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Applying the INEE Minimum Standards to Ensure Disaster Risk Reduction through Education
Training of Trainers Workshop Objectives
Be familiar with the INEE Minimum Standards – the process and product – and able to adapt them to a particular context to ensure holistic, quality education throughout the risk management cycle: response, recovery, preparedness, mitigation and prevention Be able to apply, train on and advocate for the use of the INEE Minimum Standards as a commitment to enhanced quality, accountability and coordination Have an awareness of other new education and risk reduction tools and relevant initiatives in the region and globally that you can link to and/or build upon to strengthen your existing work Make linkages across education and risk reduction programmes in the region, learn lessons from others’ experiences and incorporate those lessons, good practices into your work, including training plans Give expert input into the revision of the INEE Minimum Standards
Workshop Agenda Day 1: Introduction to disaster risk management concepts and the INEE Minimum Standards Day 2: Applying the INEE Minimum Standards to build back better (prevention, mitigation, preparedness and response) Day 3: Building upon the INEE Minimum Standards, go into further detail about ensuring risk reduction through education by utilising new tools and enhancing plans for safe schools, policy and coordination, community participation, inter-sectoral and cross-cutting linkages Day 4: Applying the knowledge, good practices and lessons learnt from days 1-3 to individual and national action plans in order to strengthen existing work Afternoon: Feed into the update of the standards
Risk Management Concepts
Session 1: Risk Management Concepts and Case Studies
DRR Key Concepts: Session Objectives
At the end of this session, participants will: Understand commonly used disaster management terminology Be able to explain what is meant by and the difference between disaster preparedness, mitigation, prevention and response Begin to consider how these concepts in relation to education and how they vulnerability and capacity impacts upon education at individual, community and system levels
What is a hazard? What is a disaster? How are they different?
UN Photo: Aftermath of tsunami in the Indian Ocean, 2004 UN Photo: Tropical Storm Jeanne floods Haiti, 2004
What is a natural hazard vs a disaster?
A natural hazard is a natural phenomenon that can potentially trigger a disaster Examples include earthquakes, mud-slides, floods, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, drought These physical events need not necessarily result in disaster A disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, exceeding the ability of the community to cope using own resources
What is risk? The product of hazards over which we have no control. It combines: the likelihood or probability of a disaster happening the negative effects that result if the disaster happens these are increased by vulnerabilities (characteristics/circumstances that make one susceptible to damaging effects of a hazard) and decreased by capacities (combination of strengths, attitudes and resources)
Terminology Prevention: outright avoidance of the adverse affects of hazards / disasters Mitigation: the process of lessoning or limiting the adverse affects of hazards / disasters Preparedness: knowledge and capacities to effectively anticipate, respond to and recover from impacts of likely hazard Risk Reduction: practice of reducing risks through systematic efforts to analyze and manage the causal factors of disasters, including through reduced exposure, lessened vulnerability, improved preparedness Response: provision of emergency services to save lives, meet needs
Appropriate disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness and response builds on people’s capacities and tackles the causes of vulnerability
How do the concepts of vulnerability and capacity apply to education?
Within education systems, what kinds of vulnerabilities typically exist? What capacities exist that could enable education to continue with minimum disruption? How can education be used as a vehicle for increasing capacities to reduce vulnerability to disaster?
Presentation of case studies from the region
INEE Minimum Standards
Session 2: Introduction to the INEE Minimum Standards
Session Objectives Understand that the INEE Minimum Standards have been developed as a co-operative exercise by many actors as a commitment to accountability, safe access and quality Have an awareness of the range of standards and their associated indicators and guidance notes, including the ones most useful to you in your work Understand the link between the legal frameworks that specify the right to education and the INEE Minimum Standards (MS, indicators are descriptors of a rights-based approach) Have an awareness about the broad range of implementation tools to support application and training
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Global, open network: over 3,500 members in 115 countries Working to ensure right to education in disasters and post-disaster recovery Facilitative role across agencies, governments, research institutions to strengthen knowledge base, build capacity Sharing information and creating good practices, lessons learned and tools, inter-agency training, increasing collaboration and reducing duplication
Education in every disaster response (+ preparedness)
Education can be life-saving and life-sustaining during disasters Education is a right, even in an emergency, and key to life with dignity Education is what children/parents ask for during disasters Quality, relevant education contributes to development, economic growth, peace, stability and good governance
The Sphere Project
A process that began in 1997 to address concerns of quality and accountability in humanitarian responses Humanitarian Charter that emphasizes the “right to life with dignity” Minimum Standards in Disaster Response Water, sanitation and hygiene promotion Food security, nutrition and food aid Shelter, settlement and non-food items Health services
Development of the INEE Minimum Standards
Highly consultative process, involving more than 2,250 people: INEE listserv consultations Field-based consultations More than 110 local, national, sub-regional & regional consultations in more than 50 countries Peer review process Content represents rights, global good practice and lessons learned across contexts and actors for safe, quality education
Standards, Indicators and Guidance Notes
Goals to be met Practical guide to plan and develop appropriate educational responses Ensure all components of education are included Indicators Signals that show whether the standard has been attained Tools to measure and communicate the impact or result May be qualitative or quantitative Guidance Notes Provide background information in relation to the indicator(s) Help to interpret the indicators, advice on priority issues
The INEE Minimum Standards categories
Community Participation -- Analysis -- Community Participation -- Analysis -- Access & Learning Environment Teaching & Learning Teachers & Other Education Personnel Education Policy & Coordination Cross cutting issues: Human and children’s rights Gender HIV/AIDS Disability and vulnerability
Group work Which of the standards-- and accompanying indicators-- has your organisation (or programme) achieved? Which of the standards-- and accompanying indicators-- are not being met? - What were obstacles? - What needs to be done in order to meet the standards?
Implementation Achievements (2005-2009)
Promotion, Capacity Building, Monitoring and Evaluation Tracking use, relevance, impact through evaluation questionnaire: Use in 80+ countries Monitoring & evaluation case studies: Uganda, Darfur, Pakistan 25,000+ copies distributed (English), translations in 17 languages Promotional materials and tools for advocacy, implementation, institutionalization: Toolkit to complement and help implement the standards 12 Regional Training of Trainers Workshops, hundreds of training workshops; 4 Regional Capacity-Building Workshops
Case Study Examples: Using the INEE Minimum Standards for Disaster Risk Reduction and Quality Response Philippines: Coordination led by Ministry of Education, UNICEF, Save the Children, Plan, Philippines civil society groups and other partners for prevention, mitigation, preparedness and holistic response Aceh, Indonesia: Building back better after the tsunami; enhancing resilience through response that includes mitigation and preparedness after thorough assessment
Monitoring & Evaluation of the INEE Minimum Standards:
Uganda, Darfur, Pakistan, global Questionnaire, feedback Those with awareness, training have a clear understanding of interconnectedness of standards -- enforcing holistic response to the emergency and laid groundwork for recovery Policies and programmes influenced by standards crossed relief to development continuum and avoided funding gap between phases Global survey: more than 1/3 say the standards have improved the quality of services and led to improvements in project outcomes
Minimum? Standards? They articulate a universal minimum level of educational quality, access and provision. They reflect the legal instruments/rights upon which they are based, which allow for appropriate education for all even in situations of emergency If cannot attain standards/indicators, must understand and explain gap and what needs to change Standards because of humanitarian terminology… In reality content is global good practice guidance which is meant to be adapted to local context and to complement not compete with national standards
INEE Minimum Standards are used in over 80 countries around the world for as a common starting point and common language to: Enhance the holistic quality programs and policies Improve response coordination, enhance accountability and predictability Tool for capacity-building and training Tool to strengthen resilience and preparedness, including Ministries of Education Tool to bridge the gap between phases of relief and recovery and integrate DRR into all Tool to promote education as essential component of disaster response through to recover
Applying the INEE Minimum Standards: A Rights Based Approach
Brainstorm: What are the legal instruments and international and regional agreements that support the concept and content of the INEE Minimum Standards? Community Participation -- Analysis -- Community Participation -- Analysis -- Access & Learning Environment Teaching & Learning Teachers & Edu Personnel Education Policy & Coordination
Rights-based approaches to education in emergencies: application case studies
Small Group work: Read your group’s scenario What are the standards and indicators that should be met in this context? What are possible strategies (using a rights-based approach and drawing on the standards, indicators and guidance notes that you have identifies)?
Inter-Agency collaboration
Implementation Tools: INEE Minimum Standards Adoption Strategy Checklist Checklist for: UN agencies NGOs Governments Donors Inter-Agency collaboration Small Group discussion: What actions are you already doing? What actions do you need to work towards?
Implementation Tools: INEE Minimum Standards Toolkit
Developed to respond to need for clear, practical tools to help contextualise the standards, develop strategies to apply the indicators and guidance notes and meet the standards Drawers on: Overview INEE Minimum Standards handbook, translations INEE Minimum Standards Toolkit INEE Minimum Standards training materials Advocacy Materials
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