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Polar Bear Amanda Kaye Elsaesser.

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1 Polar Bear Amanda Kaye Elsaesser

2 Why are Polar Bears endangered?
The Arctic is more affected by global warming than anywhere else on the planet due to its location on the earth's pole. Increasing temperatures alter their feeding, reproduction, and livelihood patterns. At the current rate of climate change the Arctic ice will disappear before the end of the 21st century. Pollution finds its way to the Arctic from land, sea, and air contamination. Human’s fishing

3 WWF is working to protect the polar bears.
When? Polar bears were listed as a threatened species in the US under the Endangered Species Act in May 2008. What is being done ? WWF is working to protect the polar bears. Protecting critical habitat Reducing industrial impacts Promoting sustainable tourism Ensuring sustainable hunting

4 Coca-Cola helped raise over 2 million dollars to help save the polar bears.
Polar Bear International dedicates itself to the survival of polar bears. World Wildlife works to educate people on why polar bears are important and the struggles they are facing.

5 The most important habitats are the edges of pack ice
Population The World Conservation Union (IUCN) estimates that there are between 20,000-25,000 polar bears in the world. Range & Habitat found in the Arctic. The most important habitats are the edges of pack ice distributed throughout the Arctic region in 19 subpopulations, including Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland and Norway.


7 Scientific Name: Common Names: Ursus maritimus Spanish- Oso Polar
French- Ours polaire, Ours blanc English- Polar Bear

8 •Adult polar bears have no natural predators.
Diet seals, walras, beluga whale and bowhead whale carcasses birds’ eggs and (rarely) vegetation Predators •Adult polar bears have no natural predators. •Cubs less than one year old sometimes are prey to wolves. •Newborn cubs may be cannibalized by malnourished mothers or adult male polar bears.

9 Size largest land carnivore
Male polar bears (boars) grow two to three times the size of females (sows). Boars weigh about 772-1,433 lb. and about 2.5 to 3 m ( ft.) long.

10 Reproduction Pregnant polar bears eat a lot in the summer and fall build up enough fat reserves to survive the denning period. seek out maternity dens in October or November. maternity dens are located on land where snow accumulates Sows give birth to usually 1 or 2 one-pound cubs Cubs will remain with their mothers for a little over 2 years. Female polar bears can produce five litters in their lifetime, which is one of the lowest reproductive rates of any mammal. Mating Season: Late March - May Gestation: About 8 months with delayed implantation Litter size: cubs; though 1 or 2 cubs is most common

11 Housing Solitary For the most part remain solitary
Hibernation. With the exception of pregnant females, polar bears do not overwinter in dens like brown and black bears. adult male polar bears and non-pregnant females remain active throughout the year. Solitary For the most part remain solitary Unless mating or being with young


13 Virginia Endangered Species
Roanoke logperch (Percina rex) Bald eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus) Virginia big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii virginianus)

14 True/False 3.Polar Bears are found in Australia
What is the scientfic name for Polar Bear? a. Percina rex b.Polar Expresso c.Ursus maritimus 2. What is a male polar bear called? a.Boar b.sow d. all off the above True/False 3.Polar Bears are found in Australia 4.Polar Bears are NOT extinct. 5. Polar Bear’s skin is black .


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