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SOUL (Software for University Libraries)

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1 SOUL (Software for University Libraries)

2 Why to apply IT in Libraries
To improve existing services To provide new services To collect better data to aid overall management of the library To cope with increasing demands To increase the ability of professional staff Needed for NAAC accreditation More funding from UGC

3 Background No uniformity in the use of software by Libraries for its functions For national level cooperation, the uniform standards are essential to be practiced by all the libraries to exchange the data. Library needs proper software to run the library automation functions High cost of the commercial software necessitated the development of SOUL for libraries

4 Financial There is no profiteering motive in its promotion.
Very economical to purchase, although it is highly efficient to carry out almost all the functions in the library management. No extra cost will be charged for revised version. SOUL is revised on on-going basis in response to the feedback from users and development in technology. No additional cost for customization. Being low-cost, its recurring & maintenance cost will comparatively be less.

5 Services Intensive training to the librarian, library staff as well as to the computer personnel in parent organization. Efficient after-sales services: a team of a highly qualified library professional and a computer expert available, at call, if at all any problem arises. Guidance of experienced librarian who is coordinating the after-sales services, on any related problem. Online SOUL Support Discussion Group for discussion among SOUL users.

6 Hardware & Software Required (Minimum)
Server: MHz with 128 MB RAM 40 GB HDD 32 x CDROM Drive 1.44" Floppy Drive Colour Monitor (SVGA) Ethernet card 10/100 Mbps Windows-NT/ 2000 MS-SQL Server 7.0 Advance server Client : MHz with 64 MB RAM 2 GB HDD with10 MB space 1.44" Floppy Drive Colour Monitor (SVGA) Ethernet card 10/100 Mbps Windows-95/98/2000/XP/NT Operating System

7 COST: NETWORK VERSION Cost of SOUL-Software Rs. 50,000
For multiple orders, network version costs only Rs 20,000 - Second copy onwards

8 COST: College Version Cost of SOUL-Software Rs. 15,000

9 Main Features of SOUL Windows based user friendly software Well designed screens, logically arranged functions with extensive help messages. It is based on client server architecture allowing scalability to the users Does not need extensive training Multi-user and unlimited user access Supports internationally known standards CCF, AACR-2 etc.

10 Main Features of SOUL Provides export / import facility in ISO-2709
OPAC is versatile and very user friendly Provides comprehensive list of reports, master databases and authority files Provides facility to create, view records in regional languages Available at affordable cost Fully tested at number of libraries and evaluated by team experts and the practicing librarians

11 Modules: Acquisition Cataloguing Circulation Serials Control OPAC

12 Acquisition Suggestion Order Processing Accessioning Payment
Master Databases Reports

13 Acquisition All the functions relating to procurement of books and other library material and its financial aspects. Procurement -Suggestions and approval processing Purchase order processing & receiving the Material, Donations (gratis) Master databases – Publishers, Booksellers, Suppliers, etc. Processing - Accessioning of books. Periodic reports – New additions, statistical reports, types of material, Subject headings, classification numbers, KEYWORDS, etc. Bar code generation for books is built-in. No separate software for bar-coding required. Finance – Budget allocation & control for every department Payment processing. Report generation (MIS).         

14 Cataloguing Cataloguing Process Catalogue Search User Services
Authority File Maintenance Retro. Con. Reports

15 Cataloguing This module automates all the functions relating to the core library practices and creation of the bibliographic database. Bibliographic database creation -Added entries are created automatically. Importing already existing data, if created following ISO 2709. International standards - Conformity with CCF, MARC21 formats AACR2 guidelines in-built. User Services - Current Awareness Service. - Selective Dissemination of Information. - Bibliographical services suitable to local needs. Language support - ISM software is supplied free of cost along with SOUL software , ISM software enables managing data in regional languages. Retrospective conversion Editing and Spell Check function are also available

16 CATALOGUE MODULE Covers all the activities carried out in a cataloguing section Rendering of main entry is to be done according to AACR2 Has six sub modules: -Cataloguing process Titles in process New records Edit records

17 Contd. Catalogue Search
* OPAC : searched by Title, Author, Subject, Class Number, Publisher, Accession Number, Free Text Search, and Boolean Search

18 User services Current Awareness service:
Enables to provide information to a member regarding books received during particular period of time Particular subject or Particular author can be generated. Bibliographic Services

19 Authority File Maintenance
Master Database reflected throughout SOUL and is used in various modules. -Publisher, Binder and Supplier -Subject -Language -Author -Corporate Body -Meeting -Type of Material

20 Retrospective Conversion
Key activity for automation of library functioning. -Data Entry : Details of the document for R C. -Import/Export : Import data from ISO 2709 to SOUL Database Export SOUL Data to ISO 2709

21 Reports Covers various reports needed in catalogue section:
-By Class Number -By Subject Heading -Recent Titles -Catalogue Card (Range) -Catalogue Card (Single) -Spine Label (Class No.)

22 Contd -Spine Label (Acc. No.) -By Collection type -By Language
-Barcode -Work done by staff

23 Circulation Membership Transaction ILL Overdue Charges Reminders
Status Search Reports Maintenance

24 Circulation This module automates following functions related to managing user services. Database creation & administration-User database creation by local user categories. Identity card generation for readers Bar code generation by user identity. Rules - Create and embed rules as per the policies of the library. - Define user categories and types of library material. …………………………………………………………………………Cont’d

25 Services - Issue and return of books for reference as well as home lending.
- Renewal, reservations, recall of books. - Reminders to users. - Automatic fine calculation. - Inter Library Loan facility. Stock Verification - Checking the books on racks by bar code Handling lost, missing, replaced, damaged. Statistical reporting -User and usage statistics – wide variety of reports can be generated.

26 Serials Control Suggestions Subscription Payment Master DB Check-In
Reminders Search Binding Title History Export / Import Reports

27 Serials Control Acquisition process, including financial management.
Database creation for all types of serial publications, Import-Export of data. Subscription management, check-in, reminders, binding, title history etc. Circulation of periodical issues and volumes. Statistical reports.

28 Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
Books / Theses Serials Member Status Other Resources Online Access to INFLIBNET

29 OPAC OPAC allows Searching of Books, Serials, and other library material databases. Search databases - by database fields - Author, Title, Subject, Keywords, Accession Number, Call Number, Publisher etc. - Free-text search, search by any word in the database. - Boolean operators, facility to optimize and refine search criteria. Results Display - According to AACR II format. - User can prefer any other convenient format. - Search results can be sorted by preference of search item. - Results reflect the current status of the book. ……………………………………………………………………………Cont’d

30 Library profile Library rules and regulations Staff contact information Library calendar Urgent Announcements Links to databases of other Libraries and Information Centers Web OPAC OPAC can be accessed through GUI based web browsers from remote locations

31 Administration Add Users Grant rights for different modules
Provide access rights to users Update rights

32 OTHER FACILITIES Data security–Back-up and restoration of data module
     Database Access security – Supervisor can authorize users rights at various levels. (MS-SQL)     Management:  Check on the staff – task tracking facility Work done by staff – managing manpower and time

33 We have now opportunity for Where there is a will, there is a way.
LIBRARY AUTOMATION Where there is a will, there is a way. HAPPY AUTOMATION ! THANKS

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