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Section 9 External and internal resources AQA ICT A2 Level © Nelson Thornes 2009 1 Section 9: External and internal resources Management of Internal Resources.

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1 Section 9 External and internal resources AQA ICT A2 Level © Nelson Thornes 2009 1 Section 9: External and internal resources Management of Internal Resources

2 Section 9 External and internal resources AQA ICT A2 Level © Nelson Thornes 2009 2 Functions of management Management is a process of leadership involving 4 main functions: Planning – the development of long and short-term plans requiring goals, objectives, strategies, policies, procedures and standards. Organising – delegating authority assigning responsibility so that tasks are accomplished. Directing – leadership through communication and motivation. Controlling – observing and measuring performance of the organisation and modifying plans and activities where necessary.

3 Section 9 External and internal resources AQA ICT A2 Level © Nelson Thornes 2009 3 What are the internal resources?

4 Section 9 External and internal resources AQA ICT A2 Level © Nelson Thornes 2009 4 Why do we need to manage resources? To improve compatibility If resources are managed centrally, hardware and software and data are more likely to remain compatible between departments To reduce support Standardising interfaces and functionality reduces the demands on support teams To make best use of finance Bulk buying licences and hardware may lead to discounts To make best use of staff Standardisation makes it easier for staff to move between departments

5 Section 9 External and internal resources AQA ICT A2 Level © Nelson Thornes 2009 5 Hardware Purchasing policy – who chooses hardware and decides how often it is upgraded or renewed? Should equipment be purchased or leased? Location of shared resources such as printers. Allocation of server resources such as disk space. Backup hardware to be used. Availability of wireless access. Control of access to removable media.

6 Section 9 External and internal resources AQA ICT A2 Level © Nelson Thornes 2009 6 Software Who chooses what applications software is purchased and who has access to it? Is software installed locally or on servers? What network management software is to be used? Utility software – firewall, anti virus, content filtering. To what degree can users configure software?

7 Section 9 External and internal resources AQA ICT A2 Level © Nelson Thornes 2009 7 Communications Structure of network cabling or wireless access. How Internet access is to be provided. Whether an intranet is required. Which staff need access to the Internet. Security issues such as encryption.

8 Section 9 External and internal resources AQA ICT A2 Level © Nelson Thornes 2009 8 Consumables Which users have access to which printers? Network accounting, e.g. are quotas to be set for disk space and printing? Are consumables charged to users or viewed as an overhead?

9 Section 9 External and internal resources AQA ICT A2 Level © Nelson Thornes 2009 9 Facilities and power What rooms will be available? Will they have secured access? Will they be air conditioned? Where will network infrastructure such as servers, routers and switches be positioned? How will equipment be protected against power surges or power failure? How will use of power be kept to a minimum?

10 Section 9 External and internal resources AQA ICT A2 Level © Nelson Thornes 2009 10 People – security User rights to data files across network – what access level to which files? Security controls – what times, which workstations? Training. Code of conduct and disciplinary procedure as part of Contract of Employment.

11 Section 9 External and internal resources AQA ICT A2 Level © Nelson Thornes 2009 11 Human resources Human resources should be used effectively and efficiently. Consider: Appropriate skill level and job Health and Safety provision Training and support Opportunities for promotion Ergonomics and system design for efficiency/comfort Team leadership: right mix of people

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