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Disaster Risk Reduction in Education Sector Lessons Learned 15 years experience of ADPC in Asia Presentation at the Special Event on DRR in Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Disaster Risk Reduction in Education Sector Lessons Learned 15 years experience of ADPC in Asia Presentation at the Special Event on DRR in Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disaster Risk Reduction in Education Sector Lessons Learned 15 years experience of ADPC in Asia Presentation at the Special Event on DRR in Education Sector at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR), June 2009

2 Why? Children are amongst the most vulnerable group;
There is a multiplier effect of educating the public through the children; Schools are often used as evacuation centers during a disaster event; Educational institutions are a major public infrastructure, which can create long-lasting impact on future generations Why?

3 Safer school construction
Integrating DRR in School Curriculum How?

4 It is essential to Build Safer Schools………
It is essential to Build Safer Schools……… Working with Local capacity, material and technology

5 Safer School Construction
Initiatives Vulnerability assessment of public school buildings; Local masons’ training Implementation of earthquake safety drills in classrooms; Development of National Guidelines on School Construction and Emergency Preparedness Linking with ongoing education sector programs being implemented with national or external funds Strengthening partnerships at sub-national level between various stakeholders School Earthquake Safety Program in Katmandu Valley (SESP) , Nepal Creating Earthquake Preparedness in Schools, Bengkulu and Bandung, Indonesia School Flood Safety Program (SFSP) in Tien Giang , Vietnam Integrating hazard resilient features in ongoing school construction projects in Cambodia, Lao PDR and the Philippines

6 Lessons Learned Community participation – A step to sustainability
Involve the community from the start Transfer the ownership of the program to beneficiary community as early as possible Safety programs can be channels for improved livelihood Emphasize local capacity, material and technology Build local capacity Transfer Technology Convey scientific and technical know-how in simple terms Transfer low cost technology Adopt training-of-trainers approach Build Partnerships (Min of Edu, Public Works, NDMO, Pvt Sector) Link with Education Sector Programs

7 Include DRR concepts in School Curriculum… ……
Include DRR concepts in School Curriculum… …….Working with Department of Curriculum, NDMO, Technical Agencies

8 Integrating DRR in formal school curriculum in Cambodia, Lao PDR and the Philippines
Integrating DRR in extra curricular activities in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia Activities Working with the National Pedagogical department to integrate DRR in formal school curriculum Working with school authorities, teachers and local NGOs to integrate DRR in extra curricular activities Partnering with national teacher’s training institutes to build capacity of teachers Partnering with the larger Education Sector Working Groups in the countries to advocate for integrating DRR into Education Sector Development Agenda

9 Lessons Learned Plan in advance of the National Curriculum Development Cycle Partnership between Ministry of Education and NDMO Adopt a consultative process Link with processes of the Education sector programs funded by the multilateral and bi lateral agencies ; and the Education Sector working Group led by Ministry of Education

10 Key lessons Strengthen Partnerships with local governments
Efforts must be made to ensure that the teacher trainings disseminate the knowledge outwards Long term commitment is required by stakeholders to ensure sponsorship for the continuation of training and awareness campaign Partnerships between NGOs and local government will strengthen sustainability.

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