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Climate Resilient Cities A Primer on Reducing Vulnerabilities to Disasters Kuala Lumpur, December 4, 2008 Dr. Jerry Velasquez, Senior Regional Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Resilient Cities A Primer on Reducing Vulnerabilities to Disasters Kuala Lumpur, December 4, 2008 Dr. Jerry Velasquez, Senior Regional Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Resilient Cities A Primer on Reducing Vulnerabilities to Disasters Kuala Lumpur, December 4, 2008 Dr. Jerry Velasquez, Senior Regional Coordinator UNISDR Asia and Pacific

2 2 Overview of presentation The Primer – What is it? Why have one? Climate change and disasters in the region The links between CC and DRM Hot spots and identifying priorities City case studies and key lessons learned The Climate Resilient Cities program The Role of National Governments Discussion

3 3 What is the Primer? The Primer outlines city typologies Integrates climate change with DRM Presents a hot spot tool for identifying city- specific priorities for action Identifies both adaptation and mitigation strategies at the local level, based on learning from regional and global sound practices Applicable to a range of cities

4 4 Objectives of the Primer To understand the issues and impact of climate change at the city level To engage in a participatory approach to establish vulnerabilities To learn about the why and the how through illustrative examples from other cities To build resilience to future disasters into planning and adopt no-regrets actions To understand the requirements for moving from theory to practice To engage in partnerships and learning

5 5 Why focus on cities in East Asia?

6 6 Region prone to multiple hazards Source : World Bank, 2005.

7 7 Largest increase in incidence of natural disasters

8 8 Largest amount of damage from several types of disasters

9 9 Climate change and DRM Climate Change exacerbates the frequency and intensity of hydrometeorological disasters CC can add new disaster risks DRM includes seismic activity/volcanoes while CC also addresses gradual average changes in Climate DRM and CC adaptation greatly overlap and can strategically reinforce each other

10 10 Climate change and DRM Sea level rise Temperature Precipitation Natural hazards (incl earthquakes, etc) Extreme events What are the effects and impacts? What are some mitigation and adaptation sound practices? Goal is to become more RESILIENT over time

11 11 Why focus on cities? Cities disproportionately contribute to climate change mitigation 50% of global population, 80% of GHGs Cities disproportionately suffer the impacts of climate change and disasters adaptation Port cities: 9% of global GDP exposed 4 of top 10 exposed (pop) cities in EA Cities are also the front line in terms of preventive action and emergency preparedness and response Sichuan, New Orleans, etc.

12 12 Urban poor at greatest risk: What can local govts do?

13 13 Is your city a Hot Spot? The Primer provides criteria for determination of a Hot Spot using its City Information Base: Vulnerability to different consequences of climate change in urban areas Preparedness and response capacity to different natural hazards in urban sector

14 14 The Primer: The Hot Spot exercise Given Geographic location City size and growth rate Governance structure Disaster history Influentiable City management Financial resources Built environment Disaster response systems Economic impact of disasters RESILIENTHOT

15 15 City description and size

16 16 Cities have a choice as to their physical footprints

17 17 Building resilient cities: Learning from experience

18 18 Sound practices overview CityGeographyPopulation Tokyo Coastal, Very High EQ HazardVery large New YorkCoastalVery large Jakarta Coastal, Moderate EQ HazardVery large LondonCoastalLarge Milan, ItalyInland PlateauLarge Singapore CoastalLarge Hanoi Inland, RiverMedium Thua Thien Hue, Vietnam CoastalMedium King County/SeattleCoastal, High EQ HazardSmall Albuquerque, USAInland PlateauSmall Venice, ItalyCoastalSmall Rockville, USAInland PlainVery Small Dongtan, China Coastal, Moderate EQ Hazard--

19 19 What to extract from the profiles Detailed Profiles City Profiles of Sound Practices (on CD) Short Profiles WHY?HOW? POLICY DETAILS IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS COORDINATION

20 20 Sound practices and lessons 1. Organizational structure & Information Base 2. Institutional mechanism 3. Ownership by line departments 4. Climate change strategy 5. Public awareness 6. Accounting and reporting of GHG inventory 7. Hazard risk financing 8. DRM system considering CC impacts

21 21 Sound practices and lessons 9. Mitigation: Energy sector 10. Mitigation: Transport sector 11. Mitigation: Built environment & density 12. Mitigation: Forestry and urban greenery 13. Mitigation: Financial mechanisms 14. Adaptation: Infrastructure 15. Adaptation: Water conservation 16. Adaptation: Public health

22 22 Action based on experience and risk assessment Hot Spot assessment can be used to prioritize vulnerabilities, not judge Specific local action programs can draw upon experience of other cities Not all actions are expensive, neither time intensive No-regrets strategies are important and can be complemented by specific investments

23 23 Creating a virtuous circle

24 24 A multi-year program: Climate Resilient Cities Reach as many cities in East Asia as possible to support them in developing and implementing THEIR climate resilient strategies

25 25 Program Objectives To disseminate the Primer tools in EA cities To develop Implementation Tools for Action (ITA) To identify and strengthen partners for implementation to go to scale To facilitate implementation of climate resilience programs in 100 cities in East Asia

26 26 Program Components A. Develop local resilience action plans Populate Hot Spot risk assessment matrix and compile City Information Base (Primer tools) Identify priorities for action & design feasible programs B. Strengthen national and local partners for implementation scale-up in initial countries Identify and engage national/ local partners at outset C. Scale up implementation of resilience action plan development to 100 cities in East Asia

27 27 Local Resilience Action Plan (LRAP): What is it? How can resilience help the city achieve its vision? Populate Hot Spot risk assessment Identify particularly vulnerable areas, populations, sectors, capacities Compile City Information Base – identify and fill information gaps City masterplans Socioeconomic profile Hazard profile Future growth map City institutional map Identify priorities for action Design feasible programs with investment financing strategies

28 28 What role can national governments play? National governments very important Must enable cities and subnational regions Provide support, funding, required changes in national laws and regulations Commit to applying learning from initial demonstration cities to other cities

29 29 What next? Are you a Hot Spot? Are you willing to become resilent? Take the Primer, Learn about the process and be one of first implementing cities!

30 30 Climate Resilient Cities Email:

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