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The HCFDC resilience program : 2. The Orange shield By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The HCFDC resilience program : 2. The Orange shield By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The HCFDC resilience program : 2. The Orange shield By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology 1. The Orange Flag 3. Feasability study for « Assessing community resilience in the face of natural hazards »

2 The program is supported by the : Ministère de l écologie, du développement durable et de l énergie Direction générale de la prévention des risques MEDDE /DGPR Ministry For Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy General Directorate For risk prevention (natural and industrial) Supports : By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

3 1. The Orange Flag What is it ? A label awarded by the HCFDC to the communities that fulfil a number of criteria in terms of safeguarding and protection of the population against the majors risks and threats. Also a mean of communication for the communities HCFDC has signed a convention with the inter-agency of the UN for the « Making cities resilient » program of the UN-ISDR By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

4 1. The Orange Flag How to obtain it? A community has to connect on the website and fill the questionnaire about : Planning - Municipality involvement - Human resources training - Information to the population - Means – Community crisis management - Field intervention – Prevention - Budget By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

5 And then ? Points are given for each answers and the total amount of point is immediately calculated and displayed on the website. A community with enough points can order the Orange Flag for a price relating to the number of inhabitants. 1. The Orange Flag By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

6 42 communities are now Awarded with the Orange Flag and number is increasing every year 1. The Orange Flag By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

7 In the same trend of the Orange flag, the Orange Shield is awarded to schools that fulfil numbers of criteria on pedagogic programs and safety measures in the face of major risks and threats to their pupil. Website : 2. The Orange Shield Jean Moulin Groupe scolaire 2 012 Created in 2009 by the IFFO-RME and the HCFDC By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

8 3. Feasability study for « Assessing community resilience in the face of natural hazards » A 2 years program mainly funded by the Ministry of Ecology – General directorate for risk prevention Goal of the study : Be able to create an index to monitor, in the future, public policy balance between Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Reparation on different territorial scales. By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

9 3. Feasability study for « Assessing community resilience in the face of natural hazards » Study area : The arrondissement (or county) Actors involved : Local authorities – communities – State natural and industrial hazard prevention department – Hazardous industrial plants – Local Education Ministry Body Datas collect : By questionnaires to each actors By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

10 3. Feasability study for « Assessing community resilience in the face of natural hazards » An index built from 8 variables : Ocurence – Intensity – Exposure – Vulnerability Anticipation – Preparedness – Consciousness - Management Ocurence Anticipation Exposure Consciousnes s Vulnerability Management Intensity Preparedness By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

11 3. Feasability study for « Assessing community resilience in the face of natural hazards » Industrial hazards resilience index Meteorologic al hazards resilience index Geological hazards resilience index Global resilien ce index A mathematical model to automatically calculate the 4 indexes, powered by the the fuzzy logic => Connections between variables are calibrated and each step of calculation is different By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

12 3. Feasability study for « Assessing community resilience in the face of natural hazards » X hazard resilience index Gravity Reactivity Occurence Intensity Stakes Vulnerability Anticipation Preparedness Consciousness Management Natural or industrial disasters Seriousness History/memories Human Economic Environment Heritage Exposure Awarness Vigilance Alert Prevention planning Preparedness Training Exercise Budget Human ressources Insurance Political Commitment Actors coopération Social link Information Education By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

13 3. Feasability study for « Assessing community resilience in the face of natural hazards » Meaning of each index : Index 5 : a difference of 2 points for reactivity than gravity shows the ability to face unpredicted intensity of hazards Index 4: resilience is at a high level but with a positive difference of more than 2 points for reactivity than gravity, we consider this situation as an excessive expense of means. Anyway, this situation is still better than an equality of the gravity and reactivity marks. Index 3: gravity and reactivity marks are equal. We consider that the territory has set the conditions to develop a resilience level that will absorb the already known levels of hazard on the territory. Index 2 : 2 + : gravity is low and so is reactivity, but they are equal. The territory is kind of resilient, but no real work has been done to develop and improve it. 2 – : Gravity is 1 point over reactivity and the territory is not considered as resilient. Indice de 1: 1 +: Lack of reactivity is limited to 2 points. 1 – : Gravity is more than 2 points higher over reactivity. Global Index : By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

14 3. Feasability study for « Assessing community resilience in the face of natural hazards » Graphic of the meteorological index variables By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

15 Thank you ! Lets discuss if you have any questions ! By the French High Committee for Civil Defence and Supported by the French Ministry For Ecology

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