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ISDR Asia Partnership Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Project Portal ( An Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "ISDR Asia Partnership Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Project Portal ( An Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISDR Asia Partnership Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Project Portal ( An Introduction

2 ISDR Asia Partnership Background Developed under the guidance of the UN/ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) on Disaster Reduction Working Group on Regional stocktaking and mapping of DRR interventions Funded by ADB Executed by ADPC

3 ISDR Asia Partnership Purpose and use Advance the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) goals by facilitating knowledge sharing in Asia and the Pacific on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). It is an online system for collecting information on DRR projects and programmes being implemented, planned, or having been completed in the Asia Pacific region. To: Improve planning and programming of DRR interventions in the region Identify areas of cooperation among governments, donors,and regional and national organisations – encourage cross-agency collaboration Assist donors and governments in channelling resources and efforts Understand the regional DRR landscape in terms of actors and actions Provide a platform to show experience of DRR throughout the region

4 ISDR Asia Partnership How it can be used OrganisationsDonorsNational Governments Plan better – know who is doing what, where Find partners; scale up implementation or share knowledge Learn from past and ongoing DRR projects and programmes Identify gaps and determine priorities Minimise overlap and maximise resources Identify potential implementing organisations Understand types of support available and regional DRR landscape Identify potential donors Find organisations with experience/expertise in addressing certain hazards or working in certain countries/areas Identify potential donors and implementing organisations

5 ISDR Asia Partnership For example… Number of DRR projects implemented in Vietnam which aligns with HFA Priority I 9 4 of these are in Fiji

6 ISDR Asia Partnership For example… Number of DRR projects implemented in Vietnam catering to different hazards

7 ISDR Asia Partnership For example… How many ECHO funded projects involve CBDRR? 53 projects 35 address cyclone hazard 5 implemented in Palau

8 ISDR Asia Partnership Launches 2010 Pacific At the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management 2010. Suva, Fiji – August. Asia At the 4 th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. Incheon, Korea – October. Promotional material: Flyers, posters, CD booklets:

9 ISDR Asia Partnership Publicity

10 ISDR Asia Partnership User Guide Navigation tabs Summary of the purpose and use of the DRR Project Portal Add DRR projects and frameworks About Help Contact Login and Register User Manual Current number of projects and frameworks Marketplace: under construction

11 ISDR Asia Partnership Enter a project Choose whether the project you are entering is: -Current -Proposed ( with or without funding secured) -Completed Click the appropriate green button on the homepage Enter the following information…

12 ISDR Asia Partnership Enter a project * Mandatory fields Project title* Start date* (except for proposed projects) End date Duration Countries Hazards Themes Objectives Activities

13 ISDR Asia Partnership Enter a project Outputs HFA Priorities RFA Priorities (only for Pacific projects) Lead organisation* Partner organisations Donors Total Funding (US$) Focal Person* Organisation Email* Files Comments Part of another project or programme? Save

14 ISDR Asia Partnership Project List Click on the Project List tab Scroll through the projects Export entire list to Excel Click on to view project details Click on Lead Organisations or Donors to link to their websites

15 ISDR Asia Partnership Project Search Search using: – Keywords – Filter options; click to expand the options Filter by: Countries, Hazards, Lead Organisation, Donors etc. Click Go to the graph or map showing these results Search criteria is shown Export search results to Excel for further analysis

16 ISDR Asia Partnership Project Analysis - Graphs Click on the Project Analysis tab To view graphs displaying projects by country, hazard, theme etc. click on one of the options For example: Select the graph for hazards -Change the graph axes by choosing different filters from the two drop down boxes -View number of projects by holding your cursor over the graph bar

17 ISDR Asia Partnership Project Analysis – Graphs To create your own graph, choose from the filter options by clicking to expand For example: Select Philippines and Flood, Cyclone or Earthquakes -Graph filters are shown -Save graph to My Page (available when logged in) -Download your graph as an image to add into reports and proposals Note: you can choose whether the filters are and or or. I.e. if you select cyclones and earthquakes you can chose whether the graph displays projects which address cyclones and earthquakes, or cyclones or earthquakes (which will also show cyclone and earthquake projects too)

18 ISDR Asia Partnership Project Analysis - Map Click on the Project Analysis tab Click on the map image Click on the orange circles to view projects in this country – click on project title in the box to go to project details Click to view risk layers on the map Choose which projects are shown on the map using the filter options like those for the project search and graphs

19 ISDR Asia Partnership Regional Organisations Click on the Regional Organisations tab Scroll through the list of regional organisations categorised into: Regional Centres, Regional Offices and Regional Organisations Also, a list of: - Committees - Mechanisms - Forums - Networks - Meetings

20 ISDR Asia Partnership DRR Frameworks Click on DRR Frameworks tab Scroll through DRR Frameworks including: -Regional Roadmaps -National Action Plans and Strategies -Organisation Strategies Open attached documents Follow links to organisations

21 ISDR Asia Partnership My Page Click on the My Page tab once you are logged in (My Page is only available for logged in users) Chose to view any searches, graphs or maps you have saved (this will include any projects fitting the criteria, including ones entered since the original search, graph or map was saved) Any projects which you are authorised to edit will be listed on My Page as well, click to make any changes

22 ISDR Asia Partnership How can you support the initiative? Please support us in making this a useful resource. The DRR Project Portal values your: Contribution – Add your project information and use the DRR Project Portal for programming and planning. Support – Encourage your partners to enter their project information and use the DRR Project Portal. Spread the word about it at conferences, training and events Feedback – Let us know what you think about the website, its functions and features – email us at

23 ISDR Asia Partnership Thank you for your time Remember to visit the DRR Project Portal at:

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