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Core Administrative Processing Support Centers. CAPS Centers The Shape of Things to Come - A Strategic Opportunity -

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1 Core Administrative Processing Support Centers

2 CAPS Centers The Shape of Things to Come - A Strategic Opportunity -

3 Shared Services: Lessons Learned HR processes are inefficient due to: Complicated policies and procedures Too many transactions Manual processing retained when not required IT not fully leveraged Transactions staffed fractionally by generalists Technology implemented w/o focus on end user For more information on the Shared Services Initiative please visit

4 Shared Services: Characteristics Customer driven transactions Clear communication of expectations Regular measurement and feedback Productivity improvements through automation Aggregation of transactions

5 Advantages of CAPS Why a CAPS Center? Free up resources to dedicate to “mission critical” activities Compliance with Federal/State regulations (e.g., E-Verify, SSN remediation, FICA) Higher accuracy, more timely processing Easy access to HRS subject matter experts

6 CAPS Centers What does a CAPS Center Do for You? Personnel action processing ePAF approval and data entry of actions not currently supported by ePAF New Employee Registration (NER) FICA compliance Creation of EMPLIDs Problem solving Imaging Position Management Work Authorization Reports

7 How Do You Create CAPS? Develop a Written Service Agreement Details HRS and Division expectations Includes measures of service Provides for periodic reviews Specifies process for dispute resolution

8 History and Timeline Core Administrative Processing Support Centers at the University of Missouri: CAPS Centers 200320042006 2007 2009 2010 Administrative Services Provost OfficeOffice of Research Student Auxiliary Services (EXTERNAL) Journalism Engineering Law, Library CAFNR / HES / Vet Med Expanded Admin Services ▪ Provost, Chancellor, Univ. Affairs

9 History and Timeline (continued) Core Administrative Processing Support Centers at the University of Missouri: CAPS Centers May 2011 Office of ResearchCollege of Arts & Science (Students only) Graduate SchoolCollege of Business College of Education July 2011August 2011November 2011

10 History and Timeline (continued) Core Administrative Processing Support Centers at the University of Missouri: CAPS Centers Student Affairs Alumni & Development Enrollment Management 2012 Late 2013 2014 UM System July 2013 NER Only divisions join with ePAF implementation

11 Current CAPS Centers Full CAPSNER OnlyNon-CAPS Administrative Services College of Business College of Education Enrollment Management Journalism Engineering Law Libraries Graduate School Division of IT UM System Office of Research Arts & Sciences Students Student Affairs CAFNR (Agriculture) Human Environmental Sciences (HES) Veterinary Medicine University Affairs Alumni & Development Provost Chancellor Truman School of Public Affairs School of Health Professions Intercollegiate Athletics School of Medicine School of Nursing Arts & Science Faculty & Staff Extension

12 Roles Supervisor communicates personnel change to Department Designee Department Designee submits ePAF (or email for actions not yet supported by ePAF) CAPS Center processes ePAF approvals and data enters non-ePAF actions CAPS Center provides additional support to CAPS Departments including, but not limited to: New Employee Registration (NER) to verify completion of onboarding paperwork Manage FICA Compliance Management of work authorization for non-resident aliens Emplid Creation More services to come in 2014

13 What’s Next? Finalize Service Agreement CAPS Center Staff will schedule visits to discuss: ePAF approvals and processing New Employee Registration(NER) Transition and training activities Questions/concerns prior to Go-Live Profiles from your various areas Go-Live Post-implementation visits


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