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Published byCharity Oliver Modified over 9 years ago
Vocabulary List One WordMeaning 1. abhorhate 2. bigotnarrow-minded, prejudiced person 3. counterfeitfake; false 4. enfranchisegive voting rights 5. hamperhinder; obstruct 6. kindleto start a fire 7. noxiousharmful; poisonous; lethal 8. placidcalm; peaceful 9. remunerationpayment for work done 10. talismanlucky charm
Vocabulary List Two WordMeaning 1. abrasiverough; coarse; harsh 2. bilkcheat; defraud 3. Coverthidden; undercover 4. engendercause 5. hangarstorage area (like garage) for plane 6. knottycomplex; difficult to solve 7. nuancesomething subtle; a find shade of meaning 8. plagiarismtaking credit for someone else’s writing or ideas 9. renownfame 10. tangentgoing off the main subject
Vocabulary List Three WordMeaning 1. abasementhumiliation; degradation 2. billowingswelling; fluttering; waving 3. cowerrecoil in fear or servility; shrink away from 4. enhanceimprove; make better or clearer 5. haranguenoisy, attacking speech 6. labyrintha maze 7. nullifyto counter; make unimportant 8. plaintiffpetitioner (in court of law) 9. repletefull 10. tangiblecan be touched
Vocabulary List Four WordMeaning 1. abrogatecancel; deny; repeal 2. blasphemyspeech which offends religious sentiments 3. crediblebelievable 4. enigmapuzzle; mystery 5. harbingersindicators; bringers of warnings 6. labyrinthinecomplicated; highly convoluted 7. nuzzlecuddle; snuggle 8. plauditstatement giving strong praise 9. reprehensibleshameful; very bad 10. tardyslow; late; overdue; delayed
Vocabulary List Five WordMeaning 1. absolutionforgiveness; pardon; release 2. blatantobvious 3. creditablepraiseworthy 4. ensconceestablish firmly in a position 5. hastenhurry; accelerate; rush 6. lacerationa cut 7. obduratestubborn 8. plausiblecan be believed; reasonable 9. reprievea respite; postponement of a sentence 10 tawdryof little value; gaudy
Vocabulary List Six WordMeaning 1. abstaindesist; go without; withdraw 2. blighteddamaged; destroyed; ruined 3. credulousgullible; ready to believe anything 4. enshroudcover 5. haughtinessarrogance; pride 6. lachrymosetearful; sad 7. obfuscatedeliberately make something difficult to understand 8. plethoraan excess 9. repudiateshun; eschew 10. tediumboredom
Vocabulary List Seven WordMeaning 1. abstemiousself denying; refraining from indulging 2. blithefree-spirited; carefree 3. crepuscularactive at dawn and dusk 4. enunciationclear pronunciation; accent; articulation 5. headstrongstubborn; willful 6. lacklusterdull; monotonous; bland 7. objectiveunbiased; not subjective 8. pliableflexible; not stubborn 9. rescindretract; repeal 10. temperto moderate; soften
Vocabulary List Eight WordMeaning 1. abstrusedifficult to understand; obscure 2. blunderbuss1. ancient weapon 2. a clumsy person 3. cringerecoil; flinch; shy away 4. envenomto cause bitterness and bad feeling 5. hedonismself indulgence; pleasure-seeking 6. laconicusing few words; brief; to the point 7. obliqueindirect; slanting 8. plumagefeathers of a bird 9. resignationacceptance of fate 10. tenaciousstubborn; resolute; holding firm to a purpose
Vocabulary List Nine WordMeaning 1. accoladetribute; honor; praise 2. bolstersupport; prop up 3. crypticpuzzling; enigmatic 4. ephemeralshort-lived 5. hedonista pleasure seeker 6. lamentationexpression of regret or sorrow 7. obliteratedestroy; demolish; eradicate 8. plummetfall suddenly and steeply 9. resolutiondetermination 10. tentativenot certain
Vocabulary List Ten WordMeaning 1. acquiesceto agree to; give in to 2. bombastarrogant, pompous language 3. curtailcut short 4. epicuresomeone who appreciates good food and drink 5. heedlisten to 6. lampoonridicule; spoof 7. oblivioustotally unaware 8. podiumraised platform 9. resonantechoing 10. tenuousflimsy; not solid
Vocabulary List Eleven WordMeaning 1. abasehumiliate, degrade 2. Balkto stop, block abruptly 3. cacophonytremendous noise, disharmonious sound 4. dauntingintimidating, causing one to lose courage 5. ebullientextremely lively, enthusiastic 6. fabricateto make up, invent 7. garishgaudy, in bad taste 8.hackneyedunoriginal, trite 9. iconoclastone who attacks common beliefs or institutions 10. jubilantextremely joyful, happy
Vocabulary List Twelve WordMeaning 1. abateto reduce, lesson 2. banaldull, commonplace 3. cadencerhythm, progression of sound 4. deartha lack, scarcity 5. eclecticconsisting of a diverse variety of elements 6. façadethe wall of a building 7. garruloustalkative, wordy 8. hallowedrevered, consecrated 9. idiosyncraticpeculiar to one person, highly individualized 10. judicioushaving or exercising sound judgment
Vocabulary List Thirteen WordMeaning 1. abdicateto give up a position, usually of of leadership 2. banea burden 3. cajoleto urge, coax 4. debaclea disastrous failure, disruption 5. ecstaticintensely and overpoweringly happy 6. facileeasy, requiring little effort 7. genialfriendly, affable 8. haplessunlucky 9. idolatrousexcessively worshipping one object or person 10.juxtapositionact of placing two things next to each other for comparison
Vocabulary List Fourteen WordMeaning 1. abductto kidnap, take by force 2. bardpoet, often a singer as well 3. calamityan event with disastrous consequences 4. debaclea disastrous failure, disruption 5. edictorder, decree 6. fallaciousincorrect, misleading 7. gluttonyoverindulgence in food or drink 8. haranguea ranting speech or to give such a speech 9. ignominioushumiliating, disgracing 10. knellthe solemn sound of a bell, often indication a death
Vocabulary List Fifteen WordMeaning 1. aberrationsomething that differs from the norm 2. bashfulshy, excessively timid 3. calibrateto set, standardize 4. debaseto lower the quality or esteem of something 5. effaceto wipe out, obliterate, rub away 6. fastidiousmeticulous, demanding, having high standards 7. goadto urge, spur, incite to action 8. hardyrobust, capable of surviving through adverse conditions 9. illicitforbidden, not permitted 10. kudospraise for an achievement
Vocabulary List Sixteen WordMeaning 1. abetto aid, help, encourage 2. battery1. device that supplies power 2. assault, beating 3. callousharsh, cold, unfeeling 4. debauchto corrupt by means of sensual pleasures 5. effervescentbubbly, lively 6. fathomunderstand, comprehend 7. harrowinggreatly distressing, vexing 8. immerseto absorb, deeply involve, engross 9. lacerationa cut, tear 10. maelstroma destructive whirlpool which rapidly sucks in objects
Vocabulary List Seventeen WordMeaning 1. abjectwretched, pitiful 2. beguileto trick, deceive 3. camaraderiebrotherhood, jovial unity 4. debunkto expose the falseness of something 5. efficaciouseffective 6. fatuoussilly, foolish 7. immutablenot changeable 8. laconicbrief or short in speech or writing 9. magnanimousnoble, generous 10. nadirthe lowest point of something
Vocabulary List Eighteen WordMeaning 1. abjectwretched, pitiful 2. behemothsomething of tremendous power or size 3. candorhonesty, frankness 4. decoroussocially proper, appropriate 5. effronteryimpudence, nerve, insolence 6. fecundfruitful, fertile 7. haughtydisdainfully proud 8. impassivestoic, not susceptible to suffering 9. languidsluggish from fatigue or weakness 10. maledictiona curse
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