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Fourth Edition Sherrie L. Nist © Townsend Press
Unit Three: Chapter 18 • cor, cour • -ish • di-, du- • magni-, magn-
• -dom • phob • -fy • pro- • il-, im- • psych-, psycho- Page 96 in textbook.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 1 cor, cour • I felt truly welcomed by my cordial hosts. Their kindness and generosity were heartfelt. • Emmy was courageous enough to face the bully without backing down. I would have been too scared to do the same. The word part cor or cour means A. resembling. B. double. C. heart. Page 96 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 1 cor, cour • I felt truly welcomed by my cordial hosts. Their kindness and generosity were heartfelt. • Emmy was courageous enough to face the bully without backing down. I would have been too scared to do the same. The word part cor or cour means A. resembling. B. double. C. heart. Page 96 in textbook. In the first item, the word heartfelt suggests that cor means “heart.” The idea of courage is often associated with the heart. Think, for example, of Richard the Lionhearted or the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz who wants a heart so he will have courage.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 2 di-, du- • When Tyrone and Verna got divorced, they had to spend a difficult day dividing their household possessions into two groups. • One of the three band members didn’t show up, so only a duo played at the dance. The word part di- or du means A. make. B. two. C. great. Page 96 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer. A 1630 Dutch painting titled “The Duet”
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 2 di-, du- • When Tyrone and Verna got divorced, they had to spend a difficult day dividing their household possessions into two groups. • One of the three band members didn’t show up, so only a duo played at the dance. The word part di- or du- means A. make. B. two. C. great. Page 96 in textbook. A 1630 Dutch painting titled “The Duet” Tyrone and Verna’s divorce changed them from a married couple into two individuals, so they had to divide their possessions into two groups. If one of the three band members didn’t show up, there were only two musicians.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 3 -dom • A few actors achieve overnight success, but for most, the road to stardom is long and difficult. • “One sure way to put my husband into a deep state of boredom,” Jasmin said, “is to take him with me when I shop for shoes.” The word part -dom means A. like. B. state of being. C. fear. Page 96 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 3 -dom • A few actors achieve overnight success, but for most, the road to stardom is long and difficult. • “One sure way to put my husband into a deep state of boredom,” Jasmin said, “is to take him with me when I shop for shoes.” The word part -dom means A. like. B. state of being. C. fear. Page 96 in textbook. Stardom is the state of being a star and boredom is the state of being bored.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 4 -fy • Would it simplify matters if I held your baby while you go into the dressing room to try on the slacks? • First liquefy the ice cream over heat. Then mix in the strawberry jam. The word part -fy means A. cause to become. B. again. C. dislike. Page 96 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 4 -fy • Would it simplify matters if I held your baby while you go into the dressing room to try on the slacks? • First liquefy the ice cream over heat. Then mix in the strawberry jam. The word part -fy means A. cause to become. B. again. C. dislike. Page 96 in textbook. If the person speaking held the baby, it would cause matters to become simpler for the person trying on clothes. If you put ice cream over heat, you will cause it to become liquid.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 5 il-, im- • Nita doesn’t seem to care that it’s illegal to park next to a fire hydrant. • My brother-in-law is so immature that he often acts as if he is 16 instead of a married man of 26. The word part il- or im- means A. not. B. double. C. like. Page 96 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer. “I know it’s illegal to download music from the Internet…but you said the stuff I listen to isn’t music!”
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 5 il-, im- • Nita doesn’t seem to care that it’s illegal to park next to a fire hydrant. • My brother-in-law is so immature that he often acts as if he is 16 instead of a married man of 26. The word part il- or im- means A. not. B. double. C. like. Page 96 in textbook. It is not legal to park next to a fire hydrant. If the twenty-six-year-old brother-in-law acts as if he is 16, he is not being mature. “I know it’s illegal to download music from the Internet…but you said the stuff I listen to isn’t music!”
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 6 -ish • My devilish brother once videotaped me huffing and puffing my way through aerobics, and now he shows the tape to every new friend I bring home. • Of all the girls at school, Jessie was the most stylish, wearing only the latest clothing featured in the fashion magazines. The word part -ish means A. forth. B. characteristic of. C. mind. Page 96 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 6 -ish • My devilish brother once videotaped me huffing and puffing my way through aerobics, and now he shows the tape to every new friend I bring home. • Of all the girls at school, Jessie was the most stylish, wearing only the latest clothing featured in the fashion magazines. The word part -ish means A. forth. B. characteristic of. C. mind. Page 96 in textbook. In the first item, the brother’s actions are characteristic of a devil. In the second item, if Jessie wears only the latest clothing, her clothing is characteristic of style.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 7 magni-, magn- • My grandmother uses a magnifying glass to make the small print in the newspaper appear larger. • Eight years after starting Standard Oil in 1870, oil magnate John D. Rockefeller controlled about 85 percent of the country’s oil industry. The word part magni- or magn- means A. forward. B. fear. C. large. Page 97 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 7 magni-, magn- • My grandmother uses a magnifying glass to make the small print in the newspaper appear larger. • Eight years after starting Standard Oil in 1870, oil magnate John D. Rockefeller controlled about 85 percent of the country’s oil industry. The word part magni- or magn- means A. forward. B. fear. C. large. Page 97 in textbook. In the first item, the word larger is a clue that magni- means “large.” If Rockefeller controlled 85 percent of the country’s oil industry, he was a very powerful man (a man of large force) in the industry.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 8 phob • One of the most unusual phobias is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one’s mouth. • Marilyn’s mother has developed agoraphobia to the point that she is afraid even of going to the mailbox at the end of the driveway. The word part phob means A. forth. B. quality. C. fear. Page 97 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 8 phob • One of the most unusual phobias is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one’s mouth. • Marilyn’s mother has developed agoraphobia to the point that she is afraid even of going to the mailbox at the end of the driveway. The word part phob means A. forth. B. quality. C. fear. Page 97 in textbook. In the first item, the word fear tells you that the word part phob means “fear.” The word agoraphobia means “fear of public spaces.” The word afraid is a clue.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 9 pro- • Proceed down to the end of this hallway, make a left, and you will see the x-ray department. • One scientist propels his car with a fuel he gets by burning garbage. The word part pro- means A. forward. B. resembling. C. dislike. Page 97 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer. Airplane propellers
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 9 pro- • Proceed down to the end of this hallway, make a left, and you will see the x-ray department. • One scientist propels his car with a fuel he gets by burning garbage. The word part pro- means A. forward. B. resembling. C. dislike. Page 97 in textbook. To proceed is to go forward. To propel is to push forward. Propellers move an airplane forward.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 10 psych-, psycho- • To treat her depression, Lee takes medication and also sees a psychiatrist once a week. • A psychoactive drug is one that affects mental processes. The word part psych- or psycho- means A. mind. B. make. C. again. Page 97 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.
Choose the meaning of the word part based on the boldfaced words. 10 psych-, psycho- • To treat her depression, Lee takes medication and also sees a psychiatrist once a week. • A psychoactive drug is one that affects mental processes. The word part psych- or psycho- means A. mind. B. make. C. again. Page 97 in textbook. A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats diseases of the mind, such as depression. And a drug that affects mental process affects the mind.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. cour B. di-, du- C. -dom D. -fy E. il-, im- F. -ish G. magni- H. phob I. pro- J. psycho- 1. Despite her (boy ) ___ hairstyle, Paula looks very feminine. 2. (Wis ) ___ is what we gain when we learn from our mistakes. Page 98 in textbook. Answers: 1. boyish; 2. wisdom The next slide explains the answers.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. cour B. di-, du- C. -dom D. -fy E. il-, im- F. -ish G. magni- H. phob I. pro- J. psycho- 1. Despite her ___________ hairstyle, Paula looks very feminine. boyish Paula’s hairstyle resembles the hairstyle of a boy. 2. ___________ is what we gain when we learn from our mistakes. Wisdom Page 98 in textbook. Wisdom is the state of being wise.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. cour B. di-, du- C. -dom D. -fy E. il-, im- F. -ish G. magni- H. phob I. pro- J. psycho- 3. The parents were greatly (dis aged) ___ when every attempt to find their son failed. 4. To keep the accident victim ( mobile) ___, the paramedics tied her to a stretcher. Page 98 in textbook. Answers: 3. discouraged; 4. immobile; 5. produced The next slide explains the answers. 5. The reason these life-size dolls are so expensive is that only one hundred are ( duced) ___ each year.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. cour B. di-, du- C. -dom D. -fy E. il-, im- F. -ish G. magni- H. phob I. pro- J. psycho- 3. The parents were greatly _____________ when every attempt to find their son failed. discouraged Failure to find the son would make the parents lose heart. 4. To keep the accident victim _____________, the paramedics tied her to a stretcher. immobile Page 98 in textbook. If the paramedics tied the victim to the stretcher, they must have wanted to be sure she did not move. 5. The reason these life-size dolls are so expensive is that only one hundred are _____________ each year. produced To produce means, literally, “to lead or bring forth.”
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. cour B. di-, du- C. -dom D. -fy E. il-, im- F. -ish G. magni- H. phob I. pro- J. psycho- 6. The funhouse mirror ( fied) ___ my reflection so that I looked fifty pounds heavier. 7. I always ( plicate) ___ important papers and letters so that if the original gets lost, I still have the copy. Page 98 in textbook. Answers: 6. magnified; 7. duplicate The next slide explains the answers.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. cour B. di-, du- C. -dom D. -fy E. il-, im- F. -ish G. magni- H. phob I. pro- J. psycho- 6. The funhouse mirror ___________ my reflection so that I looked fifty pounds heavier. magnified If the person looks fifty pounds heavier, the mirror must make his or her reflection larger. 7. I always ______________ important papers and letters so that if the original gets lost, I still have the copy. duplicate Page 98 in textbook. By duplicating the papers the person ends up with two documents—the original and the copy.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. cour B. di-, du- C. -dom D. -fy E. il-, im- F. -ish G. magni- H. phob I. pro- J. psycho- 8. Barb’s ( analyst) ___ asked her to write down her dreams, as they might be helpful in understanding her problems. 9. If you want to find a job before all the graduates start looking for employment next month, you’d better (intensi ) ___ your search. Page 98 in textbook. Answers: 8. psychoanalyst; 9. intensify; 10. claustrophobia The next slide explains the answers. 10. It’s lucky Santa Claus doesn’t have (claustro ia) ___. Otherwise, he would be too frightened of confined spaces to come down the chimney.
SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box. A. cour B. di-, du- C. -dom D. -fy E. il-, im- F. -ish G. magni- H. phob I. pro- J. psycho- 8. Barb’s ______________ asked her to write down her dreams, as they might be helpful in understanding her problems. psychoanalyst The psychoanalyst would be interested in Barb’s dreams as a way to better understand what is going on in her mind. 9. If you want to find a job before all the graduates start looking for employment next month, you’d better _____________ your search. intensify Page 98 in textbook. To find a job quickly, your search needs to become more intense. 10. It’s lucky Santa Claus doesn’t have ________________. Otherwise, he would be too frightened of confined spaces to come down the chimney. claustrophobia Claustrophobia is a fear of confined spaces.
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