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By: Kyle Meakim, Danny Pavlovsky, Ariel Meltser, Nikki Gallant

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Presentation on theme: "By: Kyle Meakim, Danny Pavlovsky, Ariel Meltser, Nikki Gallant"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Kyle Meakim, Danny Pavlovsky, Ariel Meltser, Nikki Gallant
The Tundra By: Kyle Meakim, Danny Pavlovsky, Ariel Meltser, Nikki Gallant Team C

2 Location Farthest biome north
Covers all the continents that surround the top of earth Middle Canada to Arctic Ocean In arctic circle Known as the frozen prairie or ice desert Greenland Europe North America Asia South America Green= Tundra Area Africa Australia


4 Climate Summer Winter Conditions puddles from permafrost -windy -cold
-dry -harsh -bitter -precipitation: 11cm puddles from permafrost 6 to 8 weeks long maybe 10 weeks temp. ranges up to 4°C or 30°F in the summers Cold as -26ᵒC or -20ᵒF to -30ᵒF Very long

5 Summer Tundra

6 Winter Tundra

7 Plants and Adaptations
Mosses -Calliergon giganteum Willows Bearberry Wild flowers -Labrador tea, Qasque flower, tufted saxifrage Grasses Anemane Lichens Grows in water, is a bryophyte All plants grow quickly, grow short, have shallow roots Most plants have tiny hairs and bloom in a few months


9 Winter Animals and Adaptations
Arctic Hare Animals - Arctic Hare - Lemming - Ermine - Caribou - Polar bear -Musk ox - Wolverine Adaptations - Hooves - Thick fur -Camouflage - Inhabits many places - Tail keeps animal warm Polar Bear

10 Winter Animals and Adaptations
Birds -Ptarmigan - Snowy Owl - Eagles, Hawks, Falcons - Harlequin Duck, Geese, Loon Adaptations - Camouflage - Thick feathers - Inner feathers trap heat for warmth - Feet keep bird from sinking into snow Ptarmigan Snowy owl

11 Summer Animals and Adaptations
Ermine Animals - Rabbits - Grizzly Bear, Black Bear - Ermine - Lemmings - Musk ox - Deerfly, Mosquitoes Adaptations - Inhabits many places -Camouflage (fur color changes seasonally) - Hooves Musk ox

12 Summer Animals and Adaptations
Birds -Ptarmigan - Eagles, Hawks, Falcons - Harlequin Duck, Geese, Loon -Snowy owl Adaptations - Camouflage - Thick feathers - Inner feathers trap heat for warmth - Feet keep bird from sinking into snow Harlequin Duck Loon


14 Environmental Issues Pollution mining/drilling – air, lakes, and river
Trans-Alaskan Pipeline Permafrost melting- Global Warming

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