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The Jewish National Fund Who are they, what do they do, how can we stop them? Stop the JNF Campaign –

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Presentation on theme: "The Jewish National Fund Who are they, what do they do, how can we stop them? Stop the JNF Campaign –"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Jewish National Fund Who are they, what do they do, how can we stop them? Stop the JNF Campaign –

2 THE JEWISH NATIONAL FUND Origin and principles Pre-1948 JNF and the Nakba Land acquisition after 1948 JNF and the ILA Green-washing apartheid JNF and the occupation Stop the JNF Campaign

3 Stop the JNF Campaign – Origin and Principles  Established at the Fifth Zionist Congress, Basel, 1901.  The JNF’s mission to buy land in ‘Eretz Israel’, for the settlement of Jews.  JNF land, ‘inalienable property of Jewish people’ and is for sole use of Jewish people.  JNF expressly prohibited from selling its land.

4 Stop the JNF Campaign – Pre-1948 By 1948 the JNF owned 936,000 dunums of Palestine or 3.55% of the land. (1 dunum = 1000 m 2 )  JNF acquire first plot near Hadera, 1903.  By 1920’s Palestinians were wary of Zionist colonisation and pressurised landowners not to sell.  After Britain’s recommendation for a partition of Palestine in 1937, the JNF sped up its acquisition.

5 Stop the JNF Campaign – The ‘village files’ The JNF had special units which collected information and built what was known as the ‘village files’ These included:  Aerial photographs  Topographical maps  Quality of village land, including water sources  Detailed records of their inhabitants,.  Names of those involved in resisting the British and Zionist colonisation.

6 Stop the JNF Campaign – JNF and the Nakba The JNF played a large role in the Nakba (‘catastrophe’), which was the process of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their land by Zionist militias and the State of Israel between 1947-1949 The ‘village files’ drawn up by JNF, were primary reference for Zionist forces executing depopulation and destruction of Palestinian communities.

7 Stop the JNF Campaign – After the Nakba  1949 and 1950 acquisitions of ‘abandoned’ or absentees’ land.  The Palestinians who owned the land and are now refugees or IDP’s, have never been paid for the land which was taken from them.  By 1956 the JNF had increased its share of land to 3.4 million dunums or 13% of the land of what is now Israel.  72% of JNF land was acquired after May 1948, these acquisitions were illegal under Geneva Convention.  The JNF’s role in the illegal expropriation of this land and its redevelopment makes the JNF complicit in the denial of the Palestinian refugees Right of Return.

8 Land acquired in 1949 and 1950 Stop the JNF Campaign –

9 Israel Land Administration  The ILA is responsible for administrating the 93% of Israeli land owned by the state (80%) and the JNF (13%).  The ILA is run by a council of 22 members of which the JNF appoints 10. The Qa’adan case

10 Stop the JNF Campaign – Israel Land Administration  JNF have influential role within the structure of the Israeli state.  However, they are legally independent from the state. “Entrusting the Jewish peoples’ land to the JNF frees the State of Israel, even though it is the state of the Jewish people, from having to deal with this [of discriminating against Palestinians] issue and in so doing violate the principle of equality.” Tom Segev Elvis in Jerusalem: post-Zionism and the Americanization of Israel

11 Stop the JNF Campaign – JNF today  Rebranding as an environmental charity.  Focusing on planting trees and creating parks.  Enjoys charitable status in over 50 countries.  Support from high profile individuals.

12 Stop the JNF Campaign – Canada Park Established in 1973 with funds from JNF-Canada, Canada Park is planted on the ruins of 3 ethnically cleansed Palestinian villages, Imwas, Yalu and Beit Nuba.

13 Imwas, 1958 Stop the JNF Campaign –

14 Imwas, during the destruction, 1967 Stop the JNF Campaign –

15 Imwas, 1968 Stop the JNF Campaign –

16 Imwas, 1988 Stop the JNF Campaign –

17 Blueprint Negev  Heavily supported by the JNF USA.  Systematic discrimination against the indigenous Bedouin community.  Al-Araqib has been demolished more than 20 times in recent months. Stop the JNF Campaign –

18 JNF and the occupation  The JNF’s official policy is that they do not buy land beyond the ‘Green Line’ (1949 Armistice Line, between Israel and Occupied Territories)  However, through their subsidiary Himanuta they have helped continue the Zionist colonisation of the Occupied Territories.  Himanuta, JNF by another name Stop the JNF Campaign –

19 JNF role  Major role in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians during the Nakba.  Illegally expropriated the land from 372 ethnically cleansed villages.  Assisting Israel in the denial of Palestinian Refugees Right of Return.  Continue a racist policy of discriminating against non-Jews.  Through their subsidiary Himanuta they are illegally colonising land in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.  Complicit in the continuing forced displacement of the Bedouin in the Negev. Stop the JNF Campaign – Significantly, the UN rejected JNF USA’s application for consultative status with ECOSOC on the ground that the JNF violates the principles of the UN Charter regarding human rights.

20 Stop the JNF Campaign  The Stop the JNF Campaign is part of the Palestinian National Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.  Despite its complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity, the JNF and its affiliate organizations enjoy charitable status in over 50 countries as an environmental charity.  The Stop the JNF Campaign urges global civil society to join us in a campaign to challenge the JNF by... Stop the JNF Campaign –

21 Stop the JNF Campaign  exposing and documenting the role of the JNF in the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine;  protesting and disrupting the JNF’s fundraising activities across the globe;  opposing and acting to nullify the JNF’s charitable and tax exempt status in Europe, the Americas, Oceania and Asia, and Africa;  condemning the activities of the JNF through popular tribunals and truth commissions;  supporting Palestinian and Israeli organizations resisting the forced displacement of Palestinians in the Naqab and Galilee; and  urging those organizations collaborating with the JNF, and especially those with environmental and anti-racist mandates, to break ties with the JNF. Stop the JNF Campaign –

22 What you can do  Join the BDS Campaign  Take legal action  Research and document JNF's activities  Educate  Take direct action  Produce and leverage mass and grassroots media  Support processes of accountability under international law Stop the JNF Campaign –

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