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The Gateway Master Mind September 2013. Take 100 people By the time they are all 65 1 = Rich 4 = Financially independent 5 = Still working 54 = Will be.

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Presentation on theme: "The Gateway Master Mind September 2013. Take 100 people By the time they are all 65 1 = Rich 4 = Financially independent 5 = Still working 54 = Will be."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gateway Master Mind September 2013

2 Take 100 people By the time they are all 65 1 = Rich 4 = Financially independent 5 = Still working 54 = Will be BROKE!

3 “The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice……. It is conformity” Mans Search for Meaning, Rollo May Psychiatrist Psychological definition of Conformity: “Conformity is a type of social influence involving a change in belief or behavior in order to fit in with a group.” We are conforming to the 95% that don’t succeed!!

4 Why do what you do? Because everyone has to go to work? We want to earn a living? We want to make a difference? I am going to BECOME THIS… and then work toward that goal?

5 1 in every 20 Is deliberately choosing what they BECOME! Who is driving the mind? Are you driving the mind or is the mind driving you?

6 THE SECRET We become what we think about!

7 The Mind Grows what we Sow We don’t value what is free We can’t replace it either!

8 How Understand emotionally and intellectually “If there was no failure, I would…” Explore every angle and gain clarity (Why, What, How, DO IT!!!) BE & ACT DECISIVE and be vigilant toward the positive!

9 30 day test – You drive! Write what you want most in the world on a card Get a positive, charged and excited sensation about what it is you want See it, feel it, hear it, experience it, NOW! For 30 days, recreate this experience as you look at the card morning and night

10 What’s next? Identify with the grandest version of yourself! Act as though it were impossible to fail Relate to it like it has already happened…. BE the success you want! Remain cheerful and enthusiastic… stay on course! Don’t compete….. Create!

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