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DASD (Plans) Directorate for Interagency Planning and Assessments UNCLASSIFIED.

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Presentation on theme: "DASD (Plans) Directorate for Interagency Planning and Assessments UNCLASSIFIED."— Presentation transcript:

1 DASD (Plans) Directorate for Interagency Planning and Assessments UNCLASSIFIED

2 POLICY Agenda  Organizational Structure  Portfolios  Summary  Discussion 2

3 POLICY Policy Organization 3 USD (Policy) PDUSD (Policy) DPMO ASD International Security Affairs ASD Asia & Pacific Security Affairs ASD Homeland Def & America’s Security DUSD Strategy, Plans, and Forces ASD Global Strategic Affairs ASD SO/LIC & Interdpt Capabilities Enterprise Service DASD Middle East DASD African Affairs DASD Europe & NATO DASD Russia & Eurasia NATO DASD East Asia DASD South & Southeast Asia DASD Central Asia DASD Homeland Security Integration DASD Homeland Defense & DSCA DASD Crisis Mgmt & Mission Assurance DASD Nuclear & Missile Defense Policy DASD Counter WMD DASD Space & Cyber Policy DASD Special Ops Capabilities & CT DASD Partnership Strategy & Stab Ops DASD Counternarcotics & Global Threats DASD Western Hemisphere DASD Plans DASD Force Development DASD Strategy DASD Detainee Policy DASD POW/MIA DSCA DTSA DUSD Policy Integration & CoS

4 POLICY DASD Plans Organization 4 USD (Policy) PDUSD (Policy) DPMO ASD International Security Affairs ASD Asia & Pacific Security Affairs ASD Homeland Def & America’s Security DUSD Strategy, Plans, and Forces ASD Global Strategic Affairs ASD SO/LIC & Interdpt Capabilities Enterprise Service DASD Middle East DASD African Affairs DASD Europe & NATO DASD Russia & Eurasia NATO DASD East Asia DASD South & Southeast Asia DASD Central Asia DASD Homeland Security Integration DASD Homeland Defense & DSCA DASD Crisis Mgmt & Mission Assurance DASD Nuclear & Missile Defense Policy DASD Counter WMD DASD Space & Cyber Policy DASD Special Ops Capabilities & CT DASD Partnership Strategy & Stab Ops DASD Counternarcotics & Global Threats DASD Western Hemisphere DASD Plans DASD Force Development DASD Strategy DASD Detainee Policy DASD POW/MIA DSCA DTSA DUSD Policy Integration & CoS Directorate for Interagency Planning & Assessments Directorate for Global Force Planning Directorate for Adaptive Planning

5 POLICY 5  Interagency Planning Goal: Ensure DoD realizes the full benefits of input from other Departments/Agencies into DoD planning activities Goal: Ensure DoD provides other Departments/Agencies effective support to their respective and/or USG collective planning efforts  Assessments Goal: Improve DoD’s ability to assess campaign plan, campaign support plan, and supporting programs effectiveness Goal: Link assessment process to strategy, planning, resourcing, and operational decision-making  Strategic Communication Goal: Improve support to the development of campaign, campaign support, and contingency plans and planning process Goal: Support development of strategic communication plans to support Global Force Posture Directorate IAP&A: Core Mission Areas & Goals UNCLASSIFIED

6 POLICY Summary  IAP&P is closely partnered with the Joint Staff  Mapping to provide situational awareness  IA collaboration is a valuable but finite resource that demands efficiencies within DoD  Efforts and input will inform the GEF review 6

7 POLICY Discussion  How do we prioritize / rationalize / link offers and requests for support? Planning, training and exercising.  How are we compelling other Departments / Agencies to participate? And using them properly when they do?  What training and exercise goals can translate into other Department / Agency desired deliverables? Sharing outcomes, conclusions and final drafts?  Actual Department / Agency representation vs. contracted SMEs? How do we ensure SME input is valid and accurate? 7

8 DASD (Plans) Directorate for Interagency Planning and Assessments UNCLASSIFIED

9 DASD (Plans) Back up slides UNCLASSIFIED

10 POLICY Interagency Planning Portfolio  Current Situation Multiple interagency planning activities underway Discrete / Stove-piped  Conducted in isolation, potentially duplicative Missed opportunities – “whole of government”/ interdepartmental  Challenges Differences in types of planning, terminology, culture Capacity limitations (personnel, expertise, funding) Overwhelmed/fatigued by volume of DoD requests/offers  Way ahead Goal: improve the process / improve the plans Catalogue current activity Clarify requirements (supported / supporting) Inform GEF re-write 10

11 POLICY Assessments Portfolio  Current Situation GEF directs assessment of campaign plans (CP) and campaign support plans (CSP) CP and CSP assessments intended to inform planning, programming, budget, and execution system (PPBES)  No specification of how this is to be achieved or standard  Challenges Assessing effectiveness and establishing causation in CP environment difficult PPBES processes operate on independent timelines Limited staff and tools to conduct assessments  Way Ahead Provide greater specificity of assessment guidance in GEF and JSCP Evaluate implementation of guidance to establish best practices and refine methodology 11

12 POLICY Strategic Communication Portfolio  Current Situation GEF directs integration of strategic communication throughout the planning process GEF directs that strategic communication be leveraged in support of global force posture initiatives  Challenges Lack of SC planning experience and capacity within DoD hinders effective planning, coordination, and oversight No defined process for SC planning at strategic level with interagency partners SC/IO concepts, lexicon, and planning standards not well defined and/or understood  Way Ahead Consult with COCOMs/Services to assess demand signal for guidance/guidelines on SC Support re-write of the GEF 12

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