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Anne Camp and Brian Siesto PORTFOLIO PLANNING. S ET - UP  Module 1 Developing Effective Leadership  GEDA 560 – Achieving Standards of Excellence  GEDA.

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Presentation on theme: "Anne Camp and Brian Siesto PORTFOLIO PLANNING. S ET - UP  Module 1 Developing Effective Leadership  GEDA 560 – Achieving Standards of Excellence  GEDA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anne Camp and Brian Siesto PORTFOLIO PLANNING

2 S ET - UP  Module 1 Developing Effective Leadership  GEDA 560 – Achieving Standards of Excellence  GEDA 561 - Leadership by Collaboration  Module 2 Planning and Implementing School Improvement Strategies  GEDA 563 – Planning for School and District Assessment and Improvement  GEDA 564 – Improving Instruction and Learning Folders

3 S ET - UP  Module 3 Effective Public Communication  GEDA 566 – Developing Effective Partnerships  GEDA 567 – Effective Communication  Module 4 Continuous School Improvement  GEDA 569 – Accountability, Assessment and Performance  GEDA 570 – Producing and Sustaining School Improvement Folders

4 F OLDERS WITHIN M ODULES  Syllabus  Agenda  Readings  Notes  Case Studies  PowerPoint  Midterm  Final  Reflection Each Course

5 I NTERNSHIP  Internship 1  Internship 2  Internship 3  Internship 4  Within Each Folder  Mission Statement  Vision Statement  Moral Responsibility Statement  All Work Folders

6 P ORTFOLIO  Communication  Curriculum and Instruction  Effective Leadership Behavior  Improving Student Achievement  Parent and Community Participation  Staff Education and Professional Development  Odds and Ends Title Pages Table on Content Resume Statements Rubric Internship Paper Folders

7 P ORTFOLIO P LANNING  Review After Each Course  Save the Best  Individual and Group  Internship Items  Compile 3-5 Items for Each Section

8 Contact Information  Anne Camp   Work – 585-966-8883  Cell – 585-259-0531  Brian Siesto   585-924-3252 ext. 5130

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