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European Microfinance Network Jorge Ramirez - European Microfinance Network Microfinance in Europe Microfinance in Europe V Reunion Anual Consorcios Espanoles.

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Presentation on theme: "European Microfinance Network Jorge Ramirez - European Microfinance Network Microfinance in Europe Microfinance in Europe V Reunion Anual Consorcios Espanoles."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Microfinance Network Jorge Ramirez - European Microfinance Network Microfinance in Europe Microfinance in Europe V Reunion Anual Consorcios Espanoles miembros de la Red Enterprise Europe Network V Reunion Anual Consorcios Espanoles miembros de la Red Enterprise Europe Network 6th June 2012, 6th June 2012, Palma de Mallorca Palma de Mallorca

2 Definition European Microfinance Network

3 Focus on social inclusion, entrepreneurship and job creation rather than profitability. Main features

4 European Microfinance Network History

5 Mission

6 Strategy

7 Members

8 Spanish Members (15) - ACAF, Asociacion de Comunidades Autofinanciadas - BBK - CpAc, Fundacio Privada per a la Promocio de l’Autoocupacio de Catalunya - Microbank (La Caixa) - Fundacion CajaSol - Caja Granada - FIDEM, Fundacio Internacional de la Dona Emprendedora - Fundacion ICO - Marcelo Abbad Consultoria - MITA, Centro de Desarrollo de Iniciativas Empresariales (ONG) - Nantik Lum - Pignus (Fundacion Cajasol) - SURT, Asociacio de Dones per a la integracio laboral - Transformando - WWB (Bancomujer) 8 European Microfinance Network

9 EMN strengthens its members and develops exchange…

10 European Microfinance Network EMN develops research, increases visibility and creates links between stakeholders

11 European Microfinance Network EMN participates in improving the regulatory environment

12 European Microfinance Network Microfinance in Europe

13 European Microfinance Network Characteristics of microfinance in Europe

14 European Microfinance Network The social context

15 European Microfinance Network The financial context

16 European Microfinance Network Existing SMEs New traditional enterprises Market gap to be filled by banks Income-generating activities Microentreprises set up by excluded persons Market gap to be filled by specialised insitutions Market segmentation Market segmentation

17 European Microfinance Network Part of existing programmes of development banks Political pressure at the basis Sometimes image problem for reaching out to clients and make them pay Institutional support programmes Special entities of banksONG, focus on specific groupsONG, focus microfinance Small scale (exemption: Prince Trust) Finance seen as added value for enterprise support Inspired by international practice Integrated non financial services ADIE in France, Per Micro in Italy, ANDC in Portugal DMI in Germany, Finnvera in Finland, Fonds de Participation in Belgium, ICO in Spain,... PSYBT in UK, Banco Mundial de la Mujer in Spain, Autonomia Foundation in Hungary, etc Microbank and Savings Banks Foundations in Spain, Millennium Microcredito in Portugal, Microstart (ADIE & BNP) in Belgium Recent development Strong growth Synergy effects on costs due to existing infrastructure. European Microfinance Institutional models NBFI, Foundation microfinance approach Credal in Belgium, Fair Finance in UK, Patria Credit in Romania, Mikrofond in Bulgaria, etc – MFIs in Eastern Europe and Credit Cooperatives in Western Europe

18 European Microfinance Network


20 An enabling European policy

21 European Microfinance Network European Progress Microfi nance Facility (EPMF)

22 European Microfinance Network European Progress Microfinance Faci lity (EPMF) Can I access Progress microfinance? Yes, if you: - want to become self-employed or set up/develop a microenterprise (<10 employees) - are unemployed - have taken time out of the labour market - have difficulty getting conventional credit How can I apply? Find out if there are already microfinance providers in your country supported by PROGRESS (Spain: Instituto de Credito y Finanzas de la Region de Murcia - ICREF)

23 European Microfinance Network JASMINE (Joint Action to Support Micro-Finance Institutions in Europe) Technical Assistance: - evaluation / diagnosis / rating of the selected MFI - tailor-made training & Business support services JASMINE Workshops JASMINE HELPDESK European Code of Good Conduct for Microcredit provision

24 European Microfinance Network CIP – SME Guarantee Facility (SMEG) Loan guarantees to encourage banks to make more debt finance available to SMEs, including: - Loan Guarantees - Microcredit, guarantees for loans of up to € 25000 to micro-enterprises with up to nine employees, particularly entrepreneurs starting a business - equity and quasy-equity guarantees - securitisation Spain: CERSA – Compania Espanola de Reafianzamiento S.A.

25 European Microfinance Network

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