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Sex Trafficking and Sex Slavery

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1 Sex Trafficking and Sex Slavery

2 Slavery What does the term “slavery” mean? What does it look like?

3 Slavery Officially abolished worldwide by the 1926 Slavery Convention
However, still exists in many forms forced labor child marriage debt bondage commercial sexual slavery Modern slaves can be garment workers, domestic help, agricultural workers, and prostitutes

4 Modern Slavery Today there are at least 27 million adults and children living and working as slaves or in slave-like conditions More than any other time in human history

5 Human Trafficking What does the term “human trafficking” mean?
What does it look like?

6 Human Trafficking The act of forcing an adult or child into slavery for financial or personal profit Involves recruiting, transporting, transferring, harbouring, or receiving a person through the use of force, intimidation, trickery, or other means for the purpose of exploiting them

7 Human Trafficking Between 800,000 and 4 million people are sold into slavery each year The global human trafficking industry is valued at $31.6 billion a year #2 criminal industry behind drug trafficking ($32.1 billion a year)

8 Human Trafficking Sexual exploitation is the most widespread form of human trafficking, making up 79% of all recorded human trafficking cases 20% victims of human trafficking are children 70-80% of victims are women

9 Where does it occur? Trafficking affects all regions and the majority of countries in the world Traffickers primarily target women and girls because they are disproportionately affected by poverty and discrimination, factors that impede their access to employment, educational opportunities, and other resources

10 Human Trafficking Worldwide

11 Global Stats 2.3 million sex slaves in India 200,000 in eastern Europe
200,000 in Bangladesh 142,000 in Malaysia 150,000 non-Japanese women in Japan

12 More stats About 700 people are trafficked into Canada for sex slavery/the sex trade In the Ukraine, around 117,000 a year are made victims of human trafficking

13 Slavery in the United States
There number of people newly enslaved in the Unites States every year is roughly equal to the number of homicides (just under 15,000) Which do you hear about more? Which gets more priority from law enforcement?

14 Questions “One of the global paradoxes is that countries with the most conservative sexual mores tend to have the most prostitution.” Nicholas Kristof, Half The Sky Why do you think that is? What value do women have in these societies? What examples from the film illustrate this?

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