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Introduction to Canada. 2 nd largest country in the world in terms of land mass.

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1 Introduction to Canada

2 2 nd largest country in the world in terms of land mass

3 Bering Strait

4 Brief History Mostly colonized by French and English After a series of wars, the French were forced to surrender their Canadian territories to the English in the 1700’s. – Canada is a bilingual country – speaking two languages Remained a British possession until 1867 when it was granted self-ruling status

5 Provinces – like states

6 Canadian Physical Geography Much of Canada’s physical landscape was shaped by glaciers during the last ice age. – Lots of lakes – Canadian Shield – area scraped of top soil by ice sheet.


8 Population Density

9 Canada’s Biomes Tundra Not many trees because of permafrost – mostly just shrubs, mosses, and grasses Very dry – any precipitation that falls is snow Inside the Arctic Circle so: – Dark winters – sun barely rising or not rising at all – Light summers – sun not fully setting

10 Canada’s Biomes Taiga Mostly coniferous forests Animals here hibernate or migrate to the south during the winter months (-65 to 30° F). Short, warmer summers with lots of rain

11 Canada’s Biomes Alpine High elevations Cold long winters Short warmer summers Sandy, rocky soil – low growing plants and coniferous trees Mammals usually hibernate in winter

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