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Presentation A HR for Microfinance: Scope, demand, outlook Presented by: Dr. Sankar Datta, Dean Livelihood School Academic Katriya.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation A HR for Microfinance: Scope, demand, outlook Presented by: Dr. Sankar Datta, Dean Livelihood School Academic Katriya."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation A HR for Microfinance: Scope, demand, outlook Presented by: Dr. Sankar Datta, Dean Livelihood School Academic Confluence@Hyderabad, Katriya Hotel and Towers, 19 Feb. 2009

2 The Livelihood School MF Industry has Grown … Registering 30-40% growth p.a. except in C/ Staff

3 The Livelihood School MF to support livelihoods Micro-finance emerged to meet the requirements of additional funds for livelihood supporting activities of poor, who had no savings, so no capital And not to tap the market at the bottom of the pyramid Which assumes some surplus with them to buy financial services

4 The Livelihood School So has requirement of HR… MF is HR intensive to deliver In multiple installment Of small value With multiple transactions At dispersed locations, with poor infrastructure At door-step to minimize transaction cost Poor people engage very actively Provide collateral substitute, Appraise their peers Management of their funds, their institution Identify, Set-up & Manage their livelihood activities

5 The Livelihood School The HR Requirement Industry requires 150 thousand people every year With diverse skills Capacity for Investment of Credit into Appropriate Livelihood Financial : Appraisal, Delinquency, Fund People: Managing Groups, their Capacity Building In a new area of knowledge With limited margin to pay competitive salaries with mainstream finance sector

6 The Livelihood School Efforts in HR development Mainstream Educational Institutions offering Micro-finance Courses University of Pretoria Colorado State University COADY International Institute Micro-finance Investor Promoted MF Training Institutions Bankers Institute for Rural Development (BIRD) Bankakademie International

7 The Livelihood School Efforts in HR development Technical Support Service Provider Institutions EDA Rural Systems Micro-finance Training Institutions/ Divisions promoted by MFIs Tata Dhan Academy, Grameen Bank's International Program Department Network Institutions Offering Programs

8 The Livelihood School Learning from Mainstream Finance Bankers promoted IIFB in 1928 With representations of major public and private banks, of RBI and Indian Banks' Association, along with Academic Institutions: IIMA, XLRI, ICFAI Offered courses: Necessary for promotion Insurance made qualification compulsory by law Set up Institute of Actuaries - London (In July 1884, the Institute of Actuaries was granted a Royal Charter) Actuarial Society Of India, renamed Institute of Actuaries of India Many private training institutions accredited

9 The Livelihood School What we need to do in MF Recognize that HR is critical Look at inadequacy of current effort at three levels Numbers Levels of Participants Content of these programs Bring together different stake holders Agree on some basic minimum competency required for micro-finance

10 The Livelihood School What we need to do in MF Set up system of delivery and quality control with three pronged strategy: Senior Level: Higher focus on building livelihood focus Middle Level: Promote private training initiatives, with strict quality control Lower level: Mainstream University Education MFIs start valuing such CB effort and signaling them

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