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Building a Successful Event: presented by: Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary October 2, 2010 Maier Student Leadership Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Successful Event: presented by: Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary October 2, 2010 Maier Student Leadership Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Successful Event: presented by: Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary October 2, 2010 Maier Student Leadership Conference

2 AGENDA o Where to start? o What is the purpose of your event? o Selecting the right event o The event committee o SWOT analysis o Creating a plan of attack o Templates o Post-event o Tips for hosting successful events

3 Ask yourself: What are the goals of the event? What will be the theme? Who is your target audience and what are your attendance goals? Are there speakers or performers available that will generate interest in the event? Do you have adequate resources to produce the event (funds and time)? Where will the event be hosted? What is the purpose of the event? WHERE TO START?

4 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR EVENT? o To raise money o To generate donor prospects or volunteers o To increase public awareness o To reach a different constituency o To bring attention to your mission or cause i.e. campaign kick-off o Some combination of all of the above

5 Some Events Raise Money But Less Awareness o More “exclusive” o Less individuals in attendance o Higher individual cost to attend o Lower administrative and advertising expenses o More donor prospects o More exclusivity for sponsors o Attendees have greater loyalty to the organization

6 Some Events Raise Awareness But Less Money o Wider appeal o Fewer donor prospects o Often require a bigger investment of time, people and money o Larger attendance o Higher visibility o Higher admin and advertising costs o Attendees have less loyalty to the organization

7 SELECTING THE RIGHT EVENT o Audiences List all possible groups of people you would like to have at your event o Assets What does your event offer to your audience and participants? o Vision What is the highest expectation for the event? o Promise What will each event participant actually take away from the event experience?

8 THE EVENT COMMITTEE THE EVENT COMMITTEE o Recruit a strong committee o Develop roles and responsibilities for committee members o Keep minutes of meetings with action notes for follow-up


10 Create a checklist Create a budget Logistical plan Execution plan What to do post-event CREATING A PLAN OF ATTACK









19 POST-EVENT o Recognition o Evaluation o Committee Debrief o Wrap-up Report

20 Recognition Who should be recognized? - VIP’s - Sponsors - Volunteers - Committee members - Long time supporters How should they be recognized? - Formal vs. Informal Who does the recognition? - Head of sponsorship - Committee Chair Is recognition included in your budget? When should you do recognition?

21 Evaluation Feedback - Volunteer Survey - Participant survey Fiscal - Number of Participants - Sponsor Revenue - Income - Expenses - Balance Budget Other - # of guests - Media Coverage

22 Committee Debrief Should be done as soon as possible after the event Should be constructive criticism As the event organizer, stay calm and don’t take it personally Encourage input from all members Keep notes and action items Follow-up on recommendations

23 Wrap-up Report Items to include: ◦ Background ◦ Committee ◦ Results  Sponsorship  Number of guests/volunteers  Revenue sources ◦ Recommendations ◦ Closing Remarks ◦ Attachments  SWOT Analysis  Financial Results  Templates

24 Failing to plan is planning to fail Develop ways to evaluate the event's success Make sure the purpose of the special event is important enough to merit the time and expense needed to properly stage, publicize and evaluate the event. Carefully match the type of event that is selected to the purpose that it serves. Do you want to reach out to new users or thank your existing supporters? Talk to others who have successfully staged similar events. TIPS FOR SUCCESS

25 Thank you for your time Checklist and budget templates are available at:

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