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Winter Congregational Meeting 2011 Trinity Lutheran Church.

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Presentation on theme: "Winter Congregational Meeting 2011 Trinity Lutheran Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter Congregational Meeting 2011 Trinity Lutheran Church

2 Call to Order and Opening Prayer Budget and Finance Update Budget Vote Trust Litigation Update Building To Serve - Capital Campaign Update Adjourn Meeting Agenda

3 Pastor Guiser Opening Prayer

4 Bob Graves Finance Update

5 2010 Results Income: $972,207 Expense: $971,360  Net: $847 TCNSK Net (includes camp): $164,602  2010 Highlights:  Weekly Envelopes: $331,745 (+4.6%)  Maintenance: $81,060 (+19%)  Benevolence (including local): $38,725 (-3%)  Trust Income: $40K under target Used $30K of Memorial for operating fund Approval received from AG to move trust to BMT Will receive $40K in 2011 as 2010 “Make Whole” commitment Adjusted Net: $10,847

6 2011 Budget Proposal Income: $1,021,400 Expense: $1,014,355 Net: $7,045 TCNSK: Income $481,000 / Expense $305,500 Net: $175,500 Million!

7 2011 Income 1. TCNSK: (including camp): $481,000 2. Envelope Giving (weekly envelopes, plate offering, special envelopes): $353,000 3. Trusts (includes “Make Whole” payment): $116,200 93% of Income is from three (3) sources

8 2011 Expense 1. TCNSK (including camp): $305,500 2. Clergy: $160,807 3. Operations: $120,690 4. Music: $90,500 5. Mortgage: $73,891 6. Office: $51,367 78% of Expense is from six (6) sources

9 2011 Budget Proposal Questions / Discussion Motion to approve …

10 Peter Berg Trust Litigation Update

11  Schlosser and Lapella Trusts movement from Wachovia Bank to Bryn Mawr Trust Company approved by State Attorney General’s Office. Completed transfer of trusts will be done within first quarter of 2011.  Bryn Mawr Trust Company to reimburse Trinity for lost trust income from 2010 (approx. $40,000) and is committed to pay 5% net asset value as yearly income from trusts in future.

12 Pastor Guiser Building To Serve Building To Serve Capital Campaign Update

13 Building to Serve  Approximately $140,000 on hand with another $40,000 expected this quarter from trust settlement.  Approximately $215,000 In Lapella Trust designated for building campaign.  Revised site plans submitted to Worcester Township and now under review for either a new land development approval or simply a building permit under the existing land development plan.  Bryn Mawr Trust Company has made an offer to refinance and further mortgage additional cost of any new building.

14 Building to Serve Questions/Discussion

15 Meeting Adjournment Motion:

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