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UNITE The World With Africa St Marks School March 28th, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "UNITE The World With Africa St Marks School March 28th, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNITE The World With Africa St Marks School March 28th, 2013

2 UNITE: Building Bridges, Changing Lives Our Vision : A world in which each person affirms the unity and interconnectedness of humankind and acknowledges and embraces his or her role in the fight to end extreme poverty.

3 Our Mission: Connect Americans and Tanzanians in meaningful and impactful ways Uplift, inspire and transform lives both at home and overseas Advance women’s health, education and microfinance programs Develop and implement powerful cross-cultural educational programs Combat extreme poverty and alleviate suffering

4 About Tanzania Tanzania is one of the world’s poorest countries with the vast majority its people living on less than ~$1-2/day. Of the near 47 million people living in Tanzania, nearly ½ are age 14 or younger. There are only two doctors for every 100,000 people. The average lifespan is ~52 years old. ½ of all Tanzanians have stunted growth due to malnutrition. Only 7% of Tanzanians will ever complete secondary school - of which a tiny fraction are girls. One in five girls has no education at all. Pregnancy is the world’s leading cause of death for girls 15 to 19 years old.

5 Our Partners in Education… The Sega Girls School * Tumaini Junior School * Enduputoo * The Red Sweater Project * Umoja Arts * Rift Valley Children’s Village * New Life Foundation * Jifundishe Library * Future Stars * Matonyok Orphanage

6 Our Partners in Microfinance & Small Business Development… The Women’s Education & Economic Centre of Moshi, Maasai Honey, Tanzania Maasai Women’s Art, Shanga, Alilamu & Building Tanzania Family Futures

7 Our Partners in Health... The Berega Hospital, FAME (The Foundation of Medicine & Education), Malagro Hadza Health, The Arusha Lutheran Hospital & The Plaster House

8 UNITE TOURS Combining traditional wildlife safari with …

9 UNITE TOURS … field visits and unique and individualized opportunities for volunteering, sharing, discovery & service

10 The Ashe Collection Supporting local artisans by creating international market demand for their unique & traditional product lines.

11 Global Girls & Guys Unite Bake Sales * Walkathons * Speaker Series * Educational Campaigns * Movie events * Art Exhibits * In-School Raffles * Auctions * Letter-writing campaigns * Gathering of supplies for second suitcases * Sales of T-shirts & bracelets

12 Microfinance: The VICOBA

13 What can YOU do? Educate yourself. Get involved. Intern. Volunteer. Start a club. Fundraise. Become an ambassador.

14 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead CONTACT US: Unite The World With Africa: The Ashe Collection: www.ashecollecti,

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