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Rules & Expectations *there will be a quiz after this presentation*

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1 Rules & Expectations *there will be a quiz after this presentation*

2 S a f e t y

3  Must act profession and responsible at all times.  Remain with your lab group and in your lab area.  Do not fool around.  Listen to the teacher’s directions always.  Be prepared- appropriate attire (including foot wear); necessary materials needed.  All information discussed/obtained in the lab must be kept confidential.

4  Treat all the equipment and each other with care.  If something appears to be broken, notify the teacher immediately.  No food allowed in the lab area.  Clean UP!- wipe down any equipment used.  Wash your hands when you are finished.  Have fun and learn.

5  One of the most important responsibilities is to instruct and manage each exercise technique and/or procedure in the safest possible environment.

6  When demonstrating a new exercise, begin with how to establish a starting position.  Maintain correct body alignment throughout the exercise (placing stress only on the targeted muscles ).

7  Standing  feet at or between hip width and shoulder width apart with feet flat on the floor

8  Seated exercises:  Both feet in contact with the ground, sitting tall with abdominals engaged and shoulders relaxed

9  Because of the location of the barbell or dumbbell in relation to the student’s head or face. More Potential for injury

10  Many people tend to hold their breath when they work out (exercising muscles require more oxygen).  Failing to breathe can lead to dizziness and could even lead to the client passing out.

11  *Breathe out during the hardest part of the exercise and breathe in during the easiest part of the exercise


13  Expiration of air against a closed glottis which causes increased intra-thoracic pressure and increased systolic blood pressure.  It is a dangerous practice because it can lead to stroke.

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15  Can be used any day or time regardless of weather  Cushioned tread provides lower impact compared to running on outdoor surfaces  Incline setting can be set for constant uphill training  Ability to train at a consistent pace  User progress including distance, calories burned and heart rate can be tracked

16  Many users find treadmills monotonous and may lose interest  May cause runners to develop poor running habits  Does not offer sport specific training – no sport actually uses treadmill running  Cost

17  Two reasons people can feel dizzy.  due to a lack of a cool down (5-10 minute cold down is recommended to prevent dizziness).  Due to the inner ear balance receptors being overstimulated while on the treadmill. Balance and dizziness should subside after 5 minutes.

18  Caused by not looking forward which can cause a person to lose balance and fall.  Also caused by people jumping off and on treadmills while they are still running.  Safety clip should be worn at all times.

19  Occurs when someone falls and the treadmill continues to run rubbing the skin raw.

20  Caused by not wearing proper shoes or not wearing shoes at all. (can cause blisters, heel spurs and ankle, knee and hip problems).

21  Pain and discomfort that is felt in wrist, upper back, neck and lower back.  Caused by relying too much on the handrails and not walking in an upright position.

22  Use the safety tether  Pause the treadmill if you need to step off  Straddle the belt when you start  Maintain an upright position  Keep your eyes forward  Use handrails sparingly  Wear appropriate shoes

23  Keep the back straight and torso centered over the pelvis  Keep the chest lifted and shoulders drawn back  Keep abdominals engaged  Relax arms at the side

24  Use caution while walking or running, distractions may cause you to lose balance which could lead to serious injury. NO CELL PHONES!  Safety tether must be worn at all times.  Mandatory 3-5 minute cool down on all programs.

25  Always clean the equipment after every use with a gym wipe and remove any trash.

26 1. Console 2. Handles and Heart Rate Monitors 3. Motor Covering (as needed) ** Remove Trash

27  Proper Equipment Use  Risk Management  Injury Prevention  Proper Exercise Form and Technique  Spotting (as needed)

28  QUIZ time!!!

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