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JICA LGREP As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management1/16.

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Presentation on theme: "JICA LGREP As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management1/16."— Presentation transcript:

1 JICA LGREP As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management1/16

2 Topic Objective For the participants to understand and learn how to conduct Community Mobilization in the context of BAWASA organizing. As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management2/16

3 Question 1 What is mobilization and why is it important? As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management3/16

4 Point 1.1 – What is Community Mobilization? Community Mobilization engages all sectors of the population in a community- wide effort to address a health, social, or environmental issue. Community Mobilization Government sector (LGUs, Government Agencies, policy-makers) Private sector (NGOs, religious groups, professionals, business sector) Civil society (Peoples’ Organization) As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management4/16

5 Point 1.2 – Importance of Community Mobilization Community mobilization empowers individuals and groups to take some kind of action to facilitate change. In our case, we need to mobilize the community to undertake responsibility in managing their own BAWASA. Change Private/ Business Govern- ment Civil Society As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management5/16

6 Process of Community Mobilization People’s awareness raising People’s goals and needs Community decision to undertake appropriate actions Community Action As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management6/16

7 Step 1. People’s awareness raising An affirmation to ACT takes place only after a member has understood the goals and needs of the organization. How do we and the community know the needs and therefore the goals? Through the conduct of PRA where needs will be identified and goals can be defined. As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management7/16

8 Step 2. Surfacing of People’s goals and needs Common goals and needs of community serve as the basis of unity that gives reason in forming people’s organization to effect CHANGE. In the context of BAWASA organizing, the basic question to answer is: Is it the community’s need and common goal to establish and manage a Water System? As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management8/16

9 Step 3. Community decision to undertake appropriate actions Motivating community members to proactively ACT on issues affecting them such as issues related to safe water supply or health issues in relation to water supply. Community actions are administered legally through formation of Organization/Association. Community had to understand that, in order to undertake legal actions, it has to be administered by a legal personality such as BAWASA that is duly registered. Organization/Association working with private and government sectors towards CHANGE. BAWASA had to work with other sectors such as LGUs, JICA, government agencies such as DepEd, DOH, etc. As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management9/16

10 Question 2 How to prepare for Community Mobilization? Who are the stakeholders involve? As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management10/16

11 Point 2.1 Learn about what they want to do. ( we need to organize a BAWASA for the project ) Collect and analyze information they will need to plan and implement the program ( conduct PRA ) Identify and make the best use of resources, both within and outside the community ( strategize and plan ) Encourage cooperation and support, both within the community and from outside agencies ( networking & sustainability planning ) Preparation towards Community Mobilization As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management11/16

12 Point 2.2 Stakeholders involve Community advocates (team/group/ organization) Initiator of community mobilization process ( CO Team ) Policy and decision makers ( municipal and barangay councils ) State, city elected officials State, city influential staff Government officials Donors (ex. JICA ) Church, NGOs, Civic Organizations, etc. Media Others ( DepEd, DOH, etc. ) As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management12/16

13 Question 3 How do we analyze the current situation and identify needed CHANGES thru PRA? As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management13/16

14 Point 3 A variety of formal and informal activities to understand and analyze the community situation and the issues that are important to community members can be employed: Community walks Informal discussions Interviews Role-plays, skits, puppet shows As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management14/16

15 Conclusion Important process in Community Mobilization in undertaking a Program or Project like BAWASA: Learn from community members about their goals, needs and problems Find and recruit the best people ( potential leaders ), and outside the community (ex. LGU, NGO, potential donor like JICA, etc.) Plan the program and take leadership in supporting and maintaining it. As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management15/16

16 References PRRM Archive, PRRM North Cotabato, 1998. COMMUNITY MOBILIZATION GUIDE, "Division of STD Prevention, CDC", Department of Health and Human Services – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, 2000. As of November 16, 2008Organization Developmen and Management16/16

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