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Fall 2012 HSI Update Judi Diaz Bonacquisti, AVP Enrollment November 14, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2012 HSI Update Judi Diaz Bonacquisti, AVP Enrollment November 14, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2012 HSI Update Judi Diaz Bonacquisti, AVP Enrollment November 14, 2012

2 Overview Brief History of HSIs National Demographics MSU Denver Demographics

3 Hispanic Serving Institutions 1980s Policy makers recognize that a small set of institutions enrolled a large % of Latino students 1992 HSIs recognized via reauthorization of the 1965 Higher Education Act 1995 Federal funds available via Title III 1998 Hispanic Serving Initiatives Program created Title V funding for HSIs Unlike HBCUs & TCUs, HSIs are defined by enrollment and not institutional mission

4 Hispanic Serving Institutions Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) are defined in federal law (Title V of the Higher Education Opportunity Act) as accredited and degree- granting public or private nonprofit institutions of higher education with 25% or more total undergraduate Hispanic full-time equivalent student enrollment. Excelencia in Education. (2012). Fact Sheet: Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs): 2010-11.

5 Hispanic Serving Institutions HSIs increased from 131 to 311 (1995-2011) HSIs represent 10% of all institutions Over half of all Latinos (53%) attend HSIs In 2010-11, there were 242 emerging HSIs 15-24% undergrad full-time equivalent Excelencia in Education. (2012). Fact Sheet: Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs): 2010-11.

6 10 Years From Now: Whites: 52% Hispanics: 26% We are in the midst of a major expansion in the Hispanic demographic Today: Whites: 60% Hispanics: 19% 10 Years Ago: Whites: 69% Hispanics: 12% Hispanics Whites Non-Hispanic Minorities Source: Knocking at the College Door. Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education. March 2008.

7 Latino Growth Across the U.S Source: Knocking at the College Door. Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education. March 2008.

8 MSU Denver Fall 2012 Enrollment Snapshot 22,976 headcount; 8,446.50 FTE (Full Time Equivalent Students) 7,623 (33.2%) Students of Color, up 2.4% over Fall 2011 – 171 American Indian or Alaska Native – 782 Asian – 1,445 Black or African American – 4,475 Hispanic/Latino – 690 2 or More Races – 60 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Latinos are 19.5% of total headcount population, 18.1% FTE toward HSI designation 53.5% Female, 46.5% Male 857 Veteran students receiving VA benefits (includes dependents) Average age 26 95.6% Colorado resident (92.6% from the 7 county Denver-metro area) 58% Full time; 32% First Generation 30% Pell-eligible, down from 35.7% Pell-eligible in Fall 2011 Thus far, for fall 2012 $55+ million in financial aid has been awarded to more than 17,000 students

9 MSU Denver Enrollment By Race/ Ethnicity Fall 2006 to Fall 2012

10 MSU Denver Two or More Races, Fall 2012

11 FULL-YEAR FULL-TIME EQUIVALENTS PREDICTED Hispanic FTE growth compared to ACTUAL Hispanic FTE growth - 2007 through 2018

12 Headcount, Actual and Predicted Enrollment to achieve HSI status

13 Colorado High School/ GED Non Residents The student must have attended a Colorado high school for at least three years. The student must have graduated from a Colorado high school or completed a general equivalency diploma (GED) in Colorado. The student must submit a notarized affidavit which states, except for their immigration status, he or she is in good legal standing and is seeking or intends to seek lawful status when eligible. Tuition Rate for 15 credit hours per academic year (two semesters): Colorado resident tuition = $4,304.40 Non-resident tuition = $15,985.20 Colorado High School/GED rate = $7,157.04

14 Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it -- but sail we must and not drift, nor lie at anchor. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

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