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An Artful Perspective Peg Portscheller Portscheller & Associates Pathways to Results Denver, CO University of Northern Colorado Center for Integrated Arts.

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Presentation on theme: "An Artful Perspective Peg Portscheller Portscheller & Associates Pathways to Results Denver, CO University of Northern Colorado Center for Integrated Arts."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Artful Perspective Peg Portscheller Portscheller & Associates Pathways to Results Denver, CO University of Northern Colorado Center for Integrated Arts Education June 1, 2009

2 In The Beginning….. The 3 R’s……. _______________

3 Add A New Set The New 3 R’s (to be added to the old ones) R_________________

4 Jump Starting Our Brains Think about a newspaper…..

5 Did You Know…. At age 30, we use 5% of the creativity we used at age 5! Why is this important??????

6 US History Agricultural Age

7 US History Agricultural Age Industrial Age

8 US History Agricultural Age Industrial Age Information Age

9 US History Agricultural Age Industrial Age Information Age ______________ (where we are now)

10 How do we define “success” in schools?

11 Is the tail wagging the dog?

12 Courage & Change

13 U.S. – 2 nd Half of 20 th Century Only Superpower Highest per Capita Income 1 st in Economic Growth 5% of Population > 24% of Consumption Source: National Academy of Science 2007

14 Challenges Globalization Technology


16 Emotiv 16 embedded sensors Detect facial expressions and emotions Activation Follows – No Joystick

17 Source: MIT Technology Review, May – June 2008

18 The New 3 Rs Rigor Relevance Relationships

19 CHANGE….How Hard Is It? Morning Routine David Letterman Dan Lortie

20 RIGOR High Expectations Extending Learning to “Create” Extending Learning to “High Application” Bringing standards to life in new ways

21 Who The Heck Is Daniel Pink? 6 Approaches….

22 Application Model 1. Knowledge in one discipline 2. Application within discipline 3. Application across disciplines 4. Application to real-world predictable situations 5. Application to real-world unpredictable situations

23 Combining Rigor and Relevance Create - 6 AssimilationAdaptation Evaluate - 5 Synthesize - 4 Analyze - 3 Understand - 2 AcquisitionApplication * Remember - 1 1 – Possess knowledge in one discipline 2 – Apply knowledge in one discipline 3 – Apply knowledge across disciplines 4 – Apply knowledge to predictable real-world situations 5 – Apply knowledge to unpredictable real-world situations Adapted from “Rigor/Relevance Framework,” by Willard Daggett, (accessed 7-13-08) * “New Bloom’s,” based on Anderson & Krathwohl, A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing (2001)New Bloom’s

24 Educators’ Responsibilities Turn information into knowledge Bring meaning to knowledge Bring wisdom to knowledge

25 Engagement…. The name of the game….



28 Let’s Look At The Research Literacy Middle School Failure Achievement Graduation Rates High School Activities as a Predictor Art and Achievement

29 Many Thanks! Peg Portscheller Portscheller & Associates Pathways to Results Aurora, CO 720.480.8688

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