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Designing a Housing Microfinance Loan Product Day 2: Product Manual & Projections.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing a Housing Microfinance Loan Product Day 2: Product Manual & Projections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing a Housing Microfinance Loan Product Day 2: Product Manual & Projections

2 Day 1: Recap What have we learned so far? Are there other questions or clarifications

3 Day 2: Product Manual & Projections Product Promotion Guided Tour on MicroPinoy: A Practical Tool for Financial Projection Preparation of Financial Projection

4 Designing a Housing Microfinance Loan Product Promoting the Product

5 Presentation outline Objectives For Promotion Strategies and Plan Promotion and Communication Plan Practical Strategies and Plan Practical Ways to Get Info Out Ways to Get Your Target Market Interested in the Product What Messages Will Create Interest and Top of Mind Impact?

6 6 HMF OBJECTIVES AS CONTEXT FOR PROMOTIONS STRATEGIES & PLAN Quantitative – Example: Increase bank’s MF portfolio by _____ % through aggressive pursuit of Housing Microfinance Qualitative – Example: To advance strategic objectives in making RB___________as the “Choice Bank” in ___________;

7 7 Promotions & Communication Plan OBJECTIVES To implement promotions which are client-based and market oriented through “Real Thrills” Create maximum awareness of the product Generate interest and excitement about the product

8 HMF Practical STRATEGIES & PLAN  Develop local connection or networking.  Local real thrills – sponsor events or prizes during important local events WORKSHOP: CAN YOU GIVE EXAMPLES OF ABOVE?

9 HMF Practical STRATEGIES & PLANS How will you convey messages (medium to use) about your Housing Loan Product?  Employ a mix of media (should not be too costly) such as:  Written materials like flyers, posters  Cellphones  Radio  TV


11 HMF Practical WAYS TO GET INFO OUT GETTING INFORMATION OUT Attach posters in tricycles, jeepneys *Display HMF posters inside and outside of the Bank Display posters of bank and product during bgy/town events or sponsorship event Display poster at group center meeting place; bgy halls *Display flyers at bank lobby, counters of hardware stores (building materials suppliers)

12 HMF Practical WAYS TO GET YOUR TARGET MARKET INTERESTED IN THE PRODUCT Implement “Come-On” strategy: PRE-APPROVE P5K- P10K HMF LOANS to existing MF clients (such as those contractual deposits over P10K) Designated HMF AO’S to target specific # of New Clients approved per wek Require all bank officers and employees to recruit/recommend, say, Five (5) Prospective HMF borrowers per month (Ex. With relatives; friends; neighbors)

13 Ask referrals from existing clients (word of mouth) (FUTURE GIMMICKS – Free processing or service FEE (or appraisal fee) for the first __XXX___ clients who avail themselves of the loan on or before ________. Reach out and visit potential clients (home, office, business) Organize orientation at Barangay Halls Value Chain Analysis – (Schools, Market Vendors Ass’n, Traders, Materials Suppiers, Buyers) Existing bank clients HMF Practical WAYS TO GET YOUR TARGET MARKET INTERESTED IN THE PRODUCT

14 What Messages Will Create Interest and Top of Mind Impact? Group Workshop: Choose the medium you prefer to use. Craft the message to get the information out to your target market. A panel of judges will choose top 2 outputs. Prizes await winners Criteria (5 points each) - Brevity - Creativity - Originality - Message Impact - Contemporariveness

15 The MABS program is implemented by the of the Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines. It receives funding support from the U.S. Agency for International Development with oversight provided by the Office of the President and the Mindanao Economic Development Council. Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines Mindanao Economic Development Council Office of the President of the Philippines U.S. Agency for International Development The general contractor is Chemonics International, Inc. These materials were made possible through the support provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development/Philippines under the terms of contract no. 492-C-00-98-0008-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Agency for International Development.

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