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Applied Geoscience & Technology Division (SOPAC) – SPC SAARC Disaster Management Centre Pre-Conference Event Launch of the South Asia Disaster Knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Applied Geoscience & Technology Division (SOPAC) – SPC SAARC Disaster Management Centre Pre-Conference Event Launch of the South Asia Disaster Knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applied Geoscience & Technology Division (SOPAC) – SPC SAARC Disaster Management Centre Pre-Conference Event Launch of the South Asia Disaster Knowledge Network Using Knowledge and Innovation to Build a Culture of Safety & Resilience in South Asia Conference Hall No. 5 International Convention Centre, Geneva Monday May 9, 2011 Pacific Disaster Net (PDN)

2 Applied Geoscience & Technology Division (SOPAC) – SPC Hosts up-to-date and live information - in a range of formats and from different sources - alerts, documents, events, contacts, calendar, media, country page, forum, wiki … (One-stop-shop ?) Relating to Governance, Risk Assessment, Early Warning and Monitoring, Disaster Risk Management, Training and Tools Functionalities - Google maps / earth integration, CAP integration (Common Alert Protocol) with zoom & links, User can add information - documents, contact and calendar information Weekly updates about new documents Available online and offline (Local Edition) on DVDs - allowing a much wider outreach even into communities without Internet access Developed by SOPAC, IFRC, UNDP-PC, UNOCHA, supported by UNISDR, as initiative under the PDRMPN Launched 09/2008 – now 3 fulltime dedicated staff Largest DRM resource for the Pacific region Re-design planned to include bi-lingual UI, address lessons learnt – adjust volumes and technology issues, improve usability etc.

3 Applied Geoscience & Technology Division (SOPAC) – SPC PDN - Future vision and strategies User / target audience - clarified and focused Ownership Bottom Up Approach guided by Top Down Strategic Vision Technology and its limitations - less than 2% of the Pacific population has access to broadband System suitable on regional and national level as priority – global level complimentary Competition – underlying, damaging Avoid duplicating services – use technology to enable and facilitate sharing and exchange with other systems Information 'sharing' and content collection / update is a challenge with multiple facets Raise awareness and establish Information Management for DRM – with dedicated resources, skilled capacities Data standards - common, practical, XML,... Terminology – practical Communication / dissemination - mobile, engaging, enabling,... Strategy - definition, existing, shared Surveys, interviews, statistics etc. Towards acceptance and sustainability Embrace culture and its context Enable and support ownership and leadership Electricity is a challenge Internet access reflects on internet literacy... KM2.0 or Web2.0 is not yet everywhere Focus and support... ?... ! ;) RSS, API, XML,... Offline access - no virtual substitute yet Limited visibility based on limited internet access Uploads challenged by bandwidth Time due to lack of resources / capacities Dedicated & skilled Progress the ongoing discussions EMDAT, DesInventar and other Not a thesaurus Full / brief definition CC terminology - complimentary but not same Handheld devices Offer selection and different volumes (brief / full) Not a policy Understand and encompass activities Defeat competition towards complementary systems Pacific with several solutions (Exposure DB, PHT, future CC Portal...) Foster synergies and combination of resources Needs leadership and communication strategy Improved information with better services for users

4 Thank you

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