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Session Five: Mediation Case study: Bromford Housing Group Lisa Brett, Community Safety Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Session Five: Mediation Case study: Bromford Housing Group Lisa Brett, Community Safety Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session Five: Mediation Case study: Bromford Housing Group Lisa Brett, Community Safety Manager

2 Consists of seven member organisations Has just over 25,000 properties Covers a large geographical area from properties in Cirencester and Oxford up to Stoke On Trent and Staffordshire Moorlands Has a designated Community Safety Team Bromford Group

3 Responsible for ASB policy and procedure and its implementation Works directly with the mediators Over sees all referrals from housing officers Community Safety Team

4 Only criteria is that parties involved agree to mediation Criteria for referral

5 Mediation Works Shropshire Mediation Services Mediation North Staffs Central Mediation Services Mediation providers

6 Mediation is a method of conflict resolution that enables parties in dispute to reach a mutually acceptable agreement with the help of a neutral third party. The parties in the dispute, not the mediators decide the terms of the agreement. They enter into the process voluntarily, and do so because they want to find a solution to their conflict. What is mediation?

7 Change dispute behaviour Provide the best forum in which conflict may be resolved Make realistic, workable agreements Maintain balance between parties Treat people fairly Put past incidents behind them Mediation seeks to: -

8 Referral is made to the relevant mediation company by the community safety team Mediator arranges to see parties and provides shuttle, face to face or both types of mediation Once case is finished we receive report and copy of draft agreement Telephone interview to customers for their feedback The process

9 “In the initial stages of a case mediation appears to be a good deterrent and prevent potentially long drawn cases and investigations” “It is clearly cost effective for cases to be resolved without recourse to Court” “Mediation is extremely useful as it freed up time to deal with more serious cases” “Tenants sometimes think that we take sides, so it is really useful to be able to refer them to an independent third party” “Mediation is clearly needed as there have been some cases where we have tried everything and only mediation was able to bring it to a resolution” What mediation means to housing workers

10 Case study one

11 Case study two

12 Constructive Informal Staged Facilitated by an impartial person Confidential Able to deal with a variety of issues Future-focused Voluntary Getting parties to agree Finding a qualified neutral mediator Cost The pros and cons

13 Lisa Brett Community Safety Manager Email: Direct Dial: 01902 378730 Mobile: 07841800485

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