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CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite CBT-English VOCABULARY SUITE nnh/Multiple meanings
Which meaning do you mean?
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Frame 1 Which meaning do you mean? Homographs Words with multiple meanings nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
1 My father saves his money in the bank.
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Frame 2 Many English words have more than one meaning. For instance, the word bank. Click on bank to know what it means. 1 My father saves his money in the bank. 2 We sat on the bank of the river and watched the currents. 3 The pilot had to bank the plane to avoid the birds. (For each item, show a picture with the sentence. The student clicks on the word and the definition appears. Possible audio complement: A voice reads the sentence, then when the word bank is clicked, reads the meaning.) Meanings: 1 A financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities A slope of land beside a body of water Tilt while turning nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Frame 3 Bank is just one of the many words in English that have more than one meaning. These words are called multiple-meaning words or homographs. (Audio: Student clicks on “multiple-meaning words” and “homographs” to hear how they are pronounced.) (Flash rapidly across the screen these homographs, showing each with two or more meanings): BAT (picture of flying mammal) BAT (picture of baseball bat) FLY (picture of the insect) FLY (picture of a bird flying) PEN (picture of the writing implement) PEN (picture of a pigpen ROCK (picture of a big stone) ROCK (picture of baby being rocked to sleep) nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
In this lesson you will:
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Frame 4 In this lesson you will: Define what a homograph is Identify the homograph being referred to in various contexts Use context clues to identify the meaning of a homograph in a text. nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Frame 5 What are homographs? A homograph is one of two or more words that have the same spelling but differ in meaning, origin, or sometimes pronunciation. Homographs can be used in different ways, depending on the surrounding words, known as the context. Play the Homograph Jeopardy and find out what homograph is referred to by the clues. nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
Kat, can this be done? If not a simpler game may be devised. 100 200
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (Homograph Jeopardy: This game is adapted from The TV game Jeopardy. Use a 3 x 3 grid with rows of 100, 200, and 300, respectively. When the student clicks on 100, e.g., an item appears. Each item has a window for typing the answer. After typing the answer, the student clicks on “Submit” and the feedback appears. The user then clicks on “Continue” and is taken back to the grid to select the next cell. The used cell has a smiley if answered correctly and a “frownie” if incorrectly answered. Below the grid is a running scoreboard.) Kat, can this be done? If not a simpler game may be devised. 100 200 300 nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
A spinning toy OR the opposite of bottom
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (Homograph Jeopardy items. See sample format below.) Item 1 (100) A spinning toy OR the opposite of bottom SUBMIT CONTINUE TOP (When student clicks “Submit”, the feedback window appears. Clicking on “Continue” takes the student back to the Jeopardy grid. See sample feedback for Item 1 below. ) (Correct answer): Your answer is CORRECT. Click “Continue”. (Incorrect answer): INCORRECT. The right answer is TOP. A top is a toy that you spin. Top is also a word the means the opposite of bottom. Click “Continue”. nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
To move through the air OR a type of insect
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (Homograph Jeopardy) Item 2 (100) To move through the air OR a type of insect SUBMIT CONTINUE FLY (FEEDBACK) (Correct answer): Your answer is CORRECT. Click “Continue”. (Incorrect answer): INCORRECT. The right answer is FLY. Birds and planes can fly or move through the air. Fly is also the name of an insect. Click “Continue”. nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
Goes away OR the green parts of a tree
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (Homograph Jeopardy) Item 3 (100) Goes away OR the green parts of a tree SUBMIT CONTINUE LEAVES (FEEDBACK) (Correct answer): Your answer is CORRECT. Click “Continue”. (Incorrect answer): INCORRECT. The right answer is LEAVES. When someone leaves, he or she goes away. Leaves also refer to the green parts of a tree that fall. Click “Continue.” nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
Goes away OR the green parts of a tree
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (Homograph Jeopardy) Item 3 (100) Goes away OR the green parts of a tree SUBMIT CONTINUE LEAVES (FEEDBACK) (Correct answer): Your answer is CORRECT. Click “Continue”. (Incorrect answer): INCORRECT. The right answer is LEAVES. When someone leaves, he or she goes away. Leaves also refer to the green parts of a tree that fall. Click “Continue.” nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
Opposite of heavy OR opposite of dark
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (Homograph Jeopardy) Item 4 (200) Opposite of heavy OR opposite of dark SUBMIT CONTINUE LIGHT (FEEDBACK) (Correct answer): Your answer is CORRECT. Click “Continue”. (Incorrect answer): INCORRECT. The right answer is LIGHT. Something that is not heavy is light. Light can also mean not dark. Click “Continue.” nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
Twelve inches OR a part of your body
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (Homograph Jeopardy) Item 5 (200) Twelve inches OR a part of your body SUBMIT CONTINUE FOOT (FEEDBACK) (Correct answer): Your answer is CORRECT. Click “Continue”. (Incorrect answer): INCORRECT. The right answer is FOOT. You have a foot at the end of each leg. Something that measures 12 inches is a foot long. Click “Continue.” nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
Something you use to light a fire OR two things that go together.
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (Homograph Jeopardy) Item 6 (200) Something you use to light a fire OR two things that go together. SUBMIT CONTINUE MATCH (FEEDBACK) (Correct answer): Your answer is CORRECT. Click “Continue”. (Incorrect answer): INCORRECT. The right answer is MATCH. You use a match to light a fire. Two things that are similar or go together are said to match. Click “Continue.” nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
Another word for smart OR something that gives off a lot of light.
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (Homograph Jeopardy) Item 7 (300) Another word for smart OR something that gives off a lot of light. SUBMIT CONTINUE BRIGHT (FEEDBACK) (Correct answer): Your answer is CORRECT. Click “Continue”. (Incorrect answer): INCORRECT. The right answer is BRIGHT. A bright person is smart. Something that gives off a lot of light is bright. Click “Continue.” nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
What you do with a hammer OR a place for stray animals.
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (Homograph Jeopardy) Item 8 (300) What you do with a hammer OR a place for stray animals. SUBMIT CONTINUE POUND (FEEDBACK) (Correct answer): Your answer is CORRECT. Click “Continue”. (Incorrect answer): INCORRECT. The right answer is POUND. We pound a nail with a hammer. Lost dogs and kittens are placed in the animal pound. Click “Continue.” nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
A journey OR to stumble over something.
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (Homograph Jeopardy) Item 9 (300) A journey OR to stumble over something. SUBMIT CONTINUE TRIP (FEEDBACK) (Correct answer): Your answer is CORRECT. Click “Continue”. (Incorrect answer): INCORRECT. The right answer is TRIP. Someone who goes on a journey takes a trip. Trip also means to stumble over something, e.g., you may trip if your foot catches on a wire. Click “Continue.” nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
1500/1800 100 200 300 Click on your score CONTINUE
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (Homograph Jeopardy) (Note that there is a running scoreboard next to or under the Jeopardy grid. When the final score is shown, the student can click on the scoreboard to get the feedback.) Click on your score 100 200 300 1500/1800 CONTINUE (Feedback) (1800) Congratulations, you got a perfect score! Click “Continue” to know more about homographs. ( ) Well done! Click “Continue” to know more about homographs. ( ) Your score is okay but you need to know more about homographs. Click “Continue”. (1000 and below) You definitely need to improve your knowledge of homographs. This is your chance! Click “Continue”. nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
How to identify the meaning of a homograph
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Frame 6 How to identify the meaning of a homograph To understand what you read, you need to make sure that you get the meaning intended by the author. You need to be especially alert if the author uses homographs. If you use another meaning for a homograph other than the one intended by the author, then you will misunderstand the text. How do you make sure that you get the right meaning for a homograph used in a text you are reading? You need to pay attention to context, or how the word is used in the passage. nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
Read this sentence from the story “Mafatu and the Ma’o.”
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Frame 7 Read this sentence from the story “Mafatu and the Ma’o.” Think about the meaning of bank as it is used in the sentence. Mafatu had banked his fire the night before in the natural shelter of a cave and he resolved never to let the sparks die out. In the sentence, note that the word bank does not have anything to do with an institution dealing with money. It does not refer to a river bank either. Nor does it mean the action of tilting. (Make a link for “Mafatu and the Ma’o”. The link gives a synopsis of the story. nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
(LINK: Synopsis of “Mafatu and the Ma’o”.)
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite (LINK: Synopsis of “Mafatu and the Ma’o”.) “Mafatu and the Ma’o” is taken from the novel Call it Courage by Armstrong Sperry. Mafatu, son of the great Polynesian chief of Hikuero, was scorned by his people because of his fear of the sea. To earn his proper place among them, he set out in his canoe, alone except for his dog Uri, and his pet albatross--determined to conquer his fear or to be conquered. But a storm wrecked his canoe and tossed him onto a deserted island. This chapter narrates how Mafatu learned to conquer his fear of the sea while on the island, building the canoe that will take him home. nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Look at the words surrounding bank. Do you notice any that can help you determine what it means in the passage? If your answer is “…resolved never to let the sparks die out,” you are correct. This phrase indicates that Mafatu did something to the fire so it did not die out. Thus, the phrase helps you to figure out the meaning of bank. What do you think Mafatu did so the fire would not die out? Type your answer here: nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
Compare your answer to the explanation below.
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Compare your answer to the explanation below. What do you do when you bank a fire? You save it. Here, the word bank does not mean saving money but, rather, saving a fire by having it burn more slowly. Perhaps, Mafatu covered the fire with some ashes so it burned more slowly. (Picture/Flash animation of Mafatu covering the fire with ashes so it burns more slowly ) nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Frame 8 Now practice using context to identify the meanings of homographs. Read the sentence that tells about Mafatu. Pay attention to the context. Click on the homograph and choose its meaning as used in the sentence. (Flash each sentence one at a time. When the student clicks on the underlined word, the options appear. Clicking on an option shows the feedback, shown in parenthesis after each option.) nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
In Hikuero, keeping the fire burning was a boy’s most
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Sentence 1 In Hikuero, keeping the fire burning was a boy’s most important charge. (options) task or duty (Feedback: Well done!) to attack violently (Feedback: Try again.) What clues in the sentence help you determine the correct meaning of charge? In Hikuero (Feedback: Try again.) keeping the fire burning (Feedback: Correct. It describes a task or duty.) most important (Feedback: Correct. As an adjective describing charge, it indicates that charge is a noun. The two other options are verbs.) nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
task or duty (Feedback: Try again)
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Sentence 2 Mafatu watched as the shark turned and began to charge the raft, hitting it with its head. (options) task or duty (Feedback: Try again) to attack violently (Feedback: Well done!) What clues in the sentence help you determine the correct meaning of charge? Mafatu watched (Feedback: Try again.) the shark turned and began to ___ the raft (Feedback: Correct. We know from experience how sharks might behave to a boat or raft.) hitting it with its head (Feedback: Correct. This particular action shows violence.) nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
current style, as in dress (Feedback: Try again.)
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Sentence 3 It had taken Mafatu many hours to fashion the utensils out of the whale bones. (options) current style, as in dress (Feedback: Try again.) make or form (Feedback: Well done!) What clues in the sentence help you determine the correct meaning of fashion? It had taken Mafatu many hours (Feedback: Try again.) to ___ the utensils out of the whale bones (Feedback: Correct. Shows an action of forming or making something.) nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
current style, as in dress (Feedback: Well done!)
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Sentence 4 Mafatu wound the cloth around his waist, as was the fashion in Hikuero. (options) current style, as in dress (Feedback: Well done!) make or form (Feedback: Try again.) Which part of the sentence helps you determine the correct meaning of fashion? wound the cloth around his waist (Feedback: Correct. This phrase refers to dressing style.) in Hikuero (Feedback: Try again.) nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
SELF-TEST I 1 Click on the best definition of homographs: Frame 9
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Frame 9 SELF-TEST I 1 Click on the best definition of homographs: A Words with different spellings but the same meanings (Feedback: Wrong. Homographs are words that are spelled the same but carry different meanings, depending on the context in which they are used.) B Words with the same spelling but different meanings, and sometimes with different pronunciations (Feedback: Good answer!) C Words with different spellings but with the same pronunciations. nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite 2 What is the best strategy for identifying the meaning of a homograph when you are reading a text? A Use a dictionary. (Feedback: Wrong. A dictionary will give you the different meanings of a homograph but you still need to first determine which meaning is used in the passage you are reading.) B Break the word into its meaningful parts (Feedback: Wrong. You need to look at the context or surrounding words to determine which meaning is used in the passage.) C Use context or how the word is used in the passage. (Feedback: Correct. Without context, a reader cannot tell which meaning of a homograph is intended by the author.) nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Frame 10 SELF-TEST II 3 Read the model sentence. Take note of the context in which the underlined homograph is used. Then choose the sentence that uses the meaning of the homograph as the model sentence. What kind of animal is that? She used a different kind of pencil than the one I had. (Feedback: Correct. In the model sentence, kind means “sort” or “type”.) My grandmother is a very kind person. (Feedback: Wrong. Here, kind is a character trait describing a friendly, generous, and warm-hearted person.) nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
I drew a line on the paper.
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite I drew a line on the paper. I will line my drawer with a soft cloth. (Feedback: Wrong. Here, line refers to the action of covering the inner surface of something.) He wrote his name on the line. (Feedback: Correct. Here, the meaning of line, which is a thin continuous mark applied on a surface such as paper, is similar to that used in the lead sentence.) nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
Shoo, fly! Don’t bother me.
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Shoo, fly! Don’t bother me. We will fly to Cebu tomorrow on Philippine Air Lines. (Feedback: Wrong. Here, line refers to the action of being airborne on an airplane.) A fly landed on my sandwich so I threw it away. (Feedback: Correct. Here, fly, refers to an insect, which is the meaning used in the lead sentence..) nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
CBT-English Project LO: Vocabulary Suite Frame 11 Summary Congratulations, you have finished the lesson. By now you are aware that in English there are many homographs, or words with more than one meaning. IN THIS LESSON, YOU: Defined what homographs are Identified homographs being referred to in various contexts Used context clues to determine the meanings of homographs in passages. On your own, continues to apply the strategy you learned in this lesson. It is a tool that can help you become a better and more independent reader. nnhermosa nnh/Multiple meanings
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