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Education resources from the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum For more information please contact the learning team on: 0117 925 4980 ext 207 or.

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Presentation on theme: "Education resources from the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum For more information please contact the learning team on: 0117 925 4980 ext 207 or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education resources from the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum For more information please contact the learning team on: 0117 925 4980 ext 207 or email: Learning Activity Key Stage 3 Resistance and Rebellion

2 Education resources from the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum Background information Resisting oppression can take many forms. There are times when it is sensible to protest, while at other times it is more effective to be subtle. Some historians argue that one of the most important influences in ending the Transatlantic Slave Trade was the resistance by Africans, during the middle passage and in the plantations.

3 Education resources from the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum Task 1 Different forms of resistance Place the acts of resistance as ‘big’ scale resistance and ‘small’ scale resistance Deliberately damage machinery Work slowly Steal from Master Speak to other enslaved men and women using an African dialect Kill a plantation owner Pretending not to understand orders Plan and carry out an armed revolt Refuse to do any work Practice your own religion and cultural beliefs Working slowly when not being observed

4 Education resources from the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum Queen Nanny of the Windward Maroons has largely been ignored by historians who have restricted their focus to male figures in Maroon history. She guided the Maroons through the most intense period of their resistance against the British between 1725 and 1740. Task 2 Design a memorial Each group investigates and researches the life of Nanny Maroon and creates a memorial of her great life and courage. Themes for memorial display: History of Maroon culture Significance of Maroon women Different Acts of Resistance by the Maroon culture Impact of this resistance and rebellion on the Slave Trade

5 Education resources from the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum Task 3 Listen to the Frederick Douglass audio file. He was born slave in Maryland, USA. In 1838 he escaped to the north and became involved in the anti-slavery movement. Complete the activity, right: Read the statements on the next slide, taken from Frederick Douglass’s extract Explain in your own words what Frederick Douglass is saying What impact has it had on you?

6 Education resources from the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum Task 3 I determined to be free, and from the age of 10 years was continually planning The time may come when I may disclose this (escape), but never will it be said that I have held up the lamp to the tyrant, in order to show the way, by which he may overtake those who make their escape from him. I would rather show him that even when surrounded by those who he thinks, he has subdued and humbled, he is yet in the midst of death. After my escape, I arrived in New Bedford, where I was engaged rolling oil casks on the quay, and doing anything that presented itself. I must say I worked harder then than when in Slavery. Meaning: Impact:

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