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SAR Application Policy Study : Analysis of SAR-Related Journal Papers Hoonyol Lee Department of Geophysics Kangwon National University

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1 SAR Application Policy Study : Analysis of SAR-Related Journal Papers Hoonyol Lee Department of Geophysics Kangwon National University Email:

2 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005 SAR Application Policy Study Contract: KARI – KNU Period: January – December 2005 A policy study to analyze the history, current trends and future of SAR systems, technologies, and application fields. A Korean SAR satellite(2008)

3 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005 Analysis of SAR-related Journal Papers Procedure  Paper Abstract Collection  Category Setup and Work Plan  1 st Classification  2 nd Classification  Statistics

4 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005 Paper Abstract Collection Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (KNU license)  Index and abstract of almost all journal papers   Peer-reviewed, English journal papers  Earliest to 2005  Keyword: “Synthetic Aperture Radar” (2839 papers selected) (KNU license)  Remove duplicates and convert to Excel format (2733)  Automatic Sorting -> failed. Need experts’ analysis

5 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005 Classification and Statistics 1 st Classification  Period: May-June 2005  Material: Indexes and abstracts of 2733 selected papers  Experts: SNU – D. J. Kim(700), S. E. Park(700), and S. H. Hong(700) KNU – H. S. Chae (633) 2 nd Classification and Statistics  Period: July-August 2005  Resorting and Tuning (Final 2665 papers )  Statistical Analysis

6 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005 243 Journals 2665 Papers 57% in top 5 Journals

7 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005 Yearly Productivity

8 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005 STAR Classification ( STAR ) S S ystem: Sensor-based systems T T echnology  General SAR: amplitude only  Advanced SAR: amplitude and phase A A pplication  Land  Ocean  Cryosphere  Atmosphere R R ecommended or Review Papers

9 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005 S S ystem: Mode-based Target – the Earth or planets Vehicle – stationary, airborne, satellite, shuttle or spaceship Mode – monostatic or bistatic Carrier frequency – X, C, S, L, or P bands Polarisation – HH, VV, VH, HV (single-pol, dual-pol, full-pol) Imaging mode – strip, scan, spot  SIR-C/X-SAR: Earth, shuttle, monostatic, L/C/X, full-pol, strip.  ERS-1/2: Earth, satellite, monostatic, C, VV, strip  SRTM: Earth, shuttle, bistatic, C/X, HH/VV, strip  Arecibo Antenna: planet, stationary, monostatic, multi-bands, multi-pol, strip/spot  Magellan, Cassini SAR: planet, spaceship, monostatic, S, HH, strip  AIRSAR/TOPSAR: earth, airborne, mono/bi, L/C/P, full-pol, strip

10 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005 S S ystem: Vehicle-based Spaceborne SAR  1 st Generation: Single frequency, polarization and mode. SEASAT-A (USA, 1978), SIR-A (USA, 1981), SIR-B (USA, 1984), SIR-C/X-SAR (USA, Germany, Italy, 1994), ALMAZ-1 (Russia, 1991-1993), ERS-1(EU, 1991-2000), ERS-2 (EU, 1995-), JERS-1 (Japan, 1992-1998), Radarsat-1 (Canada, 1995-), SRTM (USA/Germany, 2000)  2 nd Generation: Dual or quad-pol, multi-mode. ENVISAT (EU, 2002), RADARSAT-2 (Canada, 2005), PALSAR (Japan, 2005), TerraSAR(DLR, 2005), TanDEM-X (DLR, 2008)  Next Generation: light, constellation, real-time earth observation LightSAR (US), MicroSAR(EU), Military SAR systems Airborne SAR  TOPSAR (JPL, USA), IFSARE(ERIM/Intermap, USA), DO-SAR(Donier,Germany), E-SAR(DLR, Germany), AeS-1(Aerosensing, Germany), AER-II (FGAN, Germany), C/X-SAR (CCRS, Canada), EMISAR (Denmark), Ramses (ONERA, France), ESR (DERA, UK) Planetary SAR  Magellan (US, 1990-1994), Titan Radar Mapper (US, 1997-2004-), Arecibo Antenna, Goldstone antenna

11 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005 S S ystem Seasat ERS-1/2 Radarsat-1 Jers-1 Envisat Shuttle : SIR-A, SIR-B, SRTM Airborne Planetary: Radio Telescope, Magellan SAR, Cassini SAR Ground/ISAR: Ground-based SAR, Ship-borne SAR Simulated SAR: SAR Simulation ETC: Almaz, SAS, Receiving System, etc.

12 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005

13 T T echnology SAR Basics  SAR General: visual interpretation with SAR amplitude images  SAR Algorithm: modeling, target detection, or parameter extraction  SAR System/Processing: SAR focusing, speckle filter, calibration, new technology  SAR Classification: Thematic Mapping, Feature extraction Advanced Technology  Radarclinometry: Shape-from-shading.  Radargrammetry: Same-side or Opposite-side Stereo SAR.  InSAR DEM: Interferometric SAR processing, Phase unwrapping, DEM generation.  InSAR Coherence: Change detection, decorrelation, coherence estimation.  DInSAR: Differential InSAR, Surface deformation.  PSInSAR: Permanent Scatter InSAR.  PolSAR: Polarimetric SAR, Classification, Decomposition.  Pol-InSAR: Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR.  Tomography: 3D modelling.  ATI: Along Track Interferometry, target velocity extraction.

14 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005


16 A A pplication Land  Terrestrial Research Ocean  Oceanic Research Cryosphere:  Arctic/Antaractic Research Atmosphere  atmospheric Research

17 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005

18 A Application - Land Agriculture: Agricultural crop, vegetation, trees. Agricultural soil -> Soil. Archeology/Subsurface: Subsurface penetration, paleo-channel, landmine. Topography: DEM from InSAR, radargrammetry, and radarclinometry. Slope angle from PolSAR. Forestry: Forest, biomass, vegetation. forest fire, deforestation. Crop -> agriculture. Geology: Lithology, structural mapping, geomorphology, mineral exploration, lineament Geotectonics: Tectonic motion, subsidence, land slide, tectonic strain. Hydrology: Rivers. lakes, limnology, flood, snow, ice. Seismology: Earthquake displacement. Soil: Soil moisture, soil type (natural or agricultural) Volcanology: Volcanic morphology, swell, subsidence, lava flow, eruption. Urban/Manmade: Urban area mapping. Target, building, power line detection. foliage/snow penetrating target detection. Thematic Mapping: Land cover of composite surface. Classification of various surface type

19 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005

20 A Application – Ocean Wind: Wind speed and direction measurement from capillary or gravity wave by backscattering coefficient. Comparison study with scatterometer. Surface Wave: Wave caused by wind, bathymetry, etc. wave spectra. The waves visible in SAR resolution. Internal Wave: surface imprint of internal wave. Current: Eddies, upwelling, current, frontal system Bathymetry: subwater topography from wind/wave/tide pattern. Slick: Oil slick, biological film Ship: Ship detection, ship wake Intertidal/Coastal: Intertidal zone, coastal zone. but tidal wave -> surface wave  Ocean surface imprint of atmospheric wave or front -> atmosphere

21 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005

22 A Application - Cryosphere Glaciers: Glacier motion, Glacier snow cover, Glacier retreat/expansion. Sea Ice: Sea ice type, first year ice, multi-year ice, pressure ridge, lead, polynya, floe, Iceberg, sea ice snow cover. Ice Sheet/Ice Shelf: Continental ice cap, ice stream, ice sheet motion, topography, hinge-line of ice shelf, snow on ice sheet/ice shelf.  Snow over sea ice, glaciers, ice sheet/Ice shelf -> Cryosphere.  Snow and ice on non-polar region -> Land-Hydrology.

23 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005

24 A Application – Atmosphere SAR Amplitude: Weather systems imprinted on ocean surface. Storm, rain, wind, weather front, atmospheric lee wave, marine atmospheric boundary layer, vortex, solitons, atmospheric gravity wave. SAR Phase: atmospheric delay or refraction of radar signal by water vapour, ionosphere, etc.

25 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005

26 R Recommended or Review Papers Selected during 1 st and 2 nd Classification Procedure Recommended by AdCom Members Recommended by SAR Census Will be presented as Appendix ClassificationAdComCensus Selection

27 ISRS2005, Jeju, Korea, 12-14 October 2005 Internet Census Internet Census for SAR Application Policy Study 1-31 Oct. 2005 RS/GIS Lab, KNU ( KARI (

28 Thank You

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