113.69.1 WRITEMonthly Quarterly 45.530.89.131.8 < 4 times per year 36.423.118.2 SEARCHMonthly 27.323.127.340.9 Quarterly 27.37.727.318.2 < 4 times per year 18.238.527.331.8

37 Comments on DLI list “Searching the DLI list is troublesome and takes too long” “I've given up searching the listserv archive. It's frustrating to use and usually ineffective. Also need to login twice to complete search” “I find the staff and listserv extremely helpful - it is necessary to maintain adequate staff support for the Unit with the growing emphasis on research and research data”

38 Comments on DLI list “(…) I've also found the community created through the list, where other DLI contacts respond to questions and help each other, to be very useful for my own development as a data librarian” “The shared nature of the DLI list is fantastic and it would be great to build newer shared tools”

39 DLI products: frequency of access in 2012 (%) PRODUCTFrequencyAtlantic N=11 Quebec N=13 Ontario N=22 West N=22 Survival Guide Quarterly9.130.83.827.3 < 4 times a year 54.538.545.536.4 Training repository Monthly36.415.422.718.2 Quarterly023.127.3 < 4 times a year 54.430.836.4

40 CANSIM: frequency of access in 2012 (%) PLATFORMFrequencyAtlanticQuebecOntarioWest CHASSDaily0009.1 Weekly18.27.731.827.3 Monthly27.315.49.118.2 Quarterly27.330.822.7 ESTATDaily015.413.64.5 Weekly36.423.136.431.8 Monthly36.423.113.636.4 Quarterly038.59.113.6 STC WebDaily9.123.122.7 Weekly27.323.131.827.3 Monthly18.27.713.622.7 Quarterly18.

41 Section V: Satisfaction and improvement with DLI training Attending DLI training workshops, boot camps, national training. Overall satisfaction with training. Importance of training topics. Self-evaluation of knowledge/comfort with various aspects of DLI contact work.

42 Attending DLI training (2012) by region (%) Atlantic N=11 Quebec N=13 Ontario N=22 West N=22 Regional training 100.0 95.086.4 Reasons for not attending regional training: new contact; dates not convenient; no budget, etc. Boot Camps100. National training days (every 4 years) 63.669.275.077.3

43 Overall, how satisfied are you with the DLI training? (scale of 1-5) RegionLevel of satisfaction (2008) Level of satisfaction (2012) Atlantic4.134.09 Quebec4.423.91 Ontario4.584.21 West4.334.20

44 Some comments related to satisfaction with training … “ DLI training is essential for me as it brings insights into new developments and what is going on in some of the many subject divisions of Statistics Canada.” « J'apprends beaucoup lors de ces formations, les échanges entre les individus sont aussi très enrichissants. » “I learn so much more, and so much more quickly, when interacting with other DLI librarians and trainers in face- to-face, concentrated education sessions (…)”

45 Most important training areas… Top rankings for Canada in 2008 Top rankings for Canada in 2012 1Regional workshops93.5Regional workshops77.8 2Subject matter presentations91.9Statistical and data literacy72.2 3DLI section presentations88.7Data extractors70.8 4Hands-on sessions88.7Access to DLI collections68.1 5Product reviews83.9Boot camps68.0

46 Most important training areas… Top rankings for the Western region in 2008 Top rankings for the Western region in 2012 Regional workshops90.0DLI section presentations100.0 Subject matter presentations90.0Statistical and data literacy100.0 DLI section presentations90.0Data extractors100.0 Hands-on sessions80.0Boot camps90.0 Computing exercises80.0Regional workshops90.0 Hands-on training90.0

47 More knowledgeable or more comfortable with the following aspects Top rankings for Canada in 2008 Top rankings for Canada in 2012 Census71.5Census65.3 Finding and retrieving aggregate statistics 60.0Finding and retrieving aggregate statistics 62.5 Knowledge of DLI products52.3Responding to data and statistics questions 58.4 Finding and retrieving microdata 50.8Finding and retrieving microdata 58.3 Knowledge of DLI surveys50.8Knowledge of DLI products55.6

48 More knowledgeable or more comfortable with the following: Top rankings for West in 2008Top rankings for West in 2012 Census63.6Responding to data and statistics questions 77.3 Finding and retrieving aggregate54.5Census72.7 Statistical and data literacy statistics 54.5Knowledge of DLI surveys68.2 Knowledge of DLI surveys54.5Knowledge of DLI products68.2 Finding and retrieving microdata 50.0Finding and retrieving aggregate statistics 63.6 Using and interpreting data documentation 63.6

49 Less knowledgeable or less comfortable with the following: Bottom rankings for Canada in 2008 Bottom rankings for Canada in 2012 Using statistical software to manipulate data 67.2Statistical methodologies61.2 Using statistical software to create a software specific format file 60.9Using GIS software59.7 Knowledge of data outside DLI40.0Using statistical software to manipulate data 48.6 Statistical and data literacy31.3Using statistical software to create a software specific format file 41.7 Finding and retrieving geography files 30.2Finding and retrieving geography files 33.4

50 Less knowledgeable or less comfortable with the following: Bottom rankings for West in 2008 Bottom rankings for West in 2012 Using statistical software to manipulate variables 72.7Statistical methodologies81.8 Using statistical software to create a software specific format file 68.2Using GIS software68.2 Knowledge of data outside DLI45.5Using statistical software to manipulate data 59.1 Statistical and data literacy27.3Using statistical software to create a software specific format file 50.0 Using and interpreting data documentation 22.7Finding and retrieving geography files 27.3

51 Looking back, looking forward (responses from contacts and designates, n=92) Q46: Please describe how your data work has changed in the last 3-5 years, and how these changes have affected your training needs  58% response rate (n=54) Q47: Please describe how you see your data work changing in the next 3-5 years, and how you think it will affect your training needs  55% response rate (n=51)

52 Q46 - last 3-5 years: Top issues 1Impact of web-based data services on local services (22%) 2Increase in the number of stats/data questions (15%) 3Change in data work or less data work (13%) 3DLI Contacts need more training on statistical software tools (13%) 3Increase in interest/requests for GIS services (13%)

53 Q46 - last 3-5 years: some comments “ People need help with statistical analysis, which I can't always provide. And there are very few places for people to turn to on campus for help in this regard..” “My time in the classroom (and in creating related teaching and finding tools) is vastly increased as data and statistical literacy becomes increasingly important at all levels in most disciplines.” « On s'attend que je puisse former mes collègues à l'utilisation de données statistiques mais je n'en sais pas assez pour le faire. Par exemple, je ne sais pas comment utiliser Nesstar! »

54 Q47 - next 3-5 years: Top issues 1 Training in numeracy/statistical literacy (25%) 2 Enhancing knowledge of data analysis tools (20%) 3Training colleagues, staff (16%) 4 More teaching/ team teaching with faculty (14%) 5 Growing demand for GIS (12%)

55 Q47 - next 3-5 years some comments “The explosion of open data, as well as free data visualization and mapping tools has increased users' awareness of data, and expectations of service. It's hard enough for me to keep on top of this, let alone my reference colleagues. I anticipate the need to do a lot of in-service training for librarians.” “We will likely become much more involved in data management planning and implementation for our researcher communities. The Library, and the Data Service as a consequence, will have a strong role in this.”

56 Q47 - next 3-5 years some comments « J'aurais besoin de plus de formation pour savoir comment utiliser les logiciels statistiques afin de pouvoir offrir un soutien de base aux usagers. » “Increased use of data and GIS in undergraduate programs and the public availability of data from third party sources ( will necessitate that more library staff, engaged in reference and information literacy activities, be trained in the art of locating and evaluating data.”

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