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Corals of Hawai’i: Order Scleractinia Stony corals

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1 Corals of Hawai’i: Order Scleractinia Stony corals

2 Family Acroporidae - Rice Corals
Montipora flabellata- blue rice coral Growth form: small, encrusting with irregular lobes; blue to turquoise color. Fine structure: papillae smaller, sometimes fused to form ridges; calices with elevated collars. Habitat: shallow water in exposed and protected areas. Montipora patula - ringed rice coral Growth form: small, encrusting; chocolate-brown with light borders. Fine structure: papillae small, forming rings around calyx. Habitat: reef flats. Montipora capitata (Formerly M. verrucosa) - rice coral Growth form: highly variable, encrusting and plate-like (shallow water) or branching (deep); dark-chocolate with white borders to beige or white. Fine structure: tuberculae large, uniformly distributed, absent from underside of free margins. Habitat: common in all reef environments, 0-50 m.

3 Family Agariciidae – False Brain Corals
Pavona duerdeni Growth form: encrusting round, or with rounded disks or lobes; light gray or pale brown. Fine structure: calices regular and symmetrically arranged. Habitat: wave-exposed environments. Pavona varians - false brain coral Growth form: encrusting globular masses; tan or tan-brown. Fine structure: elongate, angular steep-sided ridges with calices in valleys; septa line sides of ridges. Habitat: reef flat and slope.

4 Family Dendrophyllidae – Cup Corals
Tubastraea coccinea - tube coral Growth form: large (> 1 cm) separate calices on tubular extensions; clump of large calices 5-10 cm across; animal orange or black Fine structure: calyx wall very thin, porous and composed of glandular ridges; primary and secondary septa distinct; upper edge of septa depressed below. Habitat: on cliffs and in caves in shallow water.

5 Family Faviidae- Brain Corals
Cyphastrea ocellina Growth form: small encrustation's or mushroom-shaped clumps; light reddish brown. Fine structure: calices small (1-5 mm), crowded, elevated above surface, randomly oriented in clumps; calyx wall thick and jagged. Habitat: reef flats and tide pools Leptastrea bottae Growth form: small, globular encrustation's; olive-green to yellow-brown. Fine structure: calices large (3.5 mm) and well separated with individual walls; elevated primary septa. Habitat: reef flats exposed to sand scour. Leptastrea purpurea Growth form: large, thin encrusting sheets or rounded lobes; pale brown, green, or purple. Fine structure: calices large (2-6 mm), funnel-shaped, and share common walls; elevated primary septa form a ridge around the calyx. Habitat: reef flats and slope to 50 m.

6 Family Fungiidae - Razor Corals
Fungia scutaria - mushroom coral Growth form: solitary coral on large (4-28 cm), free, elliptical plates; green to dark brown. Fine structure: septa of uniform dimensions radiating out from central depression; septa thin and serrated. Habitat: reef flats, frequently in crevices or depressions.

7 Family Pocilloporidae
Pocillopora General description: branching colonies; calices crowded together on wart-like projections (verrucae) and connected by a network of common walls, ridges, seams, or grooves. Pocillopora damicornis - lace coral Growth form: finely branched with many divisions; branches not thicker than a pencil; colonies small, up to 15 cm; bushy-shaped; light to dark brown. Fine structure: septa and columella poorly developed; walls of terminal calices flare outward. Habitat: protected areas in shallow water. Pocillopora eydouxi - elkhorn coral Growth form: large (up to 80 cm) with thick, cylindrical, vertical branches that lack divisions; brown. Fine structure: calices have distinct septa and columella. Habitat: wave-exposed areas, generally deeper than 10 m. Pocillopora meandrina - cauliflower coral Growth form: heavy, leaf-like branches often forked near the end; brown to pink. Fine structure: septa and columella poorly developed; calyx irregularly shaped. Habitat: wave-exposed areas, generally shallower than 10 m.

8 Family Poritidae Porites
General description: calices 5-sided polygons; well developed septa and columella give "snowflake" appearance. Porites compressa - finger coral Growth form: finger-like branching with porous skeleton; tips of branches usually blunt or flattened; light-brown to yellow. Fine structure: calices flush with surface; upper septa surface looks like elevated rods. Habitat: wave-protected areas, 0-50 m. Porites evermanni Growth form: resembles P. lobata by forming low, flat-topped or cube-like lobes with rounded edges; gray, brown, or purple. Fine structure: septa made up of thin plates that form a continuous porous surface; calyx walls form a ring. Habitat: wave-exposed reef flats.

9 Family Poritidae cont. Porites lobata - lobe coral
Growth form: olive-green, brown, or blue-gray. Branches form large lobes, never thin or finger-like; colonies may be huge, covering several meters or more. Fine structure: calyx sides are membrane-like and elevated into sharp walls. Habitat: wave-exposed areas, 0-50 m. Porites rus Growth form: cylindrical lobes, irregular, or flat plates; blackish-brown with white, yellow, or gray tips. Fine structure: small, round, shallow calices well separated on the surface. Habitat: all reef environments, 0-50 m.

10 Family Thamastreidae Psammocora stellata
Growth form: pale brown to pale green. small, branched, rounded clumps; branches have unequal length, often subdivided at the tip into two projections. Fine structure: calices are indistinct; septa are well developed and protrude into the center of the calyx, leaving a tiny hole; septa of calices are continuous and form a star-like pattern; septa are rough and granulated, giving a star-like appearance. Habitat: reef flats.

11 Mesophotic Corals:

12 Leptoseris hawaiiensis

13 Leptoseris incrustans

14 Leptoseris mycetoseroides

15 Leptoseris papyracea???

16 Leptoseris scabra

17 Leptoseris tubulifera

18 Montipora capitata

19 Pocillopora damicornis

20 Porites Lobata

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